Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2434: Void Supreme

The hazy figure formed by the Three Realms Monument is very mysterious, anyone in it can see its true face, even the ancient fierce dragon transformed into a peerless sword and the middle-aged man transformed into the purple golden sword.

"Could it be the Void Supreme."

The middle-aged man transformed into the Zijin sword is talking to himself.

In that distant past, there once appeared a supreme existence that cultivated the Void Dao to the ultimate state. No one knew whether that person was a male or a female, and no one even saw his true face.

Among the Three Realms and Six Paths, there is only one person who can cultivate the Void Dao to the extreme, and that is Void Supreme.

"Really Void Supreme."

Even the Primordial Fierce Dragon was astonished, and the avenue aura emanating from the hazy figure was definitely the unique aura of the void avenue, because the place where the figure stood was like an independent world.

"Roar, you are all going to die."

At this moment, a roar came, and the sunset demon ancestor merged with the legacy he took off when he enlightened, and he seemed to be reborn, showing his madness.

Extreme magic power erupted from the body of the sunset demon ancestor, and the whole world seemed to be shattered by this magic power, and a series of pitch-black void cracks appeared in the world.

The void of heaven and earth became extremely fragile at this moment. It seemed that the setting sun demon ancestor could destroy the entire heaven and earth with a single wave of his hand.


The demon halberd in the hands of the sunset demon ancestor was trembling, and then, the sunset demon ancestor directly killed the Primordial Fierce Dragon, and between the waves of the demon halberd, a number of fierce magic lights rushed out from the halberd. Where the magic light passes, everything is cut off.

"Hmph, if you completely restore your old cultivation base, I still have some scruples, but now..."

The ancient fierce dragon said disdainfully, and then, it rushed directly up, and the dragon's claws tore the earth and the earth torn apart, and all the magic lights that were slashed were shattered, and then fought with the setting sun demon ancestor.


The claws of the ancient fierce dragon kept colliding with the Euphorbia, making the sound of golden iron trembling.

The power of the magic path from the Emperor Devil Halberd is too strong, and it can actually withstand the attack of the ancient fierce dragon, which surprised the ancient fierce dragon.

You must know that you are an extremely fierce sword. When the fierce sword was released, it was invincible. I don't know how many demon heads were killed. The evil spirit condensed on the fierce sword is not something anyone can bear.

"Don't come to help yet."

The Primordial Fierce Dragon said loudly to the middle-aged man transformed into the Zijin Divine Sword. He felt a little strenuous. This demon was desperately trying to die with him.

However, everything the other party did was in vain.


Immediately, a sword sounded, and the Zijin Divine Sword shot, the endless sword light pierced the void, and shot towards the demon head overwhelmingly.

Every sword light is enough to cut down the stars in the sky, and it is so powerful that it is unimaginable, and the sword energy rushes into the sky. This is the power of the ultimate holy artifact.

Where the sword light passed, a large piece of devil energy was directly cut off. This kind of extreme sword light can destroy everything.

When the sunset demon ancestor saw the sword light lasing, he did not dare to neglect, and quickly swung the demon halberd in his hand to wipe out all the sword light that penetrated through it.

Just as the sunset demon ancestor swept away the sword light that penetrated the hole with the magic halberd, the Primordial Fierce Dragon directly slapped the sunset demon ancestor with a paw, and shot the sunset demon ancestor directly out of the hundred miles. outer.


At this moment, the entire heaven and earth emptiness suddenly shook violently, and a force of heaven and emptiness spread instantly, as if someone was opening up the heaven and the earth with the supreme great technique.

The hazy figure transformed into the Three Worlds Monument was shot, which seemed to be evolving into the world, which actually enveloped the setting sun demon ancestor that flew out.

"this is……"

The Demon Ancestor of Sunset seems to have entered another world. At the same time, there are powerful forces on all sides to wipe out himself, wanting to wipe out himself in the void of heaven and earth.


The setting sun demon ancestor continued to roar, and his body was full of magic light. The nine most primitive magic patterns appeared on his body, and the Emperor Demon Halberd in his hand was also shaking uneasy.

"Don't make unnecessary struggles."

The hazy figure formed by the Three Realms Monument said such words, and the power of the supreme level exploded, turning into a wave of void waves, trapping the setting sun demon ancestor.

In this void, the Demon Ancestor of Sunset couldn't do it even if it wanted to attract the power in the devil's cave. The power of the Three Realms Monument enveloped the entire void.

A series of runes emerged directly in the void where the Sunset Demon Ancestor was, building a magic circle, and wanted to directly suppress the Sunset Demon Ancestor.


At this moment, the Demon Ancestor of Setting Sun raised his head and roared, and the whole world shook amidst his roar.

The Sunset Demon Ancestor desperately tried his best to mobilize the Emperor Demon Soldier in his hand to smash the void, but he actually broke through a passage for a lifetime.

Without hesitation, the sunset demon ancestor rushed out of the void of heaven and earth evolved from the power of the Three Realms Monument, and endless demon energy emerged from his body.


In the valley, everyone who saw this scene through the technique of Xuanguang photography was shocked to the extreme. The supreme-level methods really cannot be imagined with common sense.

However, just as the Sunset Demon Ancestor had just rushed out of the void evolved from the power of the Three Realms Stele, the middle-aged man transformed by the Zijin Divine Sword shot.


Middle-aged people evolve the supreme celestial powers, powerful fluctuations of power shook the heavens, and celestial lights descended from the sky, and the avenue resonated.

The Sunset Demon Ancestor had no choice but to be forced to go back.

There seemed to be no suspense in this battle. In the battle between the three supreme **** soldiers and the demon ancestor of the sunset, the horrible fluctuations continued to sway in the sea of ​​falling gods, and even spread to the dragon continent.

No one knew what happened in the depths of Luoshenhai, and they were all shocked.


The ancient fierce dragon also joined the battle group afterwards, and the three supreme artifacts joined forces, even if the true supreme comes, I am afraid it will be a headache.


There was a muffled noise, and everyone saw the middle-aged man transformed into the Zijin Divine Sword hit the shoulder of the Sunset Demon Ancestor with a punch, knocking the Sunset Demon Ancestor away.


The ancient fierce dragon descended from the sky, and a pair of dragon claws slapped down. The powerful force shattered the void, and the demon body of the setting sun demon ancestor almost shattered.

"Oh no."

At this time, in the sunset magic cave, a group of demons were shocked to the extreme, especially the three old demons who shook the cave with the gushing and holy breath.

The magic power in the sunset magic cave can barely shake the things in the cave, and once this most godly and holy power bursts out, then they will all die.

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