Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2528: Return to the Eastern Imperial City

Gu Fei searched for it, and finally saw the murderer who killed the middle-aged stallholder and snatched the jade slips from the immortal scriptures. Unsurprisingly, this murderer was the Tsing Yi Taoist.


At this time, Gu Fei blasted out with a punch, smashing the overwhelmingly hacked divine sword, and then took one step directly, and instantly appeared in front of the Tsing Yi Taoist.


The surprise of the Taoist in Tsing Yi was really extraordinary, he never thought that this young man in black would be so powerful.


The figure of the Taoist in Tsing Yi was suddenly blurred, and he was about to disappear. Seeing that the momentum was wrong, this guy wanted to escape.

However, in front of Gu Fei, he could not escape.

When Gu Fei stretched out his right hand, he immediately grabbed the Tsing Yi Taoist who was about to escape into the void, and held it in his hand like a chicken.


The voice of Taoist Tsing Yi trembled, and his face became extremely pale. This guy was much more powerful than he thought.

At this time, the Taoist in Tsing Yi regretted that he shouldn't have gotten into such an existence, but it was too late to regret it now.

"Why kill that person."

Gu Fei looked at the Taoist Tsing Yi holding his hand, and said coldly, the person in his mouth was naturally the middle-aged stallholder who exchanged things with him.

"This one……"

Taoist Tsing Yi had completely lost his calmness, and did not know how to answer Gu Fei's question.

"Forget it, I don't want to know, now you can go to death."

When Gu Fei was talking, he was about to behead the murderer on the spot.

"Don't, don't kill me..."

The Taoist Tsing Yi screamed. He didn't want to die. You must know that dying in the hands of such a master often destroys both body and spirit. Those who die can't die again, and even ghosts can't do it.

"Murder pays your life, if you owe debts, you should accept your fate."

Without waiting for the Taoist Tsing Yi to speak, Gu Fei waved his left hand and chopped off the head of the Taoist Tsing Yi. Then, after pointing out, he instantly penetrated the head and shattered his soul.

Then, Gu Fei carefully searched the body of the Taoist Tsing Yi, and found out everything on his body.

Although the cultivation base of Taoist Tsing Yi is not very good, there are a lot of good things on his body, but it is cheaper, Gu Fei, and these things have become his trophy.

After slaying the Taoist Tsing Yi, Gu Fei turned and left the mountain, heading towards the area where Fei Xian City was located.

Soon, he came to Feixian City again, but instead of directly looking for the mysterious Feixian City Lord, he found an inn and lived in.

In the early morning of the next day, Gu Fei left the inn, and then headed directly towards the place where the Feixian City Lord’s Mansion was located. At this time, he should leave the Northland and return to the Eastern Region.

"You came."

Just when Gu Fei's figure appeared in the City Lord's Mansion, a voice rang without warning, and then the masked woman walked out.


Gu Fei nodded, but didn't say anything.

"Come with me."

The masked female city lord turned around and left.

Gu Fei hurried to catch up.

The masked female city master brought Gu Fei to the ancient teleportation formation again. She did not say much, but directly activated the ancient teleportation formation.

Gu Fei didn't hesitate, he directly boarded this ancient teleportation formation, and then chose the destination, which was a city in the Eastern Region, Eastern Imperial City.


The void shook, and a dazzling divine light burst out from the ancient formation, making everyone present could not open their eyes. After the divine light dissipated, Gu Fei's figure had disappeared on the ancient formation. .

"Finally sent this evil star away."

The masked city lord only breathed a sigh of relief at this time.

After leaving for so long, I am finally going back. This time, I have to settle with the Eastern family. The Eastern family was the chief culprit for the destruction of Taixuan Sect.

After more than an hour, the Dao pattern on an ancient formation in the Eastern Imperial City suddenly lit up.


Seeing that the ancient formation suddenly started up, a middle-aged monk in white who was guarding the ancient formation was originally sitting on the ground, but at this time, he jumped from the ground as if he had been stepped on his tail.

This middle-aged man naturally knew that this ancient formation was a cross-domain formation. At this time, the Dao pattern on the formation suddenly lit up, indicating that someone had come across the domain.

"Who is it?"

The middle-aged monk is very curious. It has been three years since the last time someone cross-domain came. The person who cross-domain came is an extremely powerful existence.


A group of divine light emerged on the ancient formation, a powerful wave spread in all directions, and a figure was looming in the divine light.

Immediately, the divine light dissipated, and a young man in black appeared on the ancient formation.


When he saw the figure on the ancient formation, the middle-aged cultivator was surprised. There was no wave of power from the young man in black.

"Is this man a mortal, but how is this possible."

The middle-aged monk is hard to understand.

"Is this the Eastern Imperial City?"

Gu Fei asked the middle-aged monk outside the ancient formation.

"This is the Eastern Imperial City. I don't know which senior came to the Eastern Imperial City."

The middle-aged cultivator did not dare to neglect. You must know that the person who can use the cross-domain transmission of the ancient formation is absolutely extraordinary. Even if this young man is really a mortal, he dare not offend him.

"My name, you are not yet qualified to know."

When Gu Fei was talking, he walked down from the ancient formation, the aura on his body had all condensed, and no one could see his reality.


When the middle-aged monk heard this, his eyes flashed with a cold light, but at the same time, he was also secretly frightened, could it be that this person was hiding his breath with a secret technique.

Gu Fei ignored the middle-aged monk anymore, and then left here directly to the most prosperous main street in Eastern Imperial City.

The streets were very lively and there were many shops on both sides of the street. Gu Fei noticed that most of the shops on both sides of the street were shops related to monks.

Among them, there are shops selling magical materials, and shops selling low-level magic weapons. There are many kinds of things.

The Eastern Imperial City, but the most famous city in the Eastern Region, is also a stronghold outside of the Eastern family, and there are masters sitting in it.

The ancestral land of the Eastern aristocratic family is deep in the mountains and is guarded by a large formation. This time, Gu Fei did not bring the Jidao holy artifact with him. It seems that it is not an easy task to attack the ancestral land of the Eastern aristocratic family. .

"Let’s start with Eastern Imperial City."

When Gu Fei was talking to himself, he walked straight to the City Lord's Mansion in the Eastern Imperial City.

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