Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2470: Defying nature

After Gu Fei conquered this Teng Snake, he was in a good mood. You must know that this Teng Snake is a pure-blooded Teng Snake, a descendant of the strongest beast of the ancients.

If the pure-blooded snake grows up, it can kill the saint.

This Teng Snake is actually equivalent to an eight or nine-year-old child in the human race. It is simple and easy to fool. Otherwise, Gu Fei would have some difficulty in conquering this Teng Snake.

Ancient mythical beasts have a long life. This Teng Snake is still in its infancy, and it is far from real growth, but even so, Gu Fei feels very worthwhile.

He already had a plan to cultivate a beast in his heart.

"Are you looking for something."

At this time, the Teng Snake saw Gu Fei wandering on the lake, and seemed to be sensing something, so he asked, Gu Fei was able to return the fire lotus to it, which made it very happy.

"Well, you probably don't understand it."

Gu Fei nodded and said.

"Who said I don't know."

Teng Snake said proudly.

"What..., you know."

Gu Fei was a little surprised.

"Of course, those guys on the island often come here to disturb my practice. I hate those guys, and I fight with them."

Teng Snake said.

"You can drive away those pesky guys."

Gu Fei couldn't help taking a different look at Teng Snake, knowing that those guys on the island are extremely powerful, and they are definitely the most powerful beasts and birds in the world.

"Are you doubting my combat power."

Tengshe was a little unhappy when he heard this.

"No, how could I doubt your combat power, I just feel a little surprised."

Gu Fei said quickly.

"Humph, I'm very strong."

Tengshe said with his head upright.

"I know, I know, you are invincible in the world, then tell me where is what I am looking for."

Tengshe's simple mind was actually easy to be fooled by Gu Fei. Tengshe was praised by Gu Fei and immediately became complacent.

"Well, since I was born, I have sensed a very annoying force nearby. What you are looking for should be that kind of thing."

Teng Snake thought for a while and said.

It turns out that there is a water eye hidden thousands of feet deep in the bottom of the lake. It is the water eye of Taiyin True Water. This is the divine substance derived from the place where water and fire converge.

Zhiyang Daohuo and Taiyin true water, these two divine things can not be met, especially the fire monk and the water monk. If you can obtain these two divine things, you can transform your physique, and you will get twice the result with half the effort in practice. The supreme possibility.

Gu Fei had a plan very early on, that is, five disciples with five physiques: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

Now his eldest disciple, Gu Zhong, is the Jinxing martial art. Although Chilong is the fire dragon, it is a pity that he is not a human race, and it is impossible to cultivate into a martial art and become a martial artist.

The third disciple Yaoyue is a water martial art, but his cultivation base is much inferior to that of Gu Zhong, Chilong and others. If he possesses Taiyin True Water, Yaoyue's cultivation base can quickly rise.

Gu Fei is determined to win this Taiyin real water.

Without hesitation, after Teng Snake told Gu Fei the exact location, Gu Fei shot directly, separated the waterway, entered the big lake, and headed towards the location of the water eye.

Na Teng Snake seemed to be naturally disgusted with Taiyin True Water, and did not enter the big lake with Gu Fei, but returned to the eye of fire on the small island in the lake.

It had already been moved by Gu Fei and wanted to leave the wild island with Gu Fei to see the big world outside.

Before leaving, Teng Snake had to prepare. There was still something in the eye of the fire to take away. The divine substance derived from the place where Yin and Yang meet was not only as simple as Zhiyang Daohuo.

At this time, Gu Fei had entered the great lake thousands of feet deep, and the more he went down, the more the cold air became. Later, the void seemed to be frozen by the cold air.

However, this degree of coldness was nothing to Gu Fei at all.

Soon, Gu Fei went down to the bottom of the lake. However, there were no eyes at all in the bottom of the lake, but he could sense a breath of extreme cold that came up from under his feet.

The water eye in this place where yin and yang meet does not appear directly on the ground like the fire eye, but hidden deep in the bottom of the lake.

"One show and one hide, one yin and one yang, interesting."

Gu Fei smiled. The powerful aura radiating from his body blocked all the surrounding lake water from three feet away from him, making it difficult to get close.

He then directly broke through the bottom of the lake.

The moment Gu Fei broke through the ground, a powerful and incomparable cold breath immediately vented from the ground.

In just a moment, the entire lake was sealed by ice, and then the entire lake was also frozen by this cold air venting from the bottom of the lake.

Gu Fei was no exception. He was instantly frozen in the bottom of the lake, but he was not frozen in the void within three feet of his body.

"What a terrible cold."

Gu Fei felt the cold breath coming from the surroundings, which made him feel cold enough to show how terrifying the chill out of the ground.

If he were to be an ordinary saint, he would have been frozen long ago, and the natural coldness of heaven and earth would be able to freeze heaven and earth.

"what's going on."

At this time, in the depths of Huoyan's eyes, the snake was also startled. It was surprised, but even if it understood, it should be the movement made by the big brother it had just recognized.

"I have to hurry up."

Teng Snake continued to shoot, trying to take away something in front of him with all his strength, it was a piece of divine iron that was only the size of a fist with a bright flame.

On that piece of divine iron, there are countless Dao patterns, which are the innate Dao patterns naturally derived from heaven and earth, ancient and mysterious.

This is a kind of immortal divine talent that can be compared with Jiu Tian Xing Chen Iron, as if it contains the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, with Taoist rhyme lingering on it.

At the same time, Gu Fei broke the ice with absolutely powerful force and continued to deepen. When he passed through the thick stratum, he entered a huge space.

In this space, time seems to have stopped. The Taiyin water here is so dense that it is almost liquefied. In the center of this space, there is a cloud of divine light suspended in it. With a dragon shadow.


When Gu Fei saw this dragon shadow, he couldn't help being shocked, a faint breath of life spread from the dragon shadow in the divine light.

"It's actually nurturing life..."

Gu Fei was shocked, the dragon shadow in that group of divine light was swallowing the surrounding lunar water essence, like a heart beating, that group of divine light was extinguishing rhythmically.

"This is a great opportunity."

Gu Fei's eyes were staring at the dragon shadow in the divine light, and his voice trembled.

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