Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2450: Inexplicable change

Unexpected changes had taken place in the Holy Emperor Tribulation. The Tribulation of the Day merged with the power of the Scourge to form the Tribulation of the Scourge, which was absolutely fatal to Gu Fei.

You know, no matter how amazing he is, how powerful the Immortal Chaos Body is, it is difficult to contend with the power of the day's condemnation, even if the Chaos Martial Arts successfully integrates into the immortal divinity of the ancestor god, it is not enough.

The power of the scourge can obliterate everything, even the immortal divinity.

However, what shocked Gu Fei the most was that the spirit of Shanhe Ding could enter his own martial art. The spirit of Shanhe Ding was the **** in Shanhe Ding. After he had gained control of his martial art, he could actually use it. Dao power came to display the great arts he mastered.

As long as Gu Fei was thinking of how to perform this great technique in his mind, the gods of Shanhe Ding could use Gu Fei's martial arts to attract the power of extreme power and display it.


As soon as the word "No" came out, the world shook, and a huge vortex that enveloped the entire sky appeared in front of Gu Fei, swallowing the sky and the earth.

The extreme figure and the ancient cauldron phantom were swallowed into the whirlpool in an instant. The power of the word "No" was revealed, and the already faint and unreal figure became even more blurred. , It seems that the eyes may dissipate completely.


At the moment when the shadow of that figure and the ancient cauldron were about to dissipate, that figure and the cauldron suddenly exploded with divine light, resisting the power of the word "Wu". .

The image of the Taoist body was revived, controlling the mighty power of Gu Ding to break through the word "Wu", and rose to the sky.


The ancient ding phantom was shaking, and it turned out a powerful wave of power that suppressed the nine heavens and ten earth, and the whole world seemed to be sealed.

Even the movements of Gu Fei's martial arts, who had been taken over by the gods in the mountain and river tripod, slowed down.


Gu Ding phantom collided, and directly shook Gu Fei's martial body out of thousands of feet.

"what happened."

At this time, everyone outside the ancestral land of the Luoxingzhou Demon Race was shocked to the extreme. They never expected that Gu Fei would appear directly above the sky, fighting endless battles with the unknown existence.

"This day of robbery...I can't see through."

Outside the demon clan ancestral land, Mr. Wu and the powerful presence of several holy ranks were stunned by this scene. Only they could sense the frightening and horror of the faint figure and the shadow of the ancient cauldron. .

"It's really the means of those people..."

The **** of mountains and rivers that entered Gu Fei's body was shocked, it seemed to see something, a more powerful aura erupted from Gu Fei's body.

Gu Fei stretched his right hand down, and when a statue of Gu Ding stood up, it rose into the sky from the ancestral land of the demon race below and fell into his hand.

"Okay, just go in and have a look."

The **** of mountains and rivers inside Gu Fei said such words.


Gu Fei heard that this shock was really not trivial. You must know that this physical body belongs to him, and he doesn't want to be controlled by that wretched little old man to fight the supreme existence.

However, at this time, Gu Fei was uncontrollable. He had lost control of his body. Only his mind was so clear that he couldn't change much.


The **** of Shanhe Ding controlled Gu Fei's martial arts, sacrificed the Shanhe Ding in his hand, shattered the vague and powerful figure, directly shattered the void, and rushed into the depths of the sky.

"this is……"

At that moment, Gu Fei saw a scene that shocked him to the extreme. He vaguely saw a large net, which gave out a terrifying atmosphere and enveloped the entire human world.

And on this "big net", there were still many vague figures standing, and there was one figure that horrified him even more. From that figure, he sensed the same power fluctuations.


At this moment, everything he saw in front of him disappeared, and the entire world of void was like a douzhuan star shift. When he wanted to see it, he realized that he was in the middle of the vast world.

Below is the endless sea, and there is nothing on the surrounding sea.


Seeing this scene, Gu Fei was in disbelief. Didn't he rush into the depths of the sky just now? How could he appear here in an instant.

At this time, an ancient tripod was floating in front of him. This ancient tripod was a mountain and river tripod.

"Old guy, what's the matter."

Gu Fei hurriedly communicated to Shanhe Ding, but at this time, there was no response in Shanhe Ding, only floating and sinking in front of him.

He spoke to the gods of Shanhe Ding one after another, but there was still no response.

"So what happened."

Gu Fei was almost crazy. He felt that only the gods in the Shanhe Ding could answer his questions, but the gods in the Shanhe Ding did not move.

"Where is this place."

Seeing that the gods in the mountain and river tripod didn't respond, Gu Fei looked around, and saw that all he could see was vast sea water, and there was not even a small island within thousands of miles.

At this time, Gu Fei sensed the changes in himself.

"This is the power of the Holy Emperor."

He sensed the new powerful force in his body, but this force was sealed, and it seemed that he was still in the human world.

"This is somewhere in the Sea of ​​Fallen God."

Gu Fei thought of this possibility. He wanted to know what happened during this and why he was here, but the **** in the mountain and river did not respond.

In his thoughts, Gu Fei's divine mind instantly enveloped thousands of miles. However, what shocked him was that there was no island, let alone land, within this radius of thousands of miles.

He put away the mountain and river tripod and looked up at the sky. At this time, it was already dusk, the setting sun was like blood, and the sun was in the west.

Although he knew the direction, Gu Fei didn't know where he was now, and he didn't know where he was, how could he find the direction to fall back to Xingzhou.

"That old boy is really unreliable."

Gu Fei couldn't help shaking his head, the **** of Shanhe Ding was really unreliable, and next time I said anything, he wouldn't let the old fellow of Shanhe Ding take control of his own martial arts.

"Little guy, I'm talking bad about me again."

Just when Gu Fei didn't know what to do, a faint wave of divine consciousness was uploaded from Shanheding, and then a voice rang in his heart.

"You finally came out."

Hearing this voice, Gu Fei was surprised and delighted. Only the gods in the mountain and river tripod knew what had happened.

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