Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2541: The Ninth Secret

In a stone room in the Eastern Imperial City, Gu Zhong was practicing "wu" anagrams.

The last secret of the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao, "No", is definitely the most mysterious technique among the Nine Secrets, because this secret was created when the ancestor of Wushang Dao was most powerful.

Some people say that the ninth secret among the nine secrets of immortality is the nemesis of the first eight secrets, and it is a truly invincible secret technique.

At this time, in the stone room, countless runes are looming. This stone room has a world of its own. Being in it is like entering a battlefield.


In the gloomy world, one chariot smashed towards Gu Zhong, and on top of each chariot stood incomparably powerful fighters.

"bring it on."

Gu Zhong stepped on the ground with his right foot, and his whole person used the force of this step to soar into the sky, and directly rushed into the battle formation.

This is a killer move evolved from this battlefield, just like putting people on the battlefield and fighting hard to stimulate the potential of those who enter the battlefield to practice.

Because only at the juncture of life and death, can often stimulate the potential of a monk.

However, this kind of battlefield was nothing to Gu Zhong. He punched it out, and the dozen or so chariots that rushed towards him instantly shattered into the void.

"too weak."

Gu Zhong didn't have any sense of accomplishment. The place of cultivation in the Eastern Imperial City was only of this level. In fact, it was not easy to arrange such a stone chamber.

To evolve the battlefield with the formation method, this method is not available to everyone.


At this time, a dense number of chariots appeared in front of Gu Zhong, and there were thousands of chariots that sent out powerful fluctuations of power, forming a battle formation, and rushing towards Gu Zhong.

The power of thousands of chariots gathered together, and the power gathered was enough to kill the saint, Gu Zhong, at this time had no choice but to move.

"That's how it should be."

Gu Zhong's fighting spirit was finally aroused, and golden light emerged from his body, and the golden light lingered around him like golden lightning.

"'No' word secret."

Gu Zhong let out a low roar, his eyes became fierce, he directly displayed the ninth secret of Immortal Dao's "No", and a misty fairy light spread from his body.

This fairy light was not conspicuous, it seemed very ordinary, but at that time, the warlords who drove the chariot to rush and smashed disappeared into the void with their chariots.

Whenever it is shrouded by that misty fairy light, whether it is a general or a chariot, it is directly transformed into nothingness.

Gu Zhong rushed past, and his whole body was covered with celestial light. The thousands of chariots that had rushed to the ground were all cleaned by the power of the word "No" spreading from him.


Even Gu Zhong was stunned by the power displayed by the word "No".

While Gu Zhong was cultivating in the battlefield of the stone room, the atmosphere in the Eastern Imperial City became extremely depressed. Some people saw the strong from the Eastern family appear outside the Eastern Imperial City.

Some people even saw the figure of Donghuang.

Of course, these are all rumors, and no one knows whether they are true or false.

There was an Eastern Emperor from the Eastern family. Of course, this Eastern Emperor was not the emperor among the invincible human races of the Eastern Territory in ancient times, the Eastern Emperor.

The Donghuang is very mysterious and never shows his true colors. Donghuang's face seems to be always wearing a bronze mask.

The strength of the Eastern Emperor is beyond doubt, because the Eastern Emperor has been sanctified, and among the Eastern Regions, among the contemporaries of the Eastern Emperor, no one can match the Eastern Emperor.

I am afraid that only the goddess of the Huanggu Zhao family is qualified to be the opponent of the Eastern Emperor.

After the members of the Eastern aristocratic family appeared, someone saw the strong from the ancient Zhao family haunt outside the Eastern Imperial City, seeming to peep at the Gu Fei master and apprentice in the city.

At this time, in the huge Eastern Imperial City City Lord's Mansion, only Gu Fei and Gu Zhong lived in it.

Frightened by Gu Fei's prestige, the cultivators of the major cultivating families in the Eastern Imperial City did not dare to get too close to the city lord's mansion. You must know that Gu Fei's prestige was typed out.

Such a fierce person, who dares to provoke easily.

Ever since it was discovered that people from the Eastern aristocratic family and the ancient Zhao family appeared in the vicinity of the Eastern Imperial City, the monks in the Eastern Imperial City were all anxious.

The atmosphere in the Eastern Imperial City was extremely depressed.

"The storm is coming, it seems that this grievance is difficult to resolve."

On a mountain peak outside the Eastern Imperial City, an old man muttered while looking at the Eastern Imperial City ahead.

"This battle is inevitable. The problem is that no one knows when this battle will break out."

The older generation of monks in the Eastern Regions were all talking about their grudges between Gu Fei and the Eastern family.

However, the young monks were extremely excited, wishing this battle would break out soon.

Another calm and depressing day passed, and night came, and in a valley outside the Eastern Imperial City, there was a stone table with three people sitting around the stone table.

"Dragon servant, my cousin, really came to Eastern Imperial City."

Next to the stone table, a young man with a folding fan suddenly said to an old servant in Tsing Yi standing behind him.

"It should be true."

The old servant of Tsing Yi said.

"Haha, this time there is a good show."

Opposite the young people, sat a tall and thin middle-aged man.

"What's a good show."

Another Jinyi teenager glanced at a middle-aged man in confusion and said.

"The Zhao family goddess is amazing, and she is one of the most powerful rising stars in the Zhao family. However, if she meets Gu Fei, she will be the best."

The tall and thin middle-aged man glanced at the two and then said.

"My cousin is really good."

The young man with a folding fan said blankly. He had to admit that although they were cousins, they were rivals.

"I really want to know what will happen if the two meet."

Jin Yi boy said.

"You'll know soon."

The young man with a folding fan said.

Just when the three strong men in the valley were guessing who the Zhao Family Goddess and Gu Fei were strong and which was weak, a figure stood silently on top of a mountain in another direction.

This is a slender figure, dressed in white clothes that wins the snow, the mountain breeze blows, a blue silk is dancing in the wind, this is a woman out of dust.

However, this woman's face was wearing a hideous bronze mask.

"Gu Fei, you are finally back."

Just like the sound of the heavens, behind the bronze mask, two fierce gazes came out, and a powerful fighting intent spread from the woman's body.

The next moment, a breeze blew over the mountain peak, and the figure disappeared silently, as if it had disappeared out of thin air.

Gu Fei's return is not a secret, the great sects and clans on the Dragon Continent already knew about it.

"Gu Fei..."

In the Southern Wilderness, the ancestral land of the Azure Dragon clan, a young man sitting on a large rock suddenly opened his eyes, and two incomparable divine lights rushed out of the young man’s eyes, like two. Like lightning, it instantly illuminates the dim world.

On the Lingshan Mountain in the Western Kingdom of Buddhism, an old monk who had long been ignorant of the world walked out of the place of cultivating, reciting the Supreme Buddha Art.

"The evil spirit came back alive."

The old monk shook his head helplessly, then left Lingshan and disappeared between heaven and earth, no one knew where he had gone.

The grievances between Xitu Buddhism and Gu Fei were not small. Gu Fei once overturned half of the Lingshan Mountain, causing heavy losses to Xitu Buddhism and almost shaking the foundation of Buddhism.

In the Eastern Region, among the Eastern Imperial City, Gu Fei sensed that many powerful people were haunting the Eastern Imperial City, and there were more and more of these people, and he didn't know if they had their own enemies.

On Tamron Continent, Gu Fei definitely has many enemies.

On a dark and windy night for a month, a black shadow broke into the city lord's mansion in the Eastern Imperial City silently.

As soon as the dark shadow entered the city lord's mansion, a figure walked out from the side and intercepted the person.

"The guy with his head and tail..."

The man looked at the man in black on the opposite side, his eyes were fierce, and he wanted to see this guy inside and out.

"Gu Zhong."

After the masked man in black saw the person's appearance, he couldn't help being taken aback. He had just entered the City Lord's Mansion, and the other party immediately noticed him.


At this moment, Gu Zhong had already made a move. He took a step forward and instantly forced him to the front of the masked man in black. His five fingers on his right hand were like a hook, and he grabbed directly at the face of the masked man in black. Take its mask.

The man in black moved back and avoided.

Gu Zhong's five fingers grabbed an empty space, but he immediately followed him, rushing forward instantly, banging his fist at the man in black on his chest, and the powerful punch broke out instantly, and the man in black flew away. .

"how is this possible……"

The man in black was shocked to the extreme, let alone Gu Fei, even Gu Fei's apprentice was not an opponent.

This is the gap. Although the person in black is unwilling to accept this fact, the fact is the fact, and no one can change this outcome.

The man in black knew that something could not be done, so he immediately turned around and fled.

However, it was too late at this time, and Gu Zhong had already stepped onto the eight barren steps, showing eight steps of extreme speed, and caught up.

A cloud of fairy light spread from Gu Zhong's body, and suddenly enveloped the man in black who had fled in front of him.


Immediately, the black-clothed man wailed miserably, and divine light rushed out of his body before dissipating directly into the void.

The man in black felt that his strength was losing rapidly.

"How could this be."

The man in black was shocked at this moment.

"Do not kill me."

The man in black quickly begged for mercy.


Gu Zhong sneered and stretched out his big hand directly. A big golden hand appeared above the man in black and suppressed it downward.

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