Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2506: Alternative return

In the middle of the moon, the ancestral land of the Lei clan was extremely silent, and there was no light at all.

At this time, a figure appeared silently over the ancestral land of the Thunder Clan, as if it appeared out of thin air, without the slightest sign.

"Even the big formation guarding the ancestral land has been withdrawn."

The man in black was talking to himself, he couldn’t sense the breath of any strong person here. In the ancestral land of the Thunder Clan, it was not that there were no people, but those who stayed in the ancestral land of the Thunder Clan were old and weak Women and children.

After pondering for a while, the figure of the man in black disappeared directly into the void.

Soon, over the ancestral land of the Huo Peng clan, the man in black appeared again. However, the situation of the Huo Peng clan was the same as that of the Lei clan. In the ancestral land of the Huo Peng clan, only some old and weak women and children remained. The powerhouses and the treasures of the past have disappeared.

"Good fellow, come this trick with me."

The man in black was a little angry. This person was Gu Fei. He planned to kill the Thunder and Huo Peng clan by himself, but now it seems that things are not as simple as he thought.

However, it is absolutely impossible for the members of the Lei and Huo Peng clan to escape from Luoxingzhou. Gu Fei was very confident about this.

The large formation that enveloped the entire Xingzhou Continent could not be broken even by the Holy Venerable, not to mention that there was no Holy Venerable among the Fire Peng and Thunder Clan.

Even if the Huo Peng clan and Lei clan have a deep background, they may have incomparably powerful sacred artifacts, but when Gu Fei laid down this large formation, the thing used to suppress the eyes was the ultimate sacred artifact.

With such a supreme artifact to suppress the formation eye, even if it is stronger than the unold demon boy, it is difficult to break this large formation with the use of the Xuanwu seal.

"I want to break into pieces and escape the crisis of extermination."

Gu Fei smiled. This trick seems to be the best method currently available to the Thunder and Huo Peng clan. You know, Luo Xingzhou is the largest continent among the three overseas continents.

The Luoxingzhou is so vast that if the people of the Thunder and Huo Peng clan deliberately hide, it seems that it is not an easy task to destroy the two clans.

"If this is the case, then the task of destroying these two clans will be handed over to the other strong clans on Luoxingzhou."

Gu Fei immediately thought of a way.

Then, he returned to the ancestral land of the Demon Race, and then asked the Jagged Daoist to spread his decree to the powerful clans on Luoxingzhou.

As soon as this decree came out, the entire Luoxingzhou cultivation world immediately boiled, and the battles were trembling, for fear that the strong clan that Gu Fei would liquidate would be surprised and happy.

Afterwards, all the powerful clans took action, and the clansmen chasing the Lei Clan and the Huo Peng clan were all over the world. All of a sudden, there was a **** storm on Luoxingzhou.

In order to avoid being annihilated by Gu Fei, the powerful clans are all pursuing the people of the Lei and Huo Peng clan. Only the blood of the Lei clan and the Huo Peng clan can exchange for Gu Fei's pardon.

"Master's trick is really high."

Among the ancestors of the monster race, Chilong, Yaoyue, and the iron-blooded Taoist sat together, drinking and talking. On the table in front of them, there were only some ordinary dishes.

When the cultivation base reaches their level, eating is nothing more than a craving for appetite.

"The two races are also too hateful. They end up in this way and they are all looking for themselves."

Yaoyue said.

"Well, I really responded to the famous saying, if you don't die, you won't die."

Jie Xue Taoist suddenly sighed and said.

The Thunder Clan and the Fire Peng clan are definitely the most powerful races on the Luoxing Continent apart from the Kunpeng clan. It is a pity that such power cannot be used by oneself.

"This sentence is really good, who said it."

Chilong nodded and said.

"This is the most famous saying, it has been there since ancient times, but I don't know who said it."

Jagged Taoist said.

"is it."

Chilong said.

When the three were having a small gathering, Gu Fei and Yan'er had decided on a major matter.

Gu Fei stood in front of the window on a spiritual peak and in a pavilion in the ancestral land of the demon clan, looking at the bright moon in the sky, he knew that it was time to go back.

Yan'er stood behind Gu Fei, looked at her husband, and said nothing.

Gu Fei was like a wanderer going out, no matter where he went, in the end, he would always return to Tenglong Continent, because that was his native land.

In the following days, Gu Fei was preparing to return to his homeland.

And just when Gu Fei was about to return to his homeland, in another area on Luoxingzhou, the reconstruction of Ziling Dongtian had reached the final stage.

Gu Ling is still in retreat, her retreat place has been completely enveloped by the aura of heaven and earth, and the aura there can even be captured by the naked eye.

The awakening of the saint's blood has greatly increased Gu Ling's cultivation level, but as the cultivation level soared, her mood was a bit unable to keep up.

In this retreat, Gu Ling spent most of his time improving his state of mind, and only when his state of mind stabilized did he begin to attack the realm of power.

No one knows when Gu Ling will leave the customs, naturally no one knows the relationship between Gu Ling and Gu Fei.

In fact, even Chilong and Yaoyue and other direct disciples of Gu Fei didn't know that they still had a younger sister, let alone others.

Half a month later, in Luoxingzhou, an ancient formation in the ancestral land of the Yao tribe was finally restored. This was an formation that could communicate with Tenglong Continent.

In that distant past, the strong on Luoxingzhou could go to Tenglong Continent through the teleportation platform, and some great teachers on the Tenglong Continent could also go to the Tenglong Continent through the teleportation platform.

However, since the great changes in ancient times, the communication between the Tamron mainland and the three overseas continents has been severed.

At this time, the gods in the Shanhe Ding were completely asleep. Even Gu Fei couldn't wake up the gods in the Shanhe Ding at this time. Without this super old antique to repair this ancient formation, Gu Fei was always a little uneasy. .

This is a one-way teleportation formation, and I don't know where it will be teleported to the Tamron Continent. Once it is teleported out, it may not come back.

This was not what Gu Fei wanted. He knew very well that once he left Luoxingzhou, the situation that had just stabilized on Luoxingzhou would be broken.

The three guys of the old demon boy couldn't count on it. Gu Fei knew that among the three guys, it was very likely that there was a black hand behind this rebellion.

Otherwise, how dare the Lei clan and Huo Peng clan rebel? Obviously someone behind the two clan is supporting them.

"How is this good."

Gu Fei was worried, and he gathered a group of hands to discuss in the discussion hall in the ancestral land of the demon clan.

"Master, what's the difficulty? Don't you cultivate two avatars, then let one of the avatars walk for you."

Zhugeliang stood up with his folding fan and spoke to Gu Fei.

"Not bad, Master, this method is feasible."

Chilong stood up and said.

At this time, everyone couldn't help but nod. The fact that Gu Feixiu had two incarnations was not a secret, many people knew.

The Immortal Zhan Puppet, and the Immortal Venerable Dao Body, both are the incarnations of Gu Fei, especially the Immortal Venerable Dao Body, which is even more extraordinary, with independent thinking that ordinary incarnations do not have.

"It seems that there is only this way."

Gu Fei finally accepted this method.

In the early morning of the next day, Gu Fei and everyone came to the ancient formation. His body flashed with divine light, and a figure came out of his body.

It was a young man in black, no different from Gu Fei.

This is Gu Fei's indestructible battle body. He did not dispatch the Immortal Venerable Dao Body. You must know that the Immortal Venerable Dao Body is like Gu Fei's second life.

But the indestructible battle body was different, even if the indestructible battle body was destroyed, Gu Fei would have lost a divine mind.


The figure of the indestructible battle body directly appeared on the ancient formation. Then, the runes on the ancient formation began to light up, and the aura from all directions gathered and disappeared into the formation.


Void vibrated, a portal opened above the formation, but behind that portal was pitch black.

Without hesitation, Gu Fei's indestructible battle body ascended to the sky and walked directly into the portal. Then, the portal was directly closed, and then disappeared into the void.


Everyone was surprised when they saw this scene. This ancient teleportation formation could actually evolve a void portal, could it be a void domain gate in the ancient years.

Afterwards, everyone in front of the ancient formations dispersed, and Gu Fei also returned to the fire phoenix forest in the depths of the Demon Race's ancestors to accompany Yan'er.

A few hours later, over a mountain in the Dragon Continent, the void suddenly vibrated like water waves, and then a portal completely interwoven with runes appeared in the sky.

Immediately, the closed door opened wide, and a figure directly walked out of the opened door.

This is a young man in black. This young man is not the kind of extremely handsome person, but it is not difficult to open, especially this young man has a fortitude.

"Finally home……"

The young man in black looked at the sky, and then said such a sentence.

At this time, the portal behind the black-clothed youth dissipated into the void, and the trembling void gradually calmed down.

This person was the indestructible body of Gu Fei who was transported to the Dragon Continent by the Ancient Teleportation Array from the Luoxing Continent. To a certain extent, this was also Gu Fei.

In the next moment, a powerful wave of divine consciousness spread from Gu Fei's body to all directions, and instantly enveloped the area of ​​10,000 miles.


His eyes lit up suddenly, and then disappeared directly into the void.

Xuanfengmen is just a small school in the far north of Tenglong Continent, but on this day, a small group of demons touched Xuanfeng Mountain.

The war broke out, but, soon, Xuanfengmen was smashed into the mountain gate by this small group of demons. The monks of the Xuanfengmen were dead and wounded, and they couldn't resist the demons.

Just when Xuanfengmen was about to be destroyed by this small group of demons, a figure appeared silently above Xuanfengmen.

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