Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2563: Fight against the mysterious strong

Ji Changkong was extremely strong, he used a great technique to directly swallow the round of Shenyang that Ji Ziyang had transformed.


The whole world was shaking, the atmosphere of the road was mighty, and the whole mountain was about to break apart. The ridges cracked and cracked, and countless rocks fell from the mountains.

The creatures in the whole area were terrified, as if the end had come.


With a loud noise, the purple sun in the sky suddenly exploded, and the destructive power shook the sky and the earth, breaking the sky and the earth through a big hole, and the chaotic air lingered inside.

At the same time, a figure vomited blood and flew back, rushed directly into the broken world, and disappeared into the extremely chaotic chaotic void.


With a cold snort, a huge vortex appeared between the sky and the earth, swallowing all the destructive power that was spreading in all directions.

Then, a figure appeared above the sky.

This person was Ji Changkong and Na Ji Ziyang, but he was beaten away. He and Na Ji Ziyang were both members of the Ji clan, and his identity was a generation higher than that of Ji Ziyang.

However, Ji Ziyang is the contemporary head of the Ji family.

Since knowing that Ji Changkong is still alive, the Ji clan leader has continuously sent his henchmen to get rid of Ji Changkong, but Ji Changkong is no longer the Ji Changkong of the year.

While dealing with the strong confidant sent by the Ji clan leader, Ji Changkong's cultivation base is constantly improving.

"It's time to try some luck somewhere."

Ji Changkong was standing in the void, his body was purple, and nine purple Dao patterns loomed on his body, revealing bursts of avenue aura.


Ji Changkong's figure disappeared into the void.

Soon after Ji Changkong left, several incomparably powerful auras rushed over from a distance. The leader was an old man with white beard and hair holding a dragon-head stick.

"Where is the traitor."

The old voice sounded, and it spread far away. On the dragon head stick that the old man held in his hand, a Taoist pattern appeared, which was a powerful sacred artifact.

"Is Ziyang defeated."

Behind the old man, a middle-aged man in Tsing Yi looked at the destroyed mountain in front of him and said in shock.

"That traitor is actually so powerful."

Another middle-aged man in gray said incredulously.


The old man was frightened and angry, and then he directly used his great skills to reproduce the previous battle between Ji Changkong and Ji Ziyang, and the scenes of the battle reappeared.

The final picture is the scene of Ji Changkong leaving.

"Ziyang really lost in the hands of that traitor, this..."

Those two middle-aged people were a little dumbfounded. You know, Ji Ziyang is a recognized genius among the Ji clan, and his cultivation is extremely powerful. Even some strong men of the older generation are not their opponents.

"That traitor should have gone to that place."

The middle-aged man in gray said suddenly.

"Does he want to cross the robbery."

The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi seemed to have thought of something. He glanced at the middle-aged man in gray and then said in shock.

"Even if that traitor fled to the ends of the world, I will kill him."

As the old man said, he left here with two middle-aged people and headed towards that place.

Just when Ji Changkong caused great waves on the Ziwei ancestor star, Heitian still walked through the ruins floating in the starry sky.

"That is……"

He suddenly realized that there was a bronze warship floating quietly in front of him. The huge warship, thousands of feet long, was floating towards him like a hill.

On the hull of the bronze warship, there was a huge hole. It was a handprint. This warship was slapped through by a palm. The person who shot it was definitely a strong man of Gedai.

You know, this level of bronze warship is not something that ordinary people can destroy. This kind of warship is a terrible combat tool, and only some superpowers can have it.

Heitian was very careful. He was not in a hurry to board the warship, but carefully observed from outside the warship.

There was no breath of life in the warship. Looking through the palm-shaped hole, you could see some dead bodies floating inside.


The void around Heitian's body was trembling, and formation patterns were looming. The formation patterns covered the void around a hundred meters around him. Anything that broke into the range covered by his formation would be instantly noticed by him.

After hesitating for a while, Hei Tian decided to board the ship. You must know that there is a teleportation array on a warship of this level. As long as you find the teleportation array, you can return to the Ancestor of Life.

This is Hei Tian's purpose of venturing into this unknown ruin, and finding the teleportation array or other things that can be located, he may return to the ancestor of life.

There are only five ancestors of life in the entire human world, and after these five ancestors of life are distributed among the endless star field and lost their way, it is almost impossible to find one of them. Things.

The formation pattern shrouded, and all the subtle movements in the battleship surfaced in Hei Tian's mind.

There were a lot of corpses floating in the battleship. Obviously, the man who shot the bronze battleship at that time killed all the monks on the entire battleship with just one palm.

With this kind of combat power, Hei Tian felt heart palpitations even after he was sanctified. You must know that he could see from the formation pattern on this warship that it was a holy warship.

The person who can break through the holy battleship is at least a holy king, or even holy emperor, maybe a holy priest.

Sure enough, as Heitian expected, he found a formation in the middle of this ancient warship. However, the formation had been cracked, but the rune on it had not been destroyed.

If it were changed to someone else, this formation would have broken down, so naturally it wouldn't be useful, but who Heitian was, he was the master of the formation.

For Heitian, repairing this formation is not difficult.

After carefully observing this formation once, Hei Tian began to repair this ancient formation. He had a lot of magical materials in his collection, which was just right at this time.

A few hours later, the cracked formation was repaired by Hei Tian, ​​and divine light circulated above the formation. After entering the aura into the formation, the runes imprinted inside the formation immediately lit up. stand up.

"It turned out to be the formation teleported to that place."

Soon Hei Tian was shocked. This formation was actually built by a great teacher of Ziwei Zuxing, one of the five greatest life ancestors in the world.

"What happened that year."

Hei Tian was very curious that the battleship of Ziwei Zuxing appeared here. Could it be that the Dajiao of Ziwei Zuxing was unable to fight against other forces in the starry sky.

"Forget it, no matter what happened to him back then, I will leave this ghost place first."

Hei Tian did not hesitate, he directly activated this formation.

The moment he activated the formation, he suddenly felt that something was quickly approaching this ancient warship, which surprised him.

Sure enough, something unknown is hidden in this ruin.


At this moment, the void on the battlefield suddenly shook, and Heitian's figure disappeared from the battlefield, and he fled away directly.


At the moment Heitian escaped, a roar sounded from outside the ancient warship, and a huge figure appeared outside the ancient warship.


The huge black shadow fell directly with a palm, and the whole ancient battleship broke into pieces immediately, even the ancient formation that had been repaired by Heitian broke into tens of thousands of pieces.

At the same time, on the Ziwei ancestor star, in the depths of the ruins, an ancient formation that had been covered in dust for endless years suddenly sent waves of fluctuations.

On Tenglong Ancestral Star, in the Eastern Region, in the Eastern Imperial City, Gu Fei's retreat.


Powerful fluctuations in power spread from Gu Fei's retreat. At this time, runes lingered around Gu Fei's body, revealing an aura of ancient and vicissitudes.

The ancient transfer formation has been successfully reversed by a third of him, but it is not possible to do so in a short time if he wants to completely reverse the entire ancient transfer formation.

At this time, Gu Zhong, who was guarding outside Gu Fei's retreat, suddenly opened his eyes.

"How come there are always some flies coming to die."

While speaking, Gu Zhong stood up from the ground, holding the Thunder God's spear, he took one step directly, and the next moment, he appeared above the city lord's mansion.

I saw that there was a chariot in the sky above the city lord's mansion, a chariot pulled by a flood dragon, that was the flood dragon of the three quasi-sage realm.

Above the chariot, stood a tall middle-aged man wearing purple fairy armor.

"Which green onion are you?"

Gu Zhong looked at the middle-aged man on the opposite chariot, and said indifferently.

"Humph, how many years, no one dared to talk to me like this."

The middle-aged man looked at Gu Zhong and said coldly.

"is it."

Gu Zhong didn't care.

"Say more with someone like you, or kill you, and then go back to see my way."

The middle-aged man shot directly at Gu Zhong, and saw that with a wave of his right hand, a dragon shadow immediately rushed out of his hand and rushed towards Gu Zhong.


The dragon shadow instantly grew bigger, and when he raised his head and roared, the whole world shook, and a strong real dragon power burst out from the dragon shadow.

"The power of the true dragon."

Gu Zhong sensed this power fluctuation and couldn't help being moved. This guy unexpectedly used the power of a true dragon afterwards. It seems that this guy is not a weak person.


Gu Zhong directly waved the Thunder God's Spear in his hand, like a long stick, and smashed madly at the big dragon that swooped in. The powerful lightning power burst out on the God Spear.


The Thunder God's spear in Gu Zhong's hand smashed fiercely on the dragon shadow, smashing the dragon shadow's head directly, and the fierce thunder and lightning power ravaged the square and tore the void.

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