Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2509: Mozu Xiongguan

The Immortal Demon Abyss is really weird and terrifying, even as powerful as the ancient flying, the moment he stepped on the ancient stone bridge on the Immortal Demon Abyss, his cultivation was suppressed.

There is an unimaginable force that confines the void, and seems to be able to suppress any powerful creature, even the cultivation base of the holy-sovereign level is also suppressed.

Of course, Gu Fei's real body is still in the Star Continent, but even this indestructible battle body definitely has the combat power above the holy rank and can fight the saints.

"Even a saint can suppress it. What kind of power is this."

Gu Fei, who stepped on the ancient stone bridge, was shocked and inexplicably shocked. The fairy light and demonic energy were vast outside the stone bridge, and the extremely chaotic atmosphere seemed to be able to tear through the world.

"Who is that person, dare to walk on that bridge..."

At this time, on a low mountain next to the ancient stone bridge, a Taoist man in Tsing Yi was shocked to the extreme. He was the guardian of the stone bridge to prevent the devil from entering the territory of Yan Kingdom through the stone bridge.

The Taoist in Tsing Yi has guarded here for many years and has never seen anyone dare to walk on the stone bridge, because the secret power of the abyss is very evil.

Even if it is as strong as a saint, it is no exception.

Taoist Tsing Yi didn't say anything to stop him. He already knew who the black-clothed youth was. He hurried off after the fact about the Xuanfengmen. He already knew what happened from the heavenly ancestor of Xuanfengmen.

A person who can easily slay a demon of the Immortal God level must have some background, maybe it is the strong ones who came out of the ancient forces.

Soon, Gu Fei's figure disappeared on the ancient stone bridge.

"Does he want to enter the Demon Realm."

The eyes of Taoist Tsing Yi flickered, and the Demon Race became more and more restless, but there were also strong men on the Human Race entering the Demon Realm to hunt down the demon in the Demon Realm.

However, like this young man in black, the person who walked directly on the ancient stone bridge was unprecedented. You should know that on the stone bridge, anyone's cultivation will be completely suppressed.

Even people who master secret treasures and forbidden weapons are the same, there are never exceptions.

Gu Fei was fearless, and went straight forward. His immortal battle body had immortal divinity. Unless it was taken by the supreme, no one could destroy this battle body.

Along the way, Gu Fei found that the wide deck of the stone bridge was covered with traces of swords, spears, swords and halberds.

He even saw a lot of withered bones scattered on the bridge deck, some of which were crystal clear as jade, still with divine nature, and were clearly the bones of the fairy gods.

Gu Fei was not surprised. You know, in the battle with Chu Ge, many people died on this ancient stone bridge. Of course, no one would collect their bodies for these people.

On the entire ancient bridge, only Gu Fei was walking. Not many human races and demons had the courage to walk on such an ancient bridge, and the feeling of being suppressed in their cultivation was uncomfortable.


Gu Fei suddenly speeded up, took one step, and instantly stepped forward hundreds of meters. Even if the cultivation base of the immortal battle body was suppressed, the strength of the battle body was still extremely powerful.

The strength of this battle body is definitely not under the martial arts of the holy rank.

Gu Fei moved fast on the stone bridge, like a phantom, moving at an extreme speed. This was the strength of the battle body itself.

Soon, he saw the opposite side of the ancient stone bridge, where the devilish energy was soaring to the sky, the Mozu built a Xiongguan there, and there was a strong Mozu sitting in the Xiongguan.

"what is that……"

Just when Gu Fei was only a few miles away from the other side of the abyss, a demon wearing a black magic armor suddenly screamed above the male gate.

"A person, a human race is approaching here."

At this time, another demon screamed, and the whole devilish male gate immediately appeared some panic, and the human race wanted to enter the demon realm through the ancient stone bridge.

"For so many years, I didn't expect that some people would dare to go this way."

A tall figure filled with demon aura appeared on the wall of this male pass, and the demon's body revealed an incomparably powerful demon aura.

At this time, Gu Fei had already arrived in front of this Xiongguan, and he stopped on the stone bridge.

I saw that the city wall of Xiongguan was a hundred feet high and it was built of a kind of dark stone. This kind of stone is not an ordinary stone. There is a faint magical character on this kind of stone.

This is a kind of magic stone unique to the Northern Demon Territory, called the Black Demon Stone. In the Northern Demon Territory, some important magic cities are built with this magic stone.

This kind of magic stone contains magic power, although this magic power is very weak, but it can make the magic pattern imprinted on it not dissipate.

"Let's release arrows."

The demon on the head of the city gave an order, and the arrow towers on both sides of the city wall immediately shot out a magic light, and each magic light was wrapped in a magic arrow that gave out a powerful magic power.


Gu Fei's pupils couldn't help shrinking when he saw the magic arrows coming. He stood still, and saw that the magic arrows fell about three feet in front of him.

The clanging sound was endless, the moment the magic arrow shot into the range of the ancient stone bridge, the magic light dissipated, turned into a vanity iron, and fell on the bridge deck.

"The Fairy Demon Abyss forbids all magical powers and great arts..."

On the head of the city, the demon who saw this scene couldn't help frowning. If he wanted to kill the celebrity on the bridge, he had to board the ancient stone bridge. Since the other party dared to take this path, he must have something to rely on.

"Who will bring his head back."

The demon on the head of the city pointed to Gu Fei on the opposite ancient bridge and said that he didn't put Gu Fei in his eyes at all.

"I go."

Behind the devil, a young man with blond hair came out. This young man had a pair of blood-colored pupils, but except for the pupils, the other parts of his eyes were golden.

"Very well, Jin Kun, then let us see the methods of the Six Demon Palace."

The demon said.

Jin Kun, a powerful force from the Far North Demon Territory, the Six Demon Palace, whether in the past or now, is one of the most powerful forces in the Far North Demon Territory.

"I will come as soon as I go."

The demon Jin Kun from the Six Dao Demon Palace was very conceited. He jumped directly from the top of the city and "touched." When he fell to the ground, it actually collapsed on one side.

"Jin Kun's demon body is extremely powerful, and it seems that it has been repaired into a diamond demon body."

On the head of the city, the demon in black magic armor said such words.

Behind the black armored demon stood a lot of demon men. These demon men came from the major forces in the extreme northern demon realm. This male pass was jointly controlled by the major forces in the extreme northern demon realm.

"Human, take it to death."

Jin Kun looked at Gu Fei and said coldly, at this time, he had walked directly on the ancient stone bridge, and his cultivation was immediately banned by the force on the ancient stone bridge.

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