Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2476: The legendary fourth continent

In the mountains outside the giant city, Teng Snake and the old man were fighting, and powerful fluctuations came out of the mountains, and the entire mountain was shaking.

The old man is very strong, but he has been fighting endlessly with Teng Snake, and he has not fallen behind.

When the old man was fighting with Teng Snake, Gu Fei was leisurely wandering in the giant city, he was not in a hurry, there might be something he needed here.

Falling into the sea of ​​Gods endlessly, he can come here, maybe it is something that has been destined for a long time.

In the giant city, Gu Fei's mood was very calm. He walked to the front of a tea house, and then looked around, only to see the word "dao" written on the plaque of the tea house.


Gu Fei was a little surprised. Could it be that the owner here is also a person who cultivates immortality and enlightens Tao? The word "dao" on the plaque has a special charm.

Without thinking about it, Gu Fei walked directly into this teahouse, then ascended upstairs, and sat down in a position near the window on the second floor.

Soon, a Tsing Yi guy came over to entertain Gu Fei.

Afterwards, a tea set was placed on the table in front of Gu Fei, and the Tsing Yi guy expertly cooked a pot of fragrant tea for Gu Fei.

The aroma of this kind of tea is a bit special, not so strong, but the taste makes Gu Fei feel soothing.

Of course, tea is good, but for Gu Fei, it is just a kind of mortal and human thing, it can only satisfy the enjoyment of the tongue.

Gu Fei leisurely enjoyed this rare peace. On the street below the window, everyone was rushing for life. Although ordinary, they enjoyed it.

Although he is aloof and powerful, he can dominate the life and death of others, but compared with these mortals, he seems to be nothing.

Sometimes, even saints are not much happier than mortals.

The time for half a cup of tea passed, and suddenly a figure flickered at the top of the stairs, and an old man with white beard and hair walked up, then came directly to the opposite of Gu Fei, and sat down.


At this moment, a figure flashed in from the window, and instantly slipped into Gu Fei's sleeves without disturbing anyone.

"Why, who wins and who loses."

Gu Fei smiled and raised the tea cup in his hand, taking a sip.

"This old man cheated, otherwise, how could I..."

In Gu Fei's sleeves, the unwilling voice of Teng Snake was heard.

"Hehe, it turns out you lost."

Gu Fei said with a smile.

"Nonsense, old man, let's fight again."

Tengshe refused.

"I think it's better to forget it, if there is another fight, my old bones will fall apart."

The old man shook his head and said, this snake is very strong, if it weren't for his cultivation level, he really couldn't hold down this legendary beast.

Although Teng Snake is in its infancy, it has already shown good combat power.

"Old man, let's talk about a giant city."

Gu Fei looked at the old man opposite and said.

The old man thought for a while, and then said: "You are the only person who has come here for nearly a thousand years."

Afterwards, the old man told the origin of this huge city and his origin.

It turns out that this giant city has existed since ancient times, and this old man is not an aboriginal in the giant city, but an outsider.

When the old man was young, he accidentally got lost in the endless sea of ​​falling, and since then he couldn't find the way back, and finally found the island.

From the old man's words, Gu Fei knew that this old man had been in the giant city for thousands of years.

At the beginning, the old man didn't want to be trapped in this island, and tried every means to return to the Dragon Continent, but in the end he found a way to leave, but he could do nothing.

Unless he can become a saint, otherwise, it is impossible to leave here.

The power of God's Scourge enveloped the entire human world. In the human world, no one can be sanctified. The old man is the same, without exception. In the end, the old man stopped the thought of leaving and lived here until now.

"You have to become a saint to leave here."

Gu Fei was talking to himself, this is easy to handle, he is not only a saint, but also the emperor among saints.

He also told his origin. Of course, thousands of years ago, when the old man made his debut, even the Taixuan Sect had not been established, and the old man naturally did not know who Gu Fei was.

Finally, the old man took Gu Fei to the city lord's mansion in the giant city.

This is the territory of the old man. For thousands of years, the old man has taught his disciples and passed on art here. The monks in the entire giant city are all his disciples and grandchildren.

According to the old man, the people in this huge city don't know how to practice, but their life span is much longer than that of the people on the Dragon Continent.

People in the giant city can generally live to two or three hundred years old, and some people can even live to five hundred years old.

However, the old man discovered that the people here seemed not suitable for cultivation at all. No matter how hard they tried to cultivate, none of his disciples and grandchildren could actually cultivate to the realm of immortals.

Under the leadership of the old man, Gu Fei came to a secret room in the city lord's mansion. In the secret room, there was a formation, to be precise, a teleportation formation.

"this is……"

When Gu Fei saw this formation, he couldn't help being surprised and delighted. It was an ancient formation with an ancient and vicissitudes of life.

"No wonder only saints can leave here."

Gu Fei hurried forward and carefully read the runes on the formation. He was surprised to find that this formation seemed to have something to do with the three continents of Luoshenhai.

"Could it be that this is the fourth continent that disappeared, Tongtianzhou."

Gu Fei was shocked, Tongtian Continent was just a legendary existence, even the old antiques who had become enlightened in ancient times such as the Immortal Demon Boy, only heard about this continent.

According to legend, Tongtianzhou had something to do with a certain supreme of the ancients. It never appeared in the world, but it was unexpected that it was encountered by himself.

From the rune Gu Fei on this formation, it can be deduced that through this formation, the people on the Tongtian Continent could interact with the three continents.

However, I don't know when it happened in the fourth week of Falling Shenhai. All the cultivators disappeared, and the rest were mortals who didn't know how to cultivate.

Thus, before endless years, this Tongtianzhou was cut off from the world.

"Old man, do you want to leave here."

Half an hour later, Gu Fei jumped off the ancient formation and said to the old man.

"You can open this ancient formation."

The old man was very excited when he heard the words. He wanted to go back and have a look. When he left that year, his wife was already pregnant, and he didn't know whether his child was a male or a female, and whether he was still alive.

Without hesitation, the old man summoned his disciples and after explaining some things, he boarded this ancient battlefield with Gu Fei.

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