Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2493: War broke out

The Huoyun Sect was destroyed, and it was destroyed by one person. Since then, the Huoyun Sect has become a thing of the past, and it has been removed from this world.

After Gu Ling extinguished the Huoyun Sect, he got a lot of good things.

As a sect with a long heritage, the treasures in the ancestral land of the Huoyun Sect are not few. In the depths of the ancestral land, Gulin even discovered three magical medicines.

Gu Ling directly took away the three magical medicines, and then broke open the treasure house in the Huoyunjiao ancestral land, and took away all the treasures inside, which destroyed the ancestral land and returned to the Purple Spirit Cave.

Hearing that Gu Ling had destroyed the entire Huoyun Sect with one person, the master of Ziling Dongtian and the Master Wuchenxian of Gu Ling were even more shocked.

In the ancestral land of Ziling Dongtian, some of the surviving sects were cleaning the pavilions destroyed by the Huoyun Sect under the command of the Ziling Master.

On top of a spiritual peak, in a pavilion that was still intact, two people were sitting, but one person was standing in front of them.

"Didn't you find that traitor."

Master Zi Ling said, her tone was very calm, and she couldn't hear the joy, anger, sorrow, and joy.

"No, she should not dare to show up again."

Gu Ling said.

"That kid Yueling..., hey."

Wuchenxian sighed. They were all her own disciples. In fact, she didn't have a preference for anyone, but Yueling had done such things, which really made her feel sad.

"What are your plans for the future."

Head Master Zi Ling suddenly looked at Gu Ling and said, although she is the head Master of Zi Ling Dongtian, but now, Gu Ling is not the little girl of the past.

At this time, Wuchenxian also looked at Gu Ling.

"This..., I haven't figured it out yet, let's wait until the Zi Ling Dong Tian is rebuilt."

Gu Ling thought for a while, and then said that she actually wanted to find her father and mother, but under the wings of the two, she could hardly grow up.

Maybe she should go out and see the outside world.

Master Zi Ling nodded, and said nothing else. If it weren't for Gu Ling, I'm afraid that the entire Zi Ling Dong Tian would have been destroyed by Huo Yun Cult.

Moreover, Gu Ling not only extinguished the Huoyun Sect, but also handed over all the treasures obtained from the Huoyun Sect's ancestral land to the Ziling Master, which gave Ziling Dongtian hope of re-emergence.

Next, Gu Ling was not idle, she went directly into the retreat in the ancestral land of Ziling Dongtian.

The series of battles gave her a sense of cultivation.

She originally practiced Ziling Dongtian's Immortal Dao technique, but during the days when she was with Gu Fei and Yan'er, her immortal cultivation was forcibly turned away by Gu Fei's supreme mastery.

Gu Ling is the physique of fire, and he is naturally close to the avenue of fire. Gu Fei just wants to collect five disciples with the five elements physique and teach him his mantle.

As the daughter of Gu Fei and Yan'er, no one is more suitable to be a descendant of Gu Fei than Gu Ling.

Moreover, Ziling Dongtian’s Immortal Dao technique is not a truly supreme mastery. The reason why Gu Ling can cultivate into an immortal **** is not because Ziling Dongtian’s technique is against the sky, but her own physique. unbelievable.

Gu Ling also felt that it was not a bad thing for his father to lose his power of immortality.

She is the daughter of Gu Fei and Yan'er. She has the blood of a saint in her body, and Gu Fei's blood is even more extraordinary. She is a natural fire martial artist, and she can practice twice with half the effort.

After Gu Fei's short-lived training and teaching, Gu Ling's cultivation level has advanced by leaps and bounds, and it has surpassed the previous cultivation realm, breaking through to the immortal emperor's peak realm in one fell swoop.

It only takes half a step to become a quasi saint.

Gu Ling's cultivation speed was a bit surprised even Gu Fei.

The cultivation base of the immortal emperor's Dacheng realm, coupled with the physique against the sky, even if the ancient spirit meets the general quasi-sage, it will also have the power to fight. A difficult thing.

Of course, Gu Ling has such a cultivation base, which is related to Gu Fei. With Gu Fei’s methods, it is naturally possible to easily improve Gu Ling’s cultivation base. Gu Fei has the best cultivation resources. Gu Ling can’t just think of becoming strong. .

The fountain of life, the sun of the fire, and even the elixir of immortality, these are the treasures of the world that can make the saints jealous, and any of them can make the saints break their heads and fight.

During the few days when he got together with Gu Fei, Gu Fei used countless eye-popping treasures of heaven and earth to cleanse the muscles and marrow of Gu Ling, gradually guiding the potential of Gu Ling's fire fighting martial arts.

Then, he used the essence and blood of the quasi-extreme sea beast hunted from the sea of ​​falling gods as the ancient spirit to temper his martial arts.

It can be said that Gu Fei did not hesitate to spend his blood in order to make Gu Ling embark on the martial arts journey, and Gu Ling was also very competitive, and deserved to be Gu Fei's daughter.

The cultivation base of the Immortal Emperor Dacheng is enough to make her have the power to protect herself when walking on Luoxingzhou.

With Gu Ling's retreat, a storm that almost swept the entire Fallen Continent was brewing, and the confrontation between the Hundred Races Alliance and the Jagged Daoist continued.

This is just a brief calm before the war, and this balance may be broken at any time.

In Luoxingzhou, the ancestral land of the monster race, the Jagged Daoist is discussing with a group of his men. At this time, it is already dusk, and the sunset is like blood.

He had a feeling that the Hundred Races Alliance might have started at night.

Of course, in his opinion, the people of the Hundred Races Alliance are looking for death and dare to rebel. Of course, they have to take great risks. However, this time, the Hundred Races Alliance is defeated.

In the conference hall, there were twelve great bandits, Gu Fei's disciples Chilong, Yaoyue, and Chilong's disciples Heilong, Shuhuang, Jinao and others were also present.

These people are Gu Fei's diehards, and they will not betray Gu Fei under any circumstances.

And Mr. Wu and others were originally important figures of the Luozingzhou Demon Race, but at this time they no longer knew where they were. Naturally, these people would not fight the Hundred Clan Alliance for Gu Fei.

This time, Jie Xue Dao Ren and others finally saw the faces of some people clearly.

On the huge Luoxing Continent, there was no strong clan willing to stand on Gu Fei's side. It seemed that these people had forgotten the fear and power of Gu Fei.

When Gu Fei was there, these people did not dare to do anything, but Gu Fei had disappeared for more than a hundred years, and these people finally couldn't sit still.

Some people knew that Gu Fei was still alive, but they did not remind the Hundred Races Alliance.

These people are watching from the sidelines, but they are watching a drama, or a farce. There is no suspense about the result of this farce.

"You all go and prepare."

When night fell, the Jagged Taoist dismissed everyone.

After the twelve bandits and others got out of the conference hall, according to the plan, they each commanded a team of immortal soldiers to deploy defenses outside the demon clan's ancestral land.

However, the strongest soldier in the hands of the Jagged Daoist did not move out.

A murderous aura permeated from the ancestral land of the demon race. It was a fairy **** warrior with only a few thousand people. However, the murderous aura that came out of these warriors was the blood of the blood. Taoists feel heart palpitations.

This is an iron-blooded soldier who has never fought.

Sure enough, when the moon was in the middle of the sky, the area around the demon clan's ancestral land appeared without warning, and these fogs condensed and did not disperse, coming from all directions to the demon clan's ancestral land.


When the fog appeared, a young man dressed in black suddenly opened his eyes on a large rock next to a lake in the depths of the Yao Clan's ancestral land.

"Are you going to start."

He was talking to himself, with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.

"After this night, the great clans on Luoxingzhou will become a thing of the past."

In the chamber of discussion, the iron-blooded Taoist sits in danger, his face is extremely solemn, this time, he will no longer tolerate it, since he dares to rebel, he must have the consciousness of death.

At this time, the mist surging from all directions toward the ancestral land of the Demon Race enveloped the heavens and the earth, isolated the moon blossoms from the sky, and the area around tens of thousands of miles became even darker.

In the fog, powerful figures are looming, moving fast, and countless figures are silently killing towards the ancestors of the demon clan in the fog.


The void shook, and just as the mysterious figures approached the ancestral land of the demon race, a light curtain emerged without warning. Some people rushing in the front could not stop their momentum and directly slammed on the light curtain. Was shocked to fly away.

The mysterious people stopped.

"There is a formation, what to do."

Someone whispered.

The light curtain of that layer is extremely huge, covering the entire demon clan ancestral land. If people outside can't break this light curtain, it will be difficult to attack the demon clan ancestral land.

"Break it for me."

Someone was yelling, and then, a sledgehammer with endless purple and golden light fell from the sky and directly bombarded the light curtain.


Void vibrations, the light curtain shook violently under the bombardment of the sledgehammer, but, surprisingly, the light curtain did not dissipate and collapse.


A figure in the sky was shocked, he never thought that the strength of the opponent's formation could withstand his own hammer.

The Zijin Hammer is extraordinary, not comparable to ordinary sacred artifacts. It is a treasure among the Zijin clan, and it is a sacred artifact made by the ancestors of this clan.

Of course, the ancestor of the Zijin clan has long since disappeared for endless years.

"Come again."

The strong of the Zijin clan urged the Zijin Hammer again. This time, on the Zijin Hammer, nine purple and gold Dao patterns emerged, and each Dao pattern revealed a powerful Dao rhyme.

The sacred hammer became the size of a mountain, and under the impetus of the strong man of the Zijin clan, it fiercely bombarded the light curtain below.


With a loud noise, the light curtain covering the entire Yaozu ancestral land was actually blasted into a big hole by the purple golden hammer.


Among the ancestors of the demon race, the twelve great bandits and others who saw this scene were shocked. These people really came prepared.


The strong man of the Zijin clan roared and rushed down directly from the sky. With one hand, he grabbed the Zijin hammer that was flying backwards, and rushed directly into the ancestral land of the demon clan from the big hole on the light curtain. .

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