Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2446: Robbery

In the human world, the power of condemnation was still there that day. To cross the holy emperor's robbery in the human world is definitely looking for death, and the power above the holy rank cannot appear in the human world.

In Luoxingzhou, the ancestral land of the demon tribe, in the small pavilion next to Hualong Lake, Gu Fei was thinking, and he was now facing a difficult problem, that is, where to cross the holy emperor's calamity.

In the human world, there are some forbidden places that cannot be reached by the power of the scourge, but such places have been destroyed by himself in three places.

It is not easy to find such a place in the human world now. You must know that even if there is such a place, there are absolutely unimaginable existences entrenched.

That kind of existence is absolutely unimaginable, because it is the master of the forbidden land.

"Little guy, don't even think about it, just come in and get over the catastrophe."

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in Gu Fei's heart. Hearing this voice, a wretched little old man appeared in Gu Fei's mind.

"Enter the mountains and rivers."

Gu Fei was startled when he heard the words, and then his eyes lit up. This seemed to be a way, but this guy jumped out at this moment, but it was a little unreliable.

Shanhe Ding's Ding Soul had long since recovered, and it was no longer the Ding Soul that Gu Fei had re-improved back then. The Supreme Brand had long been reunited.

Otherwise, Shanhe Ding's Ding Soul would not look like a bad old man.

It is difficult to truly refine the ultimate holy artifacts, unless it is taken by the Supreme, otherwise, even if the original **** in the mountain and river cauldron is cut off, it will be bred from the mountain and river cauldron again.

In other words, the existence below the supreme, even if it is as strong as the saint, can't truly become the master of the ultimate holy artifact.

Of course, the Sanhe Ding was re-sacrificed by Gu Fei, but for Gu Fei, the **** in the Sanhe Ding, he had another sentiment and would not easily betray him.

However, it is difficult to say whether the gods in the Three Realms Monument and the Emperor's God Soldier will betray Gu Fei.

"What are you still hesitating."

The voice of the little old man continued to ring in Gu Fei's heart.

"Okay, then do that."

Gu Fei is not an indecisive person, he also thinks this is a feasible method, you must know that only the power of the extreme can confront the power of the scourge.

After that, Gu Fei once again summoned Chilong and Yaoyue to come to the small pavilion by the Hualong Lake, and after explaining some things to them, he returned to the stone room where he had previously closed.

He didn't alarm anyone, even Yan'er didn't tell, and he started to prepare to cross the Holy Emperor Tribulation.

Yan'er is also cultivating, she seems to have sensed the pressure from within, she also wants to improve her cultivation and combat power as much as possible.

In fact, not only Yan'er, all holy creatures in the human world are preparing to deal with this catastrophe.

The creatures above the holy rank all have a feeling of wind and rain. This is a unique response to danger of holy creatures. Enlightened people can often predict danger.

And just when Gu Fei was preparing to cross the Holy Emperor Tribulation, the old Yaotong and others still led an army of 100,000 to besiege the ancestral land of the Kunpeng clan.

The Kunpeng clan didn't want to surrender at all, and the old Yaotong and others were not in a hurry. Since the other party was going to consume it, they would stay with them to the end.

During this period, the Kunhuang Sovereign of the Kunpeng clan also came out to fight the unold demon boy. When the unold demon boy wanted to use the Xuanwu seal, the Kunhuang Sovereign retreated immediately.

When he heard the news of Gu Fei's retreat again, the Jagged Daoist and the Immortal Demon Tong were a little surprised, and then he guessed why Gu Fei had to retreat.

"Has his cultivation level broken through again."

The old demon boy was shocked, and the faces of Ziyang Heavenly Emperor and Nantian Divine Sovereign were surprised. The reason why Gu Fei retreats is actually very simple.

Outside the Kunpeng clan’s ancestral lands, runes obscure the sky, and there are more than a dozen killing arrays covering the entire Kunpeng clan’s ancestral lands. feel.

"How to overcome the catastrophe in the human world."

On the high sky outside the ancestral land of the Kunpeng clan, there are three figures standing, and above each figure, there is Tao Yun lingering, possessing an extraordinary temperament, not like a person in the world.

In fact, if these three were really gods on the nine heavens in those ancient years, they could overlook a realm and be the hero of a party.

But now, the Law Net of Scourge envelops nine heavens and ten places, and those below the Extreme Dao Supreme are all suppressed, even if they are as strong as the Holy Lord, they dare not cross the red line in any way.

"He has the ultimate holy artifact and believes that it is not difficult to cross the catastrophe, but with his cultivation speed, I am afraid that soon, he will catch up with me and wait."

A middle-aged man covered in purple aura said, this person is precisely the ruler of Ziyang Continent, Ziyang Heavenly Emperor, who dares to be called the Heavenly Emperor, and perhaps this human world is the only Ziyang Heavenly Emperor.

You must know that in that distant past, the Emperor of Heaven was not something anyone could call, and anyone who could hold such a title was the most powerful and invincible existence.

"What about waiting for me? When the catastrophe comes, even the supreme is in danger of falling, let alone the holy."

Nantian Divine Sovereign said, he thought of the catastrophe that year, even if the endless years passed, it still made his heart palpitations. He could survive, but he was lucky.

You know, many people who were stronger than the Nantian Gods have fallen. The creatures of the Three Realms and the Six Paths have become charcoal, and even the ancient primordial world is shattered.

This human world is actually just a part of the collapse of the ancient prehistoric world.

"This life may be over."

The old demon boy looked up at the sky, his eyes deep.

The gods of Nantian and Ziyang Tiandi both became silent, their faces were very solemn. They are super old antiques who have lived for endless years, and naturally they know a lot of the secrets between heaven and earth.

But at this time, Gu Fei had already closed the door again, and then directly entered the world in the mountain and river tripod.

This is an infinite void that does not touch the sky or the ground. Gu Fei is here to overcome the Holy Emperor's Tribulation. He sat in the void and began to adjust his state.

Soon, Gu Fei released the seal on his body, and the holy emperor's aura swept away from him. Then, the sky over the Lu Xingzhou Demon Race ancestral land immediately changed color, and the sun and the moon were dark.

An aura of destruction strong enough to make holy creatures desperate came down from the depths of the sky.


There were bursts of thunder from the depths of the sky, like a supreme being that transcended the three realms and six realms waking up from a deep sleep, high above the sky, as if a pair of eyes appeared, from the sky towards the ancestral land of the demon race Glance down.

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