Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2570: Finally succeeded

Yaoyue was sent into a killing formation by Gu Fei to hone her. The killing formation evolved into a battlefield, allowing Yaoyue to fight against the incomparably powerful beasts.

As a warrior, fighting is the foundation. To improve your cultivation and combat power in battle, and break through the shackles of cultivation in battle, this is the most important part of cultivation for a warrior.

Because the warrior is born a warrior.

In the battlefield evolved from the killing formation, Yaoyue was still calm and composed against the eight fierce and powerful beasts, even though she had been injured.

Yaoyue stood in the air, and she scanned the fierce beast that was approaching herself, her eyes were fierce, fighting like a rainbow, and on her back, three **** scratches were flowing with blood.

She completely forgot the pain, the muscles all over her body were tight, and she would release an extremely powerful force in the next moment at any time.

This is the advantage of the martial arts. There is an incomparable strength in the martial arts, which can fight the opponent for a long time and consume the opponent alive.


The fierce beast roared, and after the fierce beast hidden in the mist succeeded in hitting it, it retreated, waiting for the next opportunity to shoot.

This is a cunning beast.

But the other fierce beasts possessed tyrannical power, and with heavy steps, they slowly pushed towards Yaoyue. The extremely powerful and fierce aura shook the whole world.

The power of the killing array is constantly improving, and the power of the fierce beasts that the killing array has evolved is also constantly improving. The terrifying aura makes heaven and earth lose its color.

"Do you think that girl Yaoyue is in danger?"

On a mountain peak in the distance where the killing formation was located, there stood a man and a woman. The man was dressed in black, like an ordinary person, without any tyrannical aura.

This is a young man who is not so handsome, but very attractive.

And standing beside the black-clothed young man was a white-clothed woman. This woman had a peerless appearance and an extraordinary temperament, and she was not like someone who could be seen in the world.

"Don't worry, injuries are inevitable, but you can't die."

The young man in black said.

In the ancestral land of the Demon Race, no one can walk around freely except Gu Fei and Yan'er. The young men and women above the mountain are Gu Fei and Yan'er.

"Great changes are coming, only a strong existence can survive."

Yan'er said.

"Is the change going to happen."

Gu Fei suddenly raised his head and looked towards the sky. His eyes were extremely deep, with Dao patterns looming inside, as if he wanted to see through the universe.

At this time, in the killing formation, Yaoyue had already fought against the fierce beasts. This was an extremely tragic battle. In the end, although she beheaded all the fierce beasts, she was also seriously injured and almost killed.

This kind of life-and-death battle is the best and most direct way to stimulate the potential of Yaoyue's martial art. When Yaoyue's martial art recovers, it will definitely become stronger, which is beyond doubt.

Yaoyue sat in the killing array, surrounded by the dim world. After the fierce beast evolved from the killing array was beheaded, the killing array would automatically gather strength and prepare for the next wave of attacks.

During this period of time, it is the best time for Yaoyue to heal the injured body. When the next wave of attacks is launched, her martial arts will fully recover.

Soon, Yaoyue's body was enveloped by the misty water vapor, and a powerful water movement force was rapidly condensing, and strong fluctuations spread.

At this time, the old antiques in the entire human world felt that changes were about to occur, and the power of the heavenly condemnation was about to disappear completely.

After this deterrent force in the Three Realms and Six Paths disappears, those ancient sages will inevitably jump out in the first place. For the entire cultivation world, it must be a great turmoil that will rewrite the pattern.

Those ancient forces will have no scruples.

This was also an unprecedented challenge for Gu Fei. No one knew what the three realms and six realms would become after the power of the scourge disappeared.

However, one thing Gu Fei is certain is that the stronger the person, can survive this coming troubled world.

In the Tenglong Continent, the Eastern Imperial City of the Eastern Region, Gu Fei's indestructible battle body is still deducing the ancient formation. At this time, no one dared to go wild.

It is rare for the Eastern Imperial City to calm down, and even the eyeliners sent by the various forces outside the City Lord's Mansion are much less.

The Eastern family still didn't do anything. Ever since the Dongfang Yifeng was rescued by Dongfang Xuan, it hadn't appeared again. Some people were puzzled by the Eastern family's reaction.

You know, the Eastern aristocratic family is a powerful family capable of contending with the ancient forces. Such a family naturally has the foundation to deter all forces.

Although Gu Fei's master and apprentice are powerful, if he uses the clan's ancestor weapon, he can still beheaded and regained the Eastern Imperial City.

Time was fading, and the time that Gu Fei had agreed with the middle-aged warrior was running out. This made Gu Zhong unable to sit still. He fought against the middle-aged warrior and knew how powerful it was.

Moreover, this middle-aged warrior was wearing a four-spirit battle suit, which was a battle suit of a fairy.

Gu Zhong was a little worried, because he knew that his Master did not return to the Dragon Continent with the Supreme Sacred Artifact this time, and against such an opponent, he didn't know his master's chance of winning.


On a dark and windy night for a month, there were bursts of thunder in Gu Fei's retreat, and divine lights broke through the blockade of the retreat and rushed out.

"Finally succeeded."

Gu Chong, who was sitting close to the retreat, opened his eyes fiercely, and two rays of light rushed out of his eyes, as if two flashes of lightning flashed in the darkness.

He grabbed the Thunder God's Spear and then stood up.


A trembling sound of the void came from Gu Fei's retreat. At the same time, endless ancient runes were intertwined and reorganized around Gu Fei's body.

Gu Fei was full of divine light, and under the traction of his powerful divine consciousness fluctuations, an ancient formation finally took shape, revealing an infinite breath.

The array pattern was directly imprinted in the void, a group of divine light flashed, an ancient large array was slowly rotating, and every rune was blooming with brilliant divine light.


Looking at this big formation, Gu Fei felt a sense of collapse. He was so tired that he didn't stop at the beginning, even when the middle-aged warrior fought with Gu.

After several months of hard work, it finally succeeded. Gu Fei breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, in the demon clan ancestral land in the week of Falling Stars, an ancient formation suddenly began to operate.

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