Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2437: Shocking Secret

The Jidao Magic Array was broken open by the combined forces of the three Jidao artifacts, and the magic light shrouded in the sunset devil cave immediately dissipated, and the endless magic lines dissipated in the void.

That is the ultimate magic rune, every magic run reveals a powerful ultimate aura, which can crush the sky, even a saint can hardly bear such a breath of the ultimate path.


The entire demon cave was shaking, the three extreme powers of the gods were spreading vast, the earth was sinking, the demon cave was collapsing, and the powerful monsters in the demon cave actually exploded and turned into a cloud of blood.

Only in the depths of the demon cave, close to the place where the demon ancestors derived, were not directly obliterated by the three strong forces, but they were not much better.

The three old demons even vomited blood together, if it weren't for the Extreme Dao Demon Array to offset most of the Extreme Dao pressure, the three old demon in the realm of Venerables would also die.

The Extreme Demon Array was in motion, and the mighty power of Demon Dao emerged, protecting the three old demons.


In the depths of the demon cave, the sunset demon ancestor who had just reorganized his demon body was frightened and angered.

As long as he had captured that kind of Extreme Dao Fruit, even if the three great Dao magic soldiers were all at the same time, he would not take it seriously.

However, the Sunset Demon Ancestor knew that that kind of extreme power was not so easy to seize, and I blamed myself for being soft.

When the Demon Ancestor of Sunset was in its heyday, it was indeed almost invincible all over the sky, and was finally beheaded by an old enemy. Even the demon body was divided into nine pieces, sealing all parts of the Demon Land.

But now, he fell to Pingyang and was deceived by a dog. Unexpectedly, he couldn't even beat a few weapons, which made the Sunset Demon Ancestor extremely depressed.


At this moment, a purple-gold sword light broke through the heavy magic light, from the sky, intercepting the setting sun demon ancestor, a figure appeared in the sword light.

"Hmph, since you have escaped, you dare to come back. You are looking for death."

The sword light from the sky was rapidly converging, and a figure appeared. This person was the slightly thin middle-aged man who evolved from the Zijin Divine Sword.

"It's unreasonable, it's just a sword. You think you really are the Supreme Dao ancestor."

The Sunset Demon Ancestor couldn't help changing his color, his hands holding the Emperor Devil Halberd couldn't help tightening. The opponent was a peerless sword weapon refined by the Supreme Dao Ancestor, and it was not comparable to ordinary saints.

"Devil, die."

The middle-aged man shot directly, and an incomparable purple gold divine light burst out of him in an instant, and every purple gold divine light penetrated the void of heaven and earth. Then, his whole person turned into a sword light of the extreme, slashing towards the setting sun demon ancestor. .

Jianguang is everywhere, covering the setting sun demon ancestor in.


The setting sun demon ancestor roared and his long hair danced, and a strong imperial power burst out from the emperor demon halberd in his hand. The void collapsed between the demon halberd swings, and the purple gold divine sword penetrated It was directly crushed in the void.


The sunset demon ancestor is unmatched, and directly breaks through the heavy epee aura and kills forward.


At this moment, amidst a loud noise, the entire sunset magic cave was overturned, uncovered, and a huge dragon claw was grabbed from the sky, and it was actually directly towards the gods. Catch it where the power of the holy is.


Just when the dragon claws were caught, the extreme magic array shook, and endless immortal magic patterns appeared on the ground, emerging in the void, intertwined with ancient and mysterious magic pictures.

The peerless and powerful Jidao magic power erupted, and the three major demon heads in the magic formation were desperately urging the Jidao magic formation to resist the dragon claws that had been grabbed from the sky.


The three old demons in the Extreme Demon Array vomited blood together, and the power of the Extreme Dao that came down from the dragon's claws directly shook the old demon in the array to vomit blood.

"Hey, there is also a magic circle."

An unexpected voice came from the air.

"Unexpectedly, this is the case."

At this moment, a hazy figure descended from the sky, and the surrounding of that figure formed a world of its own, giving people a very unreal feeling.

This mysterious person is exactly the figure evolved from the Three Realms Monument.

"God and demons are born together, there should be a **** ancestor here."

The huge figure of the Primordial Fierce Dragon hovered above the Extreme Demon Array, and a huge voice came down from the air. People with weaker cultivation bases would be fainted by this sound wave.

"It seems that the first demon was born, that **** ancestor may have suffered."

The Zijin Divine Sword became the middle-aged man again, and he was fighting endless battles with the Demon Ancestor of Sunset. Although the demon body of Demon Ancestor of Sunset was reshaped, this demon was after all the Demon Ancestor and still showed extreme warfare. force.

Even if it is as strong as the Purple Gold Divine Sword, it is difficult for this demon to help it for a while.

"I can't sense the aura of the ancestor's life, it seems that it was really cut off, but the Tao fruit is still preserved."

Said the mysterious man transformed into the Three Realms Monument.

"What the little guy wants is the ancestor Tao fruit."

Said the ancient fierce dragon.

At this time, in a valley thousands of miles away, Gu Fei was very nervous to see that scene. There was really that kind of thing in the sunset magic cave.

It seems that the old man on the unnamed desert island who failed in Nirvana did not lie to himself.

This is the biggest secret in the sunset magic cave. It turned out that this place not only gave birth to an innate demon, but also gave birth to an innate **** and man.

This is a rare phenomenon in the Three Realms and Six Paths. Gods and demons were born together. Moreover, the sunset demon ancestor was born before the divine ancestor, so the divine ancestor who has not yet been born will be tragedy.

Even though the setting sun demon ancestor cut off the vitality of the innate divine mind that was still gestating, making it difficult to be born, but it did not cut off the Tao fruit of the divine ancestor.

The sunset demon ancestor roared again and again, even with all his strength, it was still difficult to push back the middle-aged man transformed into the Zijin Divine Sword. At this moment, a desperate thought suddenly flooded his mind.

The demon body he restructured was not the original immortal demon body. The powerful force erupting from the Emperor Demon Halberd caused cracks in his body to burst continuously.

Such a demon body seemed to be unable to withstand the demon power that erupted from the Emperor Demon Halberd.


At this moment, a magic light suddenly emerged from a formation in the depths of the demon cave, and a figure loomed in the magic light. The next moment, the magic light broke into the void and chaos and fled directly.

"It's really unreasonable to be the white-haired demon."

In the valley thousands of miles away, Gu Fei couldn't help but feel shocked when he saw this scene. He couldn't think that the white-haired demon could escape under this situation.

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