Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2559: Great Sacred Vessel

Dongfang Xuan is a quasi-sage in the Eastern family. This quasi-sage is not simple, not an ordinary quasi-sage, but an ancient quasi-sage.

In the ancient years, he had already cultivated to the realm of quasi-sage, but after endless years, he was still a quasi-sage and it was difficult to take that step.

Even when he appeared in the chaotic world, he failed to provoke the saint's robbery in the chaotic world to cross the robbery and become a holy.

Although he is not a saint, Dongfang Xuan's status in the Eastern family is not low, but the existence of the elders in the Eastern family.

The relationship between this Dongfangxuan and Dongfangyifeng is very good. In fact, Dongfangxuan and Dongfangyifeng are cousins. Among the Dongfang family, Dongfangxuan is the only person who can talk about it.

When he learned that Dongfang Yifeng had collected Gu Zhong into the Earth-shaking Taoist map, Dongfang Xuan vaguely felt uneasy. He felt that things were not that simple.

However, those elders in the Eastern family were dissatisfied with Dongfang Yifeng and would not help Dongfang Yifeng. Dongfang Xuan could only go to the Eastern Imperial City by himself.


At this time, in the Earth-shaking Dao map, the chaos is surging, as if it is gestating a chaotic world, the power of destruction is raging, and everything is difficult to keep.

In this chaotic world, a golden figure sitting in the void floats up and down in the chaotic air.

Nine golden Dao patterns emerged on this figure, imprinted on his body, blooming with the breath of immortality, no matter how turbulent the chaotic energy outside, it is difficult to shake this figure.

This person is Gu Zhong.

He closed his eyes, golden glows flowed all over his body, and a strong breath came from his body, like a sleeping golden war god, giving people a great sense of oppression.

"This guy……"

After sensing the situation in the Shaking Daotu, Dongfang Yifeng was shocked to the extreme. This Gu Zhong was really strong, at least much stronger than the average sage, and even supported that it has not been obliterated by the Shaking Daotu.


Gu Zhong suddenly opened his eyes, and saw his right hand stretched out, a divine spear immediately appeared in his hand, and the sound of thunder bursts from the divine spear in his hand.

I saw that on the spear body of the divine spear, there were a series of electric lights lingering, and a series of lightning-shaped road patterns loomed inside the divine spear, revealing the atmosphere of the great spear.


Gu Zhong stood up from the void, holding the divine spear in his hand, and then directly pierced upwards, a bright electric light immediately rushed out from the divine spear, directly smashing the chaotic void.

However, this incomparable blow did not really break through the chaotic void that had evolved inside the Earth-shaking Dao Diagram.


Gu Zhong couldn't help being moved when he saw that his sacred weapon had failed to break through the void here. You must know that this divine spear has a lot of origin and is a great sacred weapon.


Gu Zhong urged this divine spear with all his strength, and a thunderbolt rang out. The divine spear in his hand turned into a dazzling lightning, like the strongest thunder pattern in the world blooming in his hand.


Dianguang instantly tore through the chaotic void and rushed out of the Earth-shaking Dao Tu, almost piercing the Dongfang Yifeng sitting on top of the Dao Tu.


Dongfang Yifeng was taken aback. He never thought that the other party could penetrate the Earth-shaking Daotu.

"how can that be……"

Dongfang Yifeng is unbelievable, you know, this Taoist picture, but the Taoist treasure left by the ancestors of the Eastern family, is the ancestor of the Eastern family.

As soon as the Tao map came out, the Shifang Tiandi was sealed, even if it was as strong as a saint, it could be killed.

However, at this time, not only did Gu Zhong not die, he also broke the seal of the Earth-shattering Daotu, and penetrated the Earth-shattering Daotu with incomparable strength.

The Earth-shaking Dao Tu was shaking, and a crack torn out by that lightning was being repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, Gu Zhong would not miss this opportunity to get out of trouble. He soared up into the sky, transformed into a golden light, and rushed out from the crack on the Earth-shaking Dao map.


Striking lightning bursts from his right hand, and the powerful thunder and lightning power is raging, and every lightning strikes through the void of heaven and earth.

"this is……"

When Dongfang Yifeng, who had already retreated, saw this scene, he couldn't help being shocked to the extreme. He felt a strong thunder and lightning power erupting in Gu Zhong's hands.


Dongfang Yifeng roared and urged the sky-shaking Dao Tu with all his strength, and endless Dao patterns emerged from that Dao Tu, which swallowed Gu Zhong, wanting to swallow Gu Zhong into the Dao Tu again.

However, after Gu Zhong had suffered a loss, he would never fall down in the same pit again. He stepped on eight wild steps to show the world's extreme speed, and instantly evaded.

"Take me a spear."

Gu Zhong roared and threw out the lightning in his hand.


There was a loud bang, a thunderbolt shook the sky, and the lightning in Gu Zhong's hand was blooming, and the extremely powerful thunder force suddenly exploded, like a heavenly punishment, and bombarded towards the eastern peak.

Dongfang Yifeng felt that the great danger had enveloped him at the moment Gu Zhong smashed the lightning.

The Thunder God's spear in Gu Zhong's hand is a great holy weapon that can tear through the sky-shaking Taoist map. If it is hit by this Thunder God's spear, even if the East Peak has the body of the war fairy, it will probably end up with a complete destruction.

However, the lightning speed reached the extreme, and it blasted in front of Dongfang Yifeng in an instant, so that he didn't even have time to evade, and he was shocked.

Just when Dongfang Yifeng thought that he was going to be killed by the opponent, an Aegis suddenly appeared in front of him without warning, protecting him in it.


Powerful lightning blasted on the aegis, and immediately dense cracks appeared on the aegis, which might break apart at any time.


A voice came from behind Dongfang Yifeng, and then Dongfang Yifeng felt his waist tighten, and the whole person was pulled away from him.

The visitor directly smashed out a formation, and then jumped onto this formation with Dongfang Yifeng.


A divine light emerged from the formation, and the incoming person and Dongfang Yifeng were directly teleported out, leaving this dangerous place.


Seeing Dongfang Yifeng being rescued by a young man, Gu Zhong couldn't help being annoyed. That young man was definitely a strong man in the Eastern family.

The opponent used the teleportation formation to escape. After escaping, the formation was directly shattered into the void, and all the runes inside dissipated. 32

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