Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2519: Holy Spear


Gu Fei punched out, the void vibrated, and the transparent ripples spread in all directions centered on his fist.

No shocking power broke out, it seemed to be a random punch, but this simple and direct punch, in the eyes of the pure blood demon race, was a different situation.

The demon youth only felt that the opponent's fist grew rapidly in front of his own eyes, as if it had blocked all the void in front of him.

Gu Fei's simple and direct punch made the demon youth feel a dangerous aura.

"you wanna die."

Seeing that Gu Fei was the first to shoot at himself, the demon youth couldn't help being furious. He flipped his right hand and a magic spear appeared in his hand immediately.


The demon youth shook the demon spear in his hand and stabled at Gu Fei, who swooped forward. On the spear of the demon spear, there was blood looming, and it was the blood that hadn't dried and was showing evil blood.

"this is……"

Gu Fei sensed the breath from the magic spear, and couldn't help but shake his heart. The blood on the spear was not simple, it was definitely holy blood.

Holy blood, that is the blood only possessed by holy creatures, that is to say, this magic spear has once killed the holy.

Although this magic spear had killed the sage, Gu Fei didn't because of it, his right fist still blasted out, colliding with the spear of the magic spear.

When Gu Fei's fist collided with the magic spear, there was a clanging sound, as if two pieces of peerless divine gold were colliding.


The Demon Race youth was shocked to the extreme. This Human Race dared to use flesh and blood to contend with the Demon Spear in his hand. He only felt that a strong force came from the Demon Spear, and it shocked him to withdraw five or six. step.

At this time, Gu Fei was also shocked by the powerful magic power that broke out from the magic spear, and a fiery pain came from his fist.

"Good fellow, worthy of a murder weapon for saint killing."

Gu Fei was secretly frightened that the magic spear in the hands of the Demon Race youth was not simple, it was much stronger than the ordinary sacred weapon, otherwise, it would not be a murder weapon for saint killing.

"The Human Race is really fierce, but it's a pity that you met this demon."

While the demon youth was shocked, his fighting spirit was like a rainbow. He shook the magic spear in his hand, and then left an afterimage on the low mountain, instantly killing Gu Fei.

The magic spear pierced the void of heaven and earth, and the little blood above the spear head was piercing towards Gu Fei quickly.

"Cut, you are also worthy of being a demon."

Gu Fei couldn't help laughing. This Demon Clan youth was even more mad than him. How could Demon Lord be called casually? You must know that only the strongest demon can be called Demon Lord.


Seeing the contemptuous look on Gu Fei's face, the Demon Race youth suddenly became furious, and successively used killer moves to pierce the world, but Gu Fei couldn't help it.

Gu Fei stepped on eight wild steps, turned into a phantom, evaded the ultimate move of the Demon youth, and then counterattacked, a big golden hand suddenly appeared in the sky, directly shooting down at the Demon youth.

He hit the sky cover.

The structure of the indestructible warfare is wonderful. The indestructible warfare can perform various killing techniques, and it is not limited to immortal or martial arts. All living creatures can practice this secret technique.


With a loud noise, the big golden light hand fell into the sky, directly shooting the demon youth into the ground. The low mountain crashed to pieces, the rocks pierced through the sky, and the dust was flying.

"Huh, how about having a murder weapon in your hand, it's vulnerable."

Gu Fei was talking to himself, but he also knew that the pure-blooded demon possessed that murder weapon, and his own blow would definitely not hurt this guy's life.

At this time, the battle between Gu Fei and the youth of the Demon Race had already alarmed the nearby Demon Dao powerhouses. These Demon Dao powerhouses would never have imagined that Gu Fei was so powerful that the human race was really fierce.


There was a tremor on the ground, and dozens of large rocks flew up and smashed out toward the surroundings.

A figure rushed out among the ruins, and saw him with fluffy hair and ragged clothes, holding the magic spear tightly in his hand, above the magic spear, there was still blood flickering at the spearhead.


The demon youth held a demon spear and roared into the sky. At this time, his body made a clicking sound of bone friction, and the whole demon body was undergoing amazing changes.


When Gu Fei saw this scene, he didn't take advantage of this moment, but watched quietly, allowing the Demon youth to increase their combat power, and he wanted to convince the Demon youth to lose.

I saw two black horns on the demon youth's forehead, and between the two black horns, there was faint black electric light flashing, giving people an extremely evil feeling.

Pieces of scarlet scales emerged on the body of the Demon Clan youth. Soon, his whole body was covered with a thick layer of scarlet scales.

"What kind of magic is this."

Gu Fei couldn't help feeling shocked when he saw the demon youth's true appearance.

"go to hell."

The demon youth roared and rushed directly at Gu Fei, leaving only an afterimage on the spot. The speed was really staggering.

However, it is a pity that he met Gu Fei, Gu Fei's Bahuang Step is the world's fastest speed, but it is a wrong wishful thinking to compare the speed with Gu Fei.


As Gu Fei waved his hand, there was a ray of bright golden sword light rushing out of his hand, strangling towards the demon youth who had come.

Every sword light split the void, showing an extremely powerful force.

The great demon formed by the youth of the Demon Race waved the magic spear in his hand, shattering the sword light that Gu Fei had shot, and then the spear flew up, turning into a little blood, piercing towards Gu Fei's brow.

As long as he is pierced by the magic spear and replaced by a general Saint-ranked powerhouse, I am afraid that he will die on the spot, but Gu Fei is fearless, because the immortal battle body is immortal, and this immortal war body contains immortality. Divinity.

If you want to stand to destroy Gu Fei's indestructible battle body, unless you are the supreme, and you change to another person, you can't destroy Gu Fei's indestructible battle body.

The magic spear stabbed, and Gu Fei instinctively moved away in an instant, avoiding a blow from this powerful demon clan.

"Secret of Ascension..."

Gu Fei did not hesitate, and directly used the Ascension Secret Art, one of the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao. His cultivation level was soaring, and an unimaginable aura burst out of him.


The power fluctuations radiating from Gu Fei's body were too strong, so powerful that the void around him shook slightly.

"this is……"

The Mozu powerhouse was shocked immediately.

However, it was already too late at this time, and Gu Fei appeared in front of the demon youth with a flash, and then hit him with a punch.

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