Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2557: The world in the road map

The body of the war immortal is extremely powerful, enough to contend with the sacred weapon. Dongfang Yifeng has always been very proud of its body of the war immortal.

Dongfang Yifeng urged the immortal power in his body, and the crack that had cracked on his right fist healed immediately at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"The martial sage of the Western Wudi, sure enough, come again."

Dongfang Yifeng's fighting spirit was like a rainbow. He hadn't encountered such a passionate opponent in many years. In his eyes, Gu Zhong was not an enemy, but a rare opponent.

As he said, he took a step forward and slammed his right fist towards Gu Zhong. On top of his fist, it seemed as if there was a divine fire beating, and there were flame-shaped Dao patterns looming.


Gu Zhong saw this punch from Dongfang Yifeng, and couldn't help being a little surprised. This guy branded immortal patterns in his muscles and flesh to temper his body. This method is very similar to the martial art method of refining.

You should know that the martial arts method of refining the body is to sacrifice one's own body as a sacred instrument. The rank of the sacred instrument can be improved, and the physical body can be transformed to become more powerful.


When Dongfang Yifeng struck that punch, his body actually heard the sound of gusts of wind and thunder, which was the sound of qi and blood in his body.

Gu Zhong's expression became solemn, and he also punched out, a golden Dao pattern appeared on his right fist, and an abnormal sound like thunder came from his body.


With a muffled sound, the two fists slammed together again. This time, the void did not oscillate, and there was no strong wave of power coming out, just like ordinary mortals fighting.

However, whether it was Gu Zhong or Dongfang Yifeng, the expression on his face at this time was extremely solemn, and his entire body glowed with divine light like divine fire.


The sound of broken bones sounded again, and there were cracks on Dongfang Yifeng's fist, as if exquisite porcelain had been hit and cracked.

Soon Dongfang Yifeng's entire fist was covered with cracks, and the cracks continued to spread towards the forearm.


Dongfang Yifeng roared fiercely, and a group of divine light burst out from his body, as if the same round of divine sun appeared on him, the endless fire immortal power burst out, and then surged towards his right arm Away.

On his forearm with cracks, there was a trace of fire shining through the cracks immediately, and the cracks disappeared in the next moment, as if they had never appeared before.


Gu Zhong sensed an incomparably powerful force from the opponent's fist, and he had to shake his arm to release a stronger martial force.

The martial arts Dao pattern imprinted in his muscles and flesh blooms with dazzling light, and the charm of the road is majestic.


Dongfang Yifeng was finally moved when he sensed that a more powerful force burst out of the opponent's fist.


Dongfang Yifeng is unbelievable, the power of martial arts is infinite.


At this time, Gu Zhong's right body shook violently, and a more powerful force burst out again, sending the Dongfang Yifeng upside down.

A sound of broken bones came from Dongfang Yifeng’s right arm. Dongfang Yifeng only felt that the whole arm was about to explode. All the bones of the arm were exploded from the opponent's fist. The power shattered.

"What a powerful body..."

At this time, Dongfang Yifeng had to accept the reality, and the opponent's martial arts were much stronger than the battle immortal body he had cultivated, and he lost under the battle of physique.


The next moment, Dongfang Yifeng's body burst out with a dazzling celestial light, and nine flame-shaped Dao patterns emerged on his body.

The law of the Great Dao recovered, and the sound of bone rubbing was heard on his right arm, the broken bones were shaking, and the arm bones were repairing quickly.

A flash of fairy light flashed, and Dongfang Yifeng's right arm completely recovered.

"Use your true ability, otherwise, you will have no chance."

Gu Zhong looked at Dongfang Yifeng standing in the opposite sky, his eyes became fierce, his fighting spirit was like a rainbow, and his long hair had no wind. The powerful aura that erupted from him made the world shake.

"This is your positive strength."

When Dongfang Yifeng saw Gu Zhong, who was like a **** of war, his pupils shrank, he was shocked and inexplicably, the other party had not tried his best just now.

"Without further ado."

When Gu Zhong was talking, he took a step forward and instantly pushed towards the Eastern Peak. The whole world seemed to be shattered, shaking violently.


Dongfang Yifeng's fighting spirit also shocked the sky, he directly roared, his hands danced, and a big dragon immediately rushed out and pounced towards Gu Zhong.

"this is……"

Gu Zhong was taken aback. The other party used the famous Immortal Way magic technique, called the Dragon Transformation technique, which could evolve a real dragon to attack and kill the enemy. It was extremely powerful.

Seeing that the fire dragon was just a pounce, it immediately shattered a large area of ​​void, the sacred fire spread violently, and the burning half of the sky was red.

"Then what Dongfang Yifeng wants to do."

The monks who were watching the battle near the city lord's mansion were shocked when they saw Dongfang Yifeng performing the dragon transformation technique, and quickly retreated to the distance.

"Does this Dongfang Yifeng want to ruin the City Lord's Mansion?"

Someone exclaimed.

The power of the true dragon and divine fire is terrible. This is a kind of avenue divine fire, which can burn all things in the heavens and earth to ashes. Even if the saint is burned, it will be destroyed.

"Cover the sky."

Facing Dongfang Yifeng’s fierce offensive, Gu Zhong directly used five combat skills to cover the sky, and a big golden hand instantly appeared between the sky and the earth, covering the sky and the earth, and pounced towards the other side. The fire dragon suppressed and left.


Void shook, Jin Guang's big hand shook the sky and the earth, and directly suppressed the blazing true dragon. When the big hand fell, the true dragon emitting endless true dragon and divine fire was immediately broken into several pieces.

"Xiandao Shenshu, but so."

Gu Zhong is extremely powerful, step by step, he rises from the ground to the sky and pushes towards the East Yifeng. Every step he takes, his aura increases by one point.

At this time, the sky-shielding hand that Gu Zhong played had already wiped out the fire dragon, and then disappeared into the void.

When Gu Zhong came to the opposite side of Dongfang Yifeng, the aura on his body made the heaven and the earth tremble, and the void around him burst into a series of pitch-black space cracks, like the entire heaven and earth void could not contain his powerful weapons. The body is the same.

"Your martial arts are so powerful..."

Dongfang Yifeng looked at Gu Zhong on the opposite side in shock. He couldn't believe that a person's physical body could be so powerful to such a terrifying level.

The strength that Gu Zhong showed, made Dongfang Yifeng had to move.

"You are here to die."

Gu Zhong looked at Dongfang Yifeng, and then said such words, he was very confident that even an ancient sage like Dongfang Yifeng was not his opponent.

What about Old Sage, in the face of an absolutely powerful force, he must die.

"is it."

Dongfang Yifeng's words were cold, and he was still fearless, because before he came, he had prepared for the worst. Gu Fei's master and apprentice could defeat Dongfang Zun, which was enough to show the strength of these two masters and disciples.

Dongfang Zun is also an ancient sage, and his enlightenment time was much earlier than Dongfang Yifeng.

There are only a few saints in the entire Eastern world. The Eastern Honor is dead. For the Eastern family, it is definitely a great loss. Now, if even the Eastern Peak is dead, there are not many saints in the Eastern family. .

In the period when the power of the Scourge was still present, the deterrent effect of the saint was not too obvious. Once the power of the Scourge disappeared, the saint would restore the holy rank cultivation base. At that time, the deterrence effect of the saint would be revealed.


At this moment, Dongfang Yifeng's body suddenly flew up a Dao map, it was a sky-shaking map, with the power of the endless immortal Dao surging out, showing the terrifying power of suppressing the heavens.

As soon as Dao Tu came out, Gu Zhong felt his body sink, as if he was being violently pressed by an ancient sacred mountain.


Gu Zhong was taken aback. This Taoist picture was very extraordinary, and it revealed a mighty force similar to that of the mountain and river tripod that suppressed the heavens.

"Haha, it's not certain who kills who."

Dongfang Yifeng laughed. Since he dared to come here, he was ready for everything. This Taoist picture is an ancestor tool in the Eastern family.

"Drive me."

Gu Zhong roared, his body exploded, Sheng Sheng forced the powerful force that was almost suffocated from his body, and then he blasted upward with a punch.


With a loud noise, Gu Zhong's punch directly banged on the road map.


Dao Tu's shock actually gave birth to a strong swallowing force that swallowed Gu Zhong into the Earth-shaking Dao Tu at once, which surprised Gu Zhong.


Gu Zhong only felt that the sky was spinning around for a while, and the next moment he realized that he had entered an unfamiliar area, surrounded by mountains and woods, but the sky was gray.

"here is……"

Gu Zhong was shocked, he had already understood that he was swallowed into the world among the Dao Tu by that Dao Tu.

There was a heaven and earth in the Dao Tu, this was something that Gu Zhong never expected, so Gu Zhong was recruited and taken into the Dao Tu Heaven and Earth.

"Haha, kill you, I will find your master again."

Dongfang Yifeng's voice came from all directions, and no one could determine his exact location.

"It's so funny, you can kill me with this method."

Gu Zhong said coldly, but he didn't dare to be careless. You must know that once careless, he might stay in this ghost place forever.

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