Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2525: Taiyin Ancient Battle Platform

"You want to fight."

Gu Fei was very direct. When he was speaking, a powerful fighting intent burst out from him, and golden lights circulated on him.

"Yes, the one who killed me, if I let it go, I, the city lord, will be the one for nothing."

The masked woman was also very powerful, a powerful pressure came out from her body, her eyes became extremely bright, and her dark pupils were glowing.

The temperature in the whole world was dropping rapidly, and a breath of coldness spread from the masked woman's body, and the two fairy kings behind her immediately retreated to the distance.

"Lunar air."

Gu Fei sensed the chill, and couldn't help feeling a move. At this moment, he somewhat understood why this masked woman was so stiff. It seemed that this woman had some skill.

In the heaven and earth pattern where Fei Xiancheng is located, it was originally extraordinary. It was guarded by nine celestial mountains, and the essence of the nine celestial mountains nourished the ancient city.

Gu Fei instinctively felt that something might be gestating in this ancient city, but he could not know such a secret.

However, Gu Fei was able to use this kind of means to change the world, and only the Old Sage could do it.


Suddenly, Gu Fei seemed to feel something, the next moment, and then, he took a step forward, and instantly spanned hundreds of miles, left Feixian City directly, and came to the sky above a forest outside Feixian City.


Seeing Gu Fei leaving directly, the masked woman couldn't help but was startled by Gu Fei's extremely fast body technique.

At this time, outside Feixian City, over the woods, Gu Fei frowned, he smelled a faint smell of blood.

He landed from the air and saw a few fighting marks in the woods. A dozen big trees fell to the ground. There were a few big pits on the ground, and the splashed mud was still fresh.

In one of the pits, there was actually a person lying there, a person Gu Fei had seen before, but this person was already dead.

"That celestial scripture eventually harmed you."

Gu Fei sighed. This person was the stall owner who exchanged the Ten Thousand Years Fire Tortoise Gallbladder for him. At this time, the stall owner's secret technique to hide his appearance had failed, revealing his true face.

It seems that this person left Feixian City immediately after obtaining the fairy Scripture, but he didn't want to be intercepted and killed here and took the fairy Scripture away.

Gu Fei saw a broken scroll next to this pit. On the scroll, there was still a trace of fairy spirit lingering, and the fairy spirit on the scroll had not yet dispersed.

"No wonder it ran so fast, it turned out that the teleportation reel was used."

After Gu Fei saw the fragments of the scrolls on the ground, he knew it. The scroll that was broken on the ground seemed to be not a normal teleporting scroll, because there was fairy aura on it.

The spirit of the fairy spirit can only be used by the fairy god, that is to say, this scroll should be from the hand of the fairy god, it seems that the person has been far away from here.

"Who is it?"

Gu Fei began to ponder. Obviously, that person had just left, because that person wanted to spy on the immortal scriptures in the jade slip, so he was sensed by him and rushed over.

However, even though his speed was extremely fast, he still escaped by that person.


When Gu Fei was thinking about something, a sneer suddenly came down from the sky, and a figure fell from the sky.

Gu Fei looked up and saw that the masked woman had already chased here.


The masked woman fell to the ground. When she saw the corpse in the dirt pit, she couldn't help but moved and her eyes became fierce.

"Don't you think I killed people."

Gu Fei looked at the masked woman and said with a smile.

"Is not it."

The masked woman said, her voice became cold, staring at Gu Fei.

"It's funny, have you ever heard that a dragon will come here to kill a mosquito."

Gu Fei shook his head and said.

The masked woman didn't say anything, but with a wave of her right hand, a battle platform immediately rushed out of her hand, and then the battle platform quickly became extremely huge.


The masked woman rose from the sky, landed on the battle platform, and then looked at Gu Fei below, her eyes full of provocation.


When Gu Fei saw the masked woman taking out this battle platform, he couldn't help being a little surprised. There was such a thing as the Immortal Demon Boy. It was the Yao race battle platform.

But this battle platform was completely dark, with black air falling down on it, giving people an extremely cold feeling.

This is not demon energy, but the energy of Taiyin. This is a battle platform containing the power of the vast Taiyin, with ancient and mysterious Tai** patterns carved on it.

When Gu Fei looked closely, he couldn't help being a little shocked. This Taiyin battle platform was not inferior to the Yaozu battle platform in the hands of the old monster boy. Moreover, compared to the Yaozu battle platform, the power of this Taiyin battle platform was I'm afraid there is no less than the past.

"Why, I'm afraid."

On the Taiyin battle platform, the masked woman looked down at Gu Fei on the ground, like a fairy looking down on a mortal, her tone of disdain revealed.

"It's a joke, I'm afraid."

While speaking, Gu Fei rose up, flew directly to the sky, and then landed on the Taiyin formation.

The moment his feet stepped on the Taiyin Formation Platform, he immediately felt a cold breath coming from the soles of his feet, which made him a little moved.

Gu Fei thought to himself: "The lunar aura contained in this Taiyin formation is really strong."

He has a feeling of being cheated, but he is fearless. In the face of an absolutely powerful force, no conspiracy will succeed.

However, there is no doubt that fighting on this ancient Taiyin formation will give this masked woman an advantage, and the right time and place are on her side.

Gu Fei felt that he had already fallen into a disadvantage invisibly before fighting against each other.

"Haha, what a stupid person."

The masked woman laughed. She was also worried that the other party would not dare to board this battle platform, because she would be invincible if she was fighting here.

"Even if you have the advantage, you may not win."

Gu Fei stood in front of the masked woman with his hands held down, looked at the masked woman, and then said with a slight smile.

Seeing that the other party is still so calm, the masked woman can't help feeling a little uneasy. Isn't this guy not stupid, but conceited, conceited that he can deal with this battlefield.

"If you win, I will help you activate that cross-domain teleportation formation. If you lose, you will die."

The masked woman looked at Gu Fei and said in a deep voice.

"Very good, so be it."

Gu Fei nodded and said.

"Then let's start."

When the masked woman said, with a wave of her right hand, the nine black qi immediately rushed out from around the Taiyin ancient formation, intertwined into a Taiyin **** pattern, and instantly sealed the surrounding void and sealed the entire seat. Ancient formation.

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