Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2486: The crisis of the purple spirit cave

In the ancestral court of Zi Ling Dongtian, a young man wearing a fire cloud battle robe sat high on the throne, looking down at the three blood-stained monks kneeling below.

Those three monks are all female Taoists, one of them is the contemporary head of Ziling Dongtian, the fairy king Yunling, and the other two, one is Gu Ling’s master Wuchenxian, and the other is Ziling Dongtian. One of the elders.

"Go ahead, where is that girl Gulin."

On the throne, the young man looked at the kneeling three people below, and said coldly, the reason why he worked hard to mobilize the crowd and tried his best to break through the Zi Ling Cave in one fell swoop, in order to obtain Gu Ling.

"Hmph, you scumbag, don't want to know anything from what I'm waiting for."

The head teacher of Ziling Dongtian stared at the young man angrily.

The Fire Cloud Sect is stronger than the Purple Spirit Cave Sky, but with the power of the Fire Cloud Sect, it is not an easy task to break through the Purple Spirit Cave Sky.

However, things are often unexpected. The Huoyun Sect actually arranged an internal response in the purple spirit cave.

The Huo Yun Sect had already made preparations in advance to break through the Purple Spirit Cave a hundred years ago. A hundred years ago, the Huo Yun Sect sent a young child into the Purple Spirit Cave.

A hundred years later, the old child has become an important figure in the purple spirit cave.

"Lingyue, I didn't expect you to be the internal response of Huoyun Sect."

Wuchenxian looked at a woman wearing a Taoist robe standing under the throne, gritted her teeth and said that it was her own disciple who personally led a group of masters of the Huoyun Sect to the ancestral land of Ziling Dongtian.

"Master, you only have Gu Ling in your eyes, but I, Lingyue, is also your disciple. Why do you only value her, but you can't see my efforts."

Lingyue said that she didn't want to betray Ziling Dongtian, but Wuchenxian and Ziling Dongtian both wanted to pass on the position of the master to Gu Ling.

This caused Lingyue to feel resentment. Although she was not as good as Gu Ling in her cultivation, she believed that to be a master teacher is not the only way to achieve high cultivation.

Since he couldn't become a master teacher, he ruined the purple spirit cave and made it impossible for anyone to become a master teacher.

"Lingyue, didn't you say that you want to dedicate Gu Ling to me, she is."

Huo Yun Sect Young Master Huo Ao suddenly said to Lingyue.

"Young Master, stay calm and restless, the girl Gu Ling will definitely come back, we just need to wait for the rabbit."

Lingyue said with a sullen face, she knew very well the temperament of her junior sister, if she heard that something happened to the Zi Ling Dongtian, she would definitely rush back.

"It's better. You should know the fate of the person who lied to me."

The Young Master Huoyun said calmly.

"Come here, I picked all the tendons and hamstrings of these three people."

The Young Master Huoyun Sect suddenly showed a fierce look and said to the left and right.


The Huoyun Sect cultivators who were standing to the left and right immediately walked out, and they were about to pick up the hamstrings and tendons of the Zilingdong Heavenly Palm Sect and others.

"The evil demon of the Fire Cloud Sect, you will have retribution."

Wuchenxian said fiercely.

Their cultivation bases were sealed by the strong of the Huoyun Sect, which is no different from ordinary people. It seems that the young master of the Huoyun Sect wants to torture them as much as possible.

"Young Master, this..."

Wuchenxian was his master after all, Lingyue couldn't bear it.

"No need to say more."

Huo Ao said coldly.


Just when Wuchenxian and the others were about to suffer a catastrophe, a loud noise suddenly came in from outside the purple spirit cave, and a powerful force waved in mighty waves.

"She has come back."

Lingyue exclaimed, she sensed the familiar breath.

"Haha, Fairy Gu Ling, you finally can't escape from my Wuzhishan."

Huo arrogantly stood up from his seat, and said with excitement, his eyes shot out two bright lights, in his opinion, Gu Ling's return was undoubtedly a self-rejection.

The name of Fairy Gu Ling has been thunderous in recent years. If he could conquer such a goddess, it would be an achievement for Huo Ao.

"Ling'er is confused, she shouldn't be back."

Wuchenxian sighed.

"She is our hope. As long as she doesn't die, my Zi Ling Dongtian will never end the Taoism."

The instructor of Ziling Dongtian said that she was very worried that once Gu Ling was captured, everything would be over, and Ziling Dongtian would be removed from the world.

When the war broke out, no one cared about Wuchenxian and other prisoners.

Huo Ao rushed out with a kind of Huoyun Sect powerhouse, and saw the sword light outside, a figure swiftly passing among the Huoyun Sect cultivators, wherever he passed, the Huoyun Sect cultists were all in succession. Was directly beheaded by a sword light.

"Retreat all."

Outside the mountain gate of Zi Ling Dongtian, Huo Ao shouted, the Huoyun teaching crowd gathered outside the mountain gate immediately dispersed, and saw a fiery red figure standing outside the gate, pointing at himself with a sword.

"Fairy Gu Ling, don't come here unharmed."

Huo Ao walked up and said to Gu Ling with a smile.

"Huo Ao, it seems that you are impatient with your life, dare to come here to go wild."

The visitor was Gu Ling. Gu Ling looked at Huo Ao on the opposite side, with contempt in his eyes. He looked down on this mighty second generation ancestor.

"Hey, since I saw the fairy, I have never thought about it, and have been thinking about the fairy, so I took the liberty to visit the fairy today."

Huo Ao said calmly.

"Without further ado."

Gu Ling directly slashed towards Huo Ao with a sword, and a sword beam sent fiery waves of power, strangling towards Huo Ao.

"Hey, since the fairy is going to play, then I will accompany the fairy to a few tricks."

Huo Ao opened his mouth and spit out a face of Huo Dun and blocked it forward. This is an immortal tool refined by the Immortal Emperor. Huo Dun quickly grew larger, and countless runes emerged on it.


Jian Guang instantly slashed on that side of Huo Dun, directly splitting Huo Dun from it in half, and flew out to both sides, and the runes on it became dim.


Huo Ao's surprise was really extraordinary. He never expected that the power of the opponent's sword was so terrible that it could split the Immortal Emperor's shield.

Jian Guang slashed from Huo Ao's side, and a strand of hair fell from the air, and was curled by the fire light and burned to ashes. The air immediately filled with a burning smell.


Huo Ao was frightened and angry. He seemed to realize that he had seriously underestimated Fairy Gu Ling, whose cultivation level had definitely surpassed the realm of the fairy king.

At this time, two figures stood on a mountain peak near Ziling Cave.

"Our little princess is very playful."

On the mountain peak, a man said, this person is Gu Fei.

And standing beside Gu Fei, the white dress flying, the woman like Nine Heavens Profound Immortal, is Yan'er.

"In my eyes, she will always be a playful little girl."

Yan'er looked at the figure outside the Tianshan Gate of Ziling Cave with a loving look in her eyes. Hong Chen refines her heart, and her cultivation level has reached the bottleneck of breakthrough.

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