Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2551: Tianhong Holy Emperor

The strong of the Taikoo Dao Sect arrived, and directly slammed the door, showing an absolutely strong posture.

However, Gu Fei's master and apprentice were not easy to provoke. Gu Zhong played against the strong man of the ancient Taoist school, who was a great figure in the ancient Taoist school.

This old man usually does not show the mountains and dews, but he has a high status and status in the Taikoo Taoist. This time, his grandson and heirs were beheaded by Gu Zhong, making him furious and wishing to tear up Gu Fei's master and disciple. Into pieces.


The void shook, and the old man directly evolved an extinction void, swallowing the ancient weight into this void, and then activated the power of the void, hoping to wipe out the ancient rebirth in this extinction void.

"this is……"

Gu Shizhang was in this void, and saw that there were continuous void lines emerging around him, shining bright divine light, and an extremely powerful force of destruction was rapidly condensing.

"This guy won't be the Void Dao Venerable, one of the nine original immortals in the legend."

Gu Zhong sensed that destructive force that was rapidly condensing, and couldn't help but secretly startled. This old man showed strong combat power, and the Void Avenue had been cultivated to an unbelievable realm.


Gu Zhong didn't dare to neglect, and directly shook the indestructible golden martial art. Nine golden Dao patterns immediately appeared on his body, sealing his body with the nine Dao patterns, so that the power of the martial art would not attract the power of heaven.

"Hmph, you are no more than a martial sage, even if you are invincible of the same rank, you will die today."

The voice of the old man resounded in this void.

"The people of Taikoo Dao Sect are nothing more than that. If you have the ability, just let it go."

Gu Zhong's expression was extremely solemn. He knew that he had met an opponent today, and the old man's cultivation was definitely far above him.

He felt great pressure.

"Since you want to rush to reincarnation, then I will fulfill you, so that the four of you can understand that I am the Taikoo Taoist Tianhong Holy Emperor."

The old man said such words.

"What Tianhong Saint Emperor, I haven't heard of it."

Gu Zhong said disapprovingly, he was not lying, but he really hadn't heard of the Heavenly Sovereign Emperor of the Taikoo Dao Sect. He didn't know who this guy was.

However, the Tianhong Saint Emperor is very famous among the older generation of saints, this is a Immortal Saint Emperor who became enlightened in the Primordial Age.

Legend has it that in the era of the Emperor Tianhong, the Supreme Taoist ancestor was still there, and the Emperor Tianhong was the grandson of the Supreme Taoist ancestor.


Tianhong Saint Emperor was furious, and then directly used his ultimate move, nine immortal immortal patterns appeared in this lore void, and then killed towards the ancient town.

Each immortal pattern revealed a terrifying destructive power, and it seemed that every immortal pattern could destroy the sky and the earth, making Gu Zhong feel palpitation.

This is a saint emperor-level Dao pattern, and I don’t know what secret technique was used by the Heavenly Emperor Hongsheng, but dare to use the holy emperor’s Dao pattern. The power of the saint emperor’s Dao can attract the power of damnation.

However, what shocked Gu Zhong inexplicably was that the power of the scourge did not come. How could this be possible? Could this guy actually ignore the power of the scourge?

In this way, there is no suspense in this battle. You must know that Gu Zhong is only a martial sage. He is two great realms away from the Tianhong Saint Emperor. Among the sages, he is invincible at the same level, but it does not mean that he can Contend with the holy king, even the holy emperor.

If the opponent is a holy king, he still has the power to fight, but Tianhong holy emperor is an ancient immortal emperor. In this way, he has no chance of winning at all, even if he masters the "no" word secret.

Gu Zhong walked a path of proving the Tao with strength. He knew very well that as long as the strength was strong enough, any secret technique could be broken, even the word "no" secrets.


Gu Zhong wouldn't sit still, he roared, his hair fluttered, his eyes flashed like electricity, he worked desperately, and immediately displayed the secret technique of ascension to heaven, and a powerful wave of power erupted from him.


The nine golden Dao patterns that emerged from his body immediately radiated bright Dao light, and the powerful Dao aura burst out on each Dao pattern.

Gu Zhong's body, as if nine rounds of golden divine sun appeared, the mighty martial arts force leaped from his body to directly prop up the immortal divine pattern of the nine seals.


In a dark corner of this lore void, Tianhong Saint Emperor saw this scene, his pupils shrank a little, and he saw the origin of the secret technique that Gu Zhong had displayed.

"It turned out to be the Ascension Secret Art. This person is not a member of the Immortal Dao. How could he have the Ascension Secret Art."

Holy Emperor Tianhong is the disciple of the Supreme Dao Ancestor. He is naturally familiar with the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao. However, the nine secret arts created by the Supreme Dao Ancestor were taught to nine disciples. Mastered a secret.

The master of the Tianhong Saint Emperor is the anti-xu Dao Zun, and one of the nine primitive immortals.


The entire lore void shook. Gu Zhong worked desperately, it was no small matter. The Ascension Secret Art aroused all his potential, and the powerful force directly shook the void.


The Holy Emperor Tianhong was shocked, his lore void was one of his own assassins, but anyone trapped by his lore void, no one could survive, all were killed by the lore void.

However, Gu Zhong's performance exceeded the expectations of the Tianhong Saint Emperor. This Gu Zhong's martial arts is so powerful that it is unimaginable. I am afraid that even an ordinary Saint King can hardly suppress this Martial Saint.

The invincibility of the martial artist is not a lie, especially the Tianhong Saint Emperor. You must know that although the martial ancestor disappeared in the ancient years, his disciples and grandchildren were still walking in the world.

A successful martial artist is an absolutely powerful pronoun.

"I don't believe you can really guard against the sky."

Tianhong Saint Emperor's fighting spirit was completely aroused by Gu Zhong. After so many years, he has rarely become serious. He regarded Gu Zhong as an opponent worthy of his seriousness.

In the next moment, the nine immortal patterns that were forced back by Gu Zhong gave out hundreds of millions of immortal lights, and on each immortal pattern, a figure was looming.


The entire lore void shook violently, and then, the destructive power soared, and the nine immortal patterns broke open with heavy golden light, and went directly to the ancient town.

The power of the two great avenues collided, and the immortal pattern of the holy emperor level was much stronger than the sage-level Dao pattern, and the nine golden road patterns of ancient weight were suppressed.

"It's the holy emperor after all."

Gu Zhong knew that he was really dangerous this time, the gap between the saint and the holy emperor was insurmountable, and he could not be the opponent of this old guy.

He didn't panic, because he knew that this old guy couldn't kill him. You must know that his master was in the Eastern Imperial City, and the master would not see him being killed by this old guy.

Sure enough, at the moment when the nine saint emperor immortal patterns broke through the ancient golden Dao pattern, the entire lore void suddenly shook, and a big golden hand tore the void.

Countless runes shattered under this big golden hand, and the Lore Void was torn out a crack of several thousand feet long from the outside.

The breath of the outside world immediately spread in from the crack.


The next moment, the sound of thunder immediately rang from the depths of the sky, and a terrifying aura of destruction came down from the sky.

Under the great aura, the force of the condemnation immediately reacted, and the force of the condemnation was aroused.


The Holy Emperor Tianhong roared, and he had to seal his body in the first place. You must know that once the power of the scourge really comes, he will be destroyed even if he is the Holy Emperor.

Gu Zhong also hurriedly sealed his own cultivation base with nine lines of patterns, suppressing the cultivation base below the holy rank.

"Gu Fei, it's you."

The lore void disappeared, and Tianhong Saint Emperor's figure appeared in the void. He stared at a black-clothed young man on the opposite side, with divine light flickering in his eyes.

At this time, the golden light hand that tore through the lore void did not dissipate, but still shot towards the Hongsheng Emperor that day, and the powerful power fluctuations swept down from the golden light hand.

"Very well, since you are here, I will clean up your master and apprentice together today to save trouble."

Tianhong Saint Emperor is very confident. You must know that his identity belongs to the ancestor-level existence in the ancient Taoist gate, second only to the founder of the mountain.

Moreover, Tianhong Saint Emperor is an ancient Saint Emperor, in this world, he is invincible except for those Saints.

The Holy Venerable, on the Tamron Continent, ten fingers can be counted, and those existences will not be easily shot. The most important thing is that Gu Fei is not the Holy Venerable.

If Gu Fei was a holy emperor, Tianhong Holy Emperor would definitely not dare to come. In fact, Tianhong Holy Emperor was very careful. He came to the vicinity of Eastern Imperial City as early as the second day after Xuandao was beheaded by Gu Zhong. .

He has been haunting around the Eastern Imperial City, peeping at the Gu Fei master and apprentice in the city.

After finding out that Master Gu Fei was not a holy emperor, or even a holy emperor, he blatantly came to the door and named him to kill Master Gu Fei.

"Hmph, there are many people who want my Gu Fei fate, but in the end I killed them. Do you think you will be an exception?"

Gu Fei looked at Tianhong Saint Emperor, then smiled and said, Although this Tianhong Saint Emperor is an ancient Saint Emperor, it is not a big deal.

If the power of this indestructible battle body is fully displayed, it can definitely fight the Holy Emperor. Gu Fei is not without the power to fight back.

"Young man, you are crazy."

Tianhong Saint Emperor said.

At the same time, his figure was blurred for a while, and instantly disappeared into the void. Gu Fei's golden hand fell directly into the void, directly smashing the void in which the Heavenly Emperor Holy Emperor was standing, and even the chaotic energy was destroyed. Typed out.

The next moment, Hong Shenghuang's figure appeared above Gu Fei's head without warning, and then stepped on Gu Fei's head.

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