Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2441: Kunpeng Clan

"All the powers in the six realms of the Three Realms and the Six Paths of Ten Thousand Laws can be used for me with this secret technique..."

When Gu Fei got the secret technique taught by the gods in the mountain and river tripod, he couldn't help being shocked to the extreme. This is definitely a supreme art.

Only the existence of the supreme level can create such a heaven-defying secret technique

"Are you satisfied with a deal like this little guy"

The little old man transformed from the gods in the mountain and river cauldron smiled and looked at Gu Fei's secret technique, which was created by the supreme being who sacrificed it.

This is one of the various supreme arts in the inheritance left by the name of supreme being. This secret technique is not like the "no" word secret created by Taoist ancestors.

Because the word "Wu" is used to eliminate all the essence of heaven and earth, but it is wasted.

The secret technique taught to Gu Fei by the gods in the mountain and river cauldron is not only able to dissolve the essence of the world, but also transform the essence of the world into a part of his own power.

"How do I feel that you seem to have some kind of supreme heritage"

Gu Fei looked at the little old man and said suspiciously

"Little guy, don't be too greedy, be careful not to get anything"

The little old man gave Gu Fei a deep look, then put a smile away and said such words.

"You old boy really hide some good things"

Gu Fei's eyes lit up when he heard this

"You little guy better not hit my mind"

The young fellow said quickly


Gu Fei laughed a few times and then stopped talking

"Well, you can master this secret technique as soon as possible, and then you can refine the original power of the ancestor. Don't forget our agreement, otherwise you will die miserably."

The old man waved a pair of fists and pretended to be vicious and said to Gu Fei


Gu Fei said angrily

Then the figure of the little old man dissipated in the void, turned into a divine light, sank into the mountain and river tripod, and then continued to fall asleep.

"All the ways to return to the original..."

Gu Fei in the stone chamber deep in the ancestral land of the monster race began to comprehend this secret technique. He had a hunch that the great catastrophe would soon come when the power of the scourge disappeared and he didn’t know what would happen.

Only by mastering absolutely powerful power can you survive the catastrophe because the life of the weak is in the hands of the strong

Just when Gu Fei was in retreat, Luo Xingzhou was flowing underneath. Luo Xingzhou was much larger than the other two continents. There are many secrets hidden on this continent.

Even the Immortal Demon Boy, although apparently the ruler of Luoxingzhou, has some existences that he is not willing to provoke.

Most of the forces on Luoxingzhou have returned to Gu Fei, but there are some forces who disagree with Gu Fei and have no intention of returning.

"The messenger of the clan leader Gu Fei is here again"

On the top of a towering mountain on Luoxingzhou, a middle-aged man in a black robe walked into the largest palace on the mountain and said to an old man on the hall


The old man has a mighty appearance, with a cross-brow, and a powerful suffocation emanating from his body. There is a light flashing between the opening and closing of the eyes.

"Is the patriarch"

The black-robed middle-aged man came out

Soon a warlord wearing silver armor and fairy clothes was taken out, and then the middle-aged man in black robes directly drew out a large black and shiny sword, and then cut the warlord under the knife.

"Hunpeng clan, you are so courageous"

Just when the black-robed middle-aged man swung the knife and slashed the silver armored warrior, the face of a boy in white clothes turned gloomy on another mountain thousands of miles away.

He sent three envoys to the Kunpeng Palace, but these three envoys were all killed by the Kunpeng clan, which made him angry and wanted to kill the Kunpeng clan immediately.

But this Kunpeng clan is not easy to provoke. This is the inheritance of the strongest beast Kunpeng in ancient times. The Kunpeng clan's blood is flowing in the body of the Kunpeng clan.

Of course, pure-blooded Kunpeng cannot appear, but even these descendants are not pure-blooded Kunpeng, but they are so powerful that the unold demon boy is worried about three points.

"Since you do it so absolutely, don't blame me for being cruel"

On the top of the mountain, the old demon boy turned around and flicked away, and disappeared between heaven and earth in an instant

"how about it"

There are a few people sitting in a big tent in Gu Fei’s base camp. The Southern Heavenly God Zun Ziyang Tiandi and the Jagged Taoist are all present.

At this time, the old demon boy came back outside and walked into the big tent

The Jagged Daoist immediately asked that the Kunpeng clan has not returned. This is definitely not a good thing for him. The Kunpeng clan really does not know what is good or bad.

"That old guy killed me and sent out three envoys. It's really deceiving."

After the old demon boy sat down, his face was gloomy and terrible. This time he was really angry. The clan leader of the Kunpeng clan usually put himself in his eyes.

But this time it is different from the past. The Kunpeng clan cannot be Gu Fei’s opponent. If you do not know how to fight Gu Fei, you will end up with a dead end.

Of course, the old demon boy will not warn the Kunpeng clan, he is happy that the Kunpeng clan and Gu Fei will face off. Sooner or later, the Kunpeng clan will be annihilated.


The Jagged Taoist can't help being furious

"Since the Kunpeng clan doesn't know what's good or bad, we don't have to be polite to them, so we can raise troops to destroy this clan"

The iron-blooded Taoist hatedly said that the two armies would not be cut to make the Kunpeng clan really too arrogant. They killed three envoys sent by the immortal demon boy in a row, then waited if they slapped everyone three loud slaps.

"That's it"

The Southern Heavenly Sovereign nodded and said that the Kunpeng clan on the Fallen Star Continent was extremely powerful, even if he was far away in Haoyue Continent, he still heard about it.

This Kunpeng clan does not put the unold demon boy in his eyes. The unold demon boy is nominally the master of Luoxingzhou, but he cannot mobilize any strong person in the Kunpeng clan.

"Why do you still have to raise troops right away?"

Ziyang Tiandi said

"Do you want to inform Master"

Chilong is also here. He is Gu Fei’s disciple. Although his cultivation level is not good and he has not been sanctified, no one dares to look down upon him because of his identity.

"The Lord's retreat shouldn't alarm Miss Yan'er to also cultivate in the ancestral land of the monster race. I think we should decide on our own this time."

The Jagged Taoist pondered for a while and then said

"OK then"

Chilong heard this and nodded

After that, everyone started to act. Soon a team of fairy soldiers rose to the sky and gathered from the sky above. A breath of murderous Xiao even permeated.

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