Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2430: Shocking Bureau

Yan'er liked the little girl Yaoyue very much, so she told Gu Fei's plan.

"Master is actually going to destroy this cube of magic soil."

After Yaoyue learned of it, she was shocked to the extreme. You know, in her opinion, this devil's land is extremely evil and vast, and it is not easy to destroy it in one fell swoop.

However, Yaoyue knew that what her master wanted to do had never failed.

While Yan'er and Yaoyue were chatting, Gu Fei appeared on a mountain thousands of miles away, carefully watching the terrain ahead.

On the ground in front, it seemed as if there was a big dragon lying between the sky and the earth. It was a huge mountain, winding into the distance, without a glance.

"It was originally the land of Panlong, but its vitality was lost, and it became a dead dragon. What a pity..."

Gu Fei was talking to himself. In the past ten days, he had seen the area in a radius of 100,000 miles, but there were not many terrains that he could admire.

The terrain in front was an excellent treasure land, but because of the erosion of demonic energy, this treasure land turned into a fierce land.

Once the real dragon veins bred by the earth lose their vitality, they will derive endless death energy. The true dragons in the dragon veins cannot be born, and the resentment is so great that it is unimaginable.

The dragon qi in the dragon veins will be transformed into monstrous death qi due to the resentment generated after the death of the true dragon bred inside. After endless years have passed, the death qi gathered in the dragon veins is absolutely huge.

Gu Fei wanted to take advantage of the death of the dead dragon in front of him.

He didn't hesitate, soaring directly into the sky from the mountain peak, broke into the land of the dragon in front, and soon, a breath of death erupted from the land of the dragon.

Suddenly the wind and cloud changed color, and the surrounding devilish energy was tumbling, and was dissipated by the death aura erupting from the dragon veins.


In the void faintly sounded a dragon's voice, and the "great dragon" above the earth seemed to come back to life, and the earth of the Coiling Dragon was shaking, angrily and mighty.

However, a few hours later, the breath of death in the land of Coiling Dragon unexpectedly began to converge, and then all disappeared on the body of the "great dragon".

Afterwards, Gu Fei walked out of this square Panlong land, and then left here.

This kind of land of Coiled Dragons is extremely rare even in the human world, but Gu Fei could not expect to encounter such a terrain here.

In the following days, Gu Fei discovered several terrains in other areas comparable to the land of the Coiling Dragon. After making all the preparations, Gu Fei returned to the valley.

"Tomorrow at noon, I will know if I can break through the Devil's Cave of Sunset."

Gu Fei said to everyone.


Everyone couldn't help being shocked when they heard this. Could it be that Gu Fei really had the ability to break through the Extreme Dao Demon Array? This is too bad, you know, that is the Extreme Demon Array.

The power and horror of the Extreme Demon Array is beyond doubt, because it is a large formation under the Supreme Demon Ancestor's cloth, the formation pattern constructed into a large formation is also an immortal magic pattern.

Even the old demon boy didn't like Gu Fei, they knew the horror of the Supreme Demon Array.

Gu Fei saw everyone's expressions in his eyes, but he didn't say anything, and then he found a big rock in the valley and sat on it.

He needs to recharge his energy, and whether he can get the thing in the sunset magic cave depends on tomorrow.

If you can get that thing successfully, even more effort is worth it, but if you fail, everything you did before is wasted.

In these days, the demon cubs in the sunset devil's cave were very quiet, and no demon cubs came out of the sunset devil's cave.

However, the demon cubs in the sunset devil's cave also seemed to feel that something was wrong, but they did not dare to come out to investigate, and they kept huddling in the sunset devil's cave.

Time was fading. In the valley, no one dared to disturb Gu Fei. Everyone knew that tomorrow's affairs were very important to Gu Fei.

Yan'er didn't even look for Gu Fei, she just watched Gu Fei standing a hundred meters away from Gu Fei for more than an hour, and then left.


When Yan'er walked away, Gu Fei, who had been keeping his eyes closed and rested, suddenly opened his eyes, then sighed, glanced in the direction where Yan'er was leaving, and then closed his eyes again.

The night was gone and the day came. When a round of Shenyang appeared in the sky, Gu Fei opened his eyes and stood up from the boulder.

He looked up at the sky, and then said, "It's time."

As he said, he opened the inner world, and three things flew out of his inner world. It was a divine sword surrounded by purple air, a black knife that exuded peerless power, and a primitive simplicity. Stone stele.

These were the three supreme artifacts that Gu Fei mastered, namely the Zijin Divine Sword, the Peerless Sword, and the Three Realms Monument.

Shanhe Dingzhen was in the valley, dispelling the devilish energy and isolating the atmosphere from the outside world, but couldn't move it, because everyone in the valley couldn't bear the powerful aura of the supreme class.

In Gu Fei's thoughts, the Zijin Divine Sword immediately flew out through the air, flew directly out of the valley, flew to the land of the dragon, and then fell into the land of the dragon.


At the moment the Zijin Divine Sword fell into the land of the dragon, the "big dragon" coiled above the earth immediately moved, and runes rushed out from this area, and the entire land of the dragon All of his death was boiling.

At the same time, the Peerless Fierce Sword also flew out and landed in another fierce land, also igniting endless runes, and a shocking force appeared in the world.

"what's going on."

In the valley, everyone was shocked. Although there were mountains and rivers in the valley, two strong waves still penetrated from the outside world.

"Gu Fei finally started."

Yan'er looked in the direction where Gu Fei was, her eyes flashing.

Afterwards, everyone saw the Three Worlds Monument flying out of the valley, and then everyone felt an unimaginably powerful aura erupting in the distance.

The three shocking formations started to operate, and the huge power contained in the three fierce lands was aroused and blessed by the voice of the three extreme saints.


In the land of the dragon, the mountains shaped like a big dragon were shaking violently, and endless death aura emerged from the mountains, and then condensed into a giant dragon, a dragon that exudes an extremely powerful breath of death.

In the other two fierce lands, with the operation of the killing array, a huge scorpion appeared at the place where the peerless fierce sword was. This was Scorpio, and this fierce land was a Scorpio power.

The fierce land where the Three Realm Monument was located, the endless death aura condensed into a **** snake, this is the pattern of the earth snake, it is the power of the earth snake.

The three supreme artifacts are frantically devouring the death air of the three fierce places, transforming these death air into spiritual energy, and then absorbing it.

Soon, three strong extreme auras appeared between the world.

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