Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2511: Hunting

In the Northern Demon Territory, the sky above a male gate next to the Immortal Demon Abyss seemed to appear as a black sun, and the terrifying magic power came out from the dark magic light, shocking the Quartet.

Jin Kun, as a direct disciple of the Six Dao Demon Lord, has become extremely powerful in his cultivation, and a series of black and gold magic patterns appear on his body.


Without any hesitation, the moment Jin Kun's momentum climbed to the peak, he shot, and the round of "magic sun" suspended above the city head suppressed from the sky to the figure below the city head.


The entire tower shook, and all the demons in this male pass were shocked to the extreme, rushing to escape outside the pass.

At this time, even the strong demon man wearing magic armor retreated far away, and other strong demon people had already escaped from this city.

"So strong, this human race is going to be unlucky."

Someone is talking to himself.

There is no doubt that Jin Kun is strong. There are no weak people under the six demon kings. You must know that the cultivation of the six demon kings has become the saint among the demons for thousands of years.

There are some great demons and even rumors that the Six Dao Demon Lord is just the incarnation of a terrifying demon ancestor from outside the realm.

In fact, the existence of the Far North Demon Territory for endless years is enough to explain the problem. It is not without reason that it can exist until now, but the reason is not known to outsiders.

The Six Demon Palaces are the demon forces that have always existed in the Far North Demon Realm.

At this moment, Gu Fei, standing on the top of the city, raised his head and looked towards the "Magic Sun" that was sinking from the sky, with a disdainful smile on his face.

"Dare to underestimate me so you go to die."

During that round of "Magic Sun", Jin Kun's angry roar was heard, and the terrifying demon power fell from the sky, and the tower made of black magic stone shook.

On the black magic stone, there are constantly looming magic patterns, which evoked a powerful magic power and stabilized the crumbling tower.

This city gate is not simple, it is definitely built by the masters of the demon race. Some demon light people have laid a magic circle in the city gate. It is not easy to destroy this city gate.


On the head of the city, Gu Fei just stepped on his foot, and the entire tower collapsed. His stepping force was unimaginable.

Even the Black Demon Stone couldn't withstand the power of Gu Fei's stepping on it. The Black Demon Stone shattered, and the magic patterns imprinted on it collapsed.


In the distance, all the powerful demons who saw this scene were shocked to the extreme. It is unbelievable that this human race is actually so powerful.

At the same time, Gu Fei took advantage of this stepping force to soar into the sky, and rushed directly towards the "magic sun" that was suppressed from the sky and sent out terrifying power fluctuations.


From a distance, Gu Fei was like a moth leaping towards a black fireball, seeming to be killing himself completely.

However, only Jin Kun who directly faced Gu Fei knew clearly that this "moth" might have rushed into the real divine sun in the sky and could not die.


Gu Fei punched out and directly smashed the "magic sun" that Jin Kun had evolved. The powerful force penetrated through Jin Kun's body, and shot out a hideous magic shadow from Jin Kun's body.


Jin Kun screamed, and his whole body flew up to the sky, vomiting blood in his mouth.

He couldn't believe that the other party had just one punch, and with just one punch, he broke the demon body of the demon clan's great magic that he had worked so hard to cultivate. Such an outcome made him unacceptable.

However, Jin Kun had to accept this reality.


Jin Kun only felt that the human figure in front of him flashed, and the human race that he regarded as the ant suddenly appeared in front of him. The faint smile on the other's face, in his eyes, became the most terrifying one in the world. Smiled.

Gu Fei did not hesitate, stretched out his right hand, his five fingers directly buckled Jin Kun's heavenly spirit, and then ran one of the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao, directly reading Jin Kun's memory.

"The Six Demon Lords and Chu Ge are still alive."

Gu Fei knew what he wanted to know, and then as soon as his right hand pressed hard, Jin Kun's head immediately exploded and turned into a cloud of blood.

Jin Kun's soul could not escape, and he died in Gu Fei's hands.

"You actually killed the direct disciple of the Six Dao Demon Lord..."

Above the sky, the strong Demon clan wearing magic armor saw that this human clan actually killed Jin Kun. This shock was really extraordinary. You know, Jin Kun is a member of the Six Dao Demon Palace.

The Six Demon Palaces have existed for endless years, and their background is extremely profound. The major forces in the Extreme Northern Demon Territory are very jealous of them and do not want to easily provoke them.

"Kill it, kill it, so what."

Gu Fei turned around abruptly and looked at the strong demon clan above the sky. This strong demon clan was stronger than Jin Kun, and was an existence that had already stepped into the holy step with one and a half feet.

Of course, such existence is nothing in Gu Fei's eyes.


The powerful demon clan was surprised when he saw Gu Fei looking towards him, then turned and turned into a magic light, wanting to flee directly.


Gu Fei sneered, and stretched out his big hand again. A golden light and big hand immediately appeared in the world, covering the whole world in an instant.

The entire world was as if it were under Gu Fei's grasp. The magic light immediately fell from the air, the magic light dissipated, and the figure of the strong demon clan appeared.


Jin Guang's big hand suppressed it, and the void shook. The demon clan powerhouse couldn't even scream, so the form and spirit of Jin Guang's big hand shot by Gu Fei was destroyed.

In Gu Fei's eyes, a demon who was as strong as a semi-sage was nothing but an ant.


Seeing that Gu Fei was so powerful and fierce, other powerful demons immediately scattered and fled.


Gu Fei immediately spit out a golden sword light, and slashed towards those who fled from the Demon Race. The golden sword light flashed, and the Demon Race experts continued to fall from the sky.

In just a few breaths, the strong demon clan were all beheaded by Gu Fei's golden light sword aura, and no demon head could escape.

After slaying these powerful demons, Gu Fei took a shot directly and destroyed the city built by the demons. All the demons in the city who had not had time to escape were killed.

Gu Fei started killing. He didn't have any compassion for the Demon Race. You must know that the Demon Race is the enemy of all living beings. To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to himself.

"The Six Dao Demon Lord is still there, and Chu Ge is still alive, very good."

Gu Fei stood in the sky, looking into the depths of the northern Demon Territory. Under the dim world, no one knew how many demons were hidden.

Afterwards, Gu Fei directly pushed forward, and he was still very confident in the combat power of this indestructible battle body.


In front of a magic city, a demon shadow shattered into a cloud of blood under the slap of a golden light hand. The number one strong in this magic city died in the hands of a human race. .

On this day, the Far North Demon Territory shook, and the demon forces of all parties were in an uproar. All the demon forces have received news that a strong human race is killing in the demon territory.

Soon after, in another magic city, a big golden light hand fell from the sky and captured all the strong demon clan in the magic city. Those strong demon clan were not spared, and they were all directly wiped out by the big golden light hand.

Gu Fei was hunting, walking in the Demon Territory of the North, wherever he went, the strong among the demons were all beheaded, leaving only some weak demons.

The weak demons can't set off any storms, but those powerful demons are different. Once these demons rush out of the Northern Demon Realm, it will be a disaster for the creatures on the entire Dragon Continent.

Red Moon City is one of the seven ancient magic cities in the Far North Demon Realm. Back then, Gu Fei once came to Red Moon City and fought endless battles.

Although this ancient magic city has gone through endless years, it still stands on the extreme north. No one can destroy this ancient magic city.

Before nightfall, a young man in black came outside this ancient magic city.

"The murderous man from Human Race is here."

A strong demon clan found Gu Fei outside Red Moon City and shouted.

"What, that murderous man dared to come here? Is it because he is impatient to live."

There are strong demons who are shocked.

The fierce might of the wicked humans had spread throughout the entire northern demon realm at this time. Hearing the wicked humans coming, the strong demon in Red Moon City could no longer sit still.

At this time, the towers of Red Moon City were full of groups of demon soldiers, and several incomparably powerful demon auras were uploaded from the tower.

The demon guards of Red Moon City were on the verge of an enemy, and a powerful demon commander personally boarded the city.

"I don't know if the city lord of Red Moon City is not Meng Lang."

Standing outside of Red Moon City, Gu Fei remembered a lot of things. He used to be here, fighting endless battles with Zhao Mu, the strong man in the magic way, and finally defeated this powerful opponent.

It was also here that he saw for the first time the magic power of the City Lord of Red Moon City and the third son of the Six Dao Demon Lord.

As the city lord of Red Moon City, Meng Lang is naturally the Six Dao Demon Lord who is not afraid of that King City, but the power of the Qi Yao Demon is beyond everyone's expectations.

Although the Seven Lights Demon Child was powerful, he finally died in the hands of the son of the Great Demon Lord.

Gu Fei knew this in the memory of Jin Kun's soul, and couldn't help but sigh. It was better than the Seven Lights Demon, and he also fell in the fierce battle in the extreme north demon realm.

This shows how fierce the struggle between the major demons in the Far North Demon Realm is.

"Who is here."

Just as Gu Fei recalled the past, a loud shout suddenly came out from the opposite tower. A demon general wearing a battle armor was looking at Gu Fei, with **** magic lights flickering in his eyes.

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