Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2578: True Phoenix

Gu Zhong is incomparably powerful, and directly transformed into a sword of light, crushing the peerless magic knife of the demon head, and crushing the demon head.

"Do you need help."

A voice came down from the sky, and the incoming person stood above the void, full of flames, and in the flames, the ghost of the divine bird was looming, and the atmosphere of the avenue was filled.

This is a man who is like the ancient fire god, and he has cultivated the fire road to the point of perfection. This man is exactly the iron-blooded Taoist.

"No need to."

Gu Zhong's figure appeared, and multiple golden rainbows hovered around him like golden lightning, and each golden rainbow exuded an incomparably powerful atmosphere.

"How can your combat power..., have you practiced one of the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao?"

The demon was shocked.

"Your knowledge is good."

Gu Zhong looked at the demon shadow that was shrouded in devilish energy on the opposite side, and said indifferently, just now he had directly performed the Ascension Secret Art, otherwise, it would be difficult to suppress this demon.

"It's really the legendary Nine Secrets of Immortal Dao."

The demon was taken aback. The other party actually practiced this undefeated Secret Art of the Immortal Dao. The name of the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao was extremely loud even in ancient times. Especially for the demon clan, the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao had special significance. .

You know, the people of the immortal Dao back then fought against the demons. Every time the demon wanted to make a move, it would be suppressed by the members of the immortal road, and it was difficult to raise their heads.

There were countless demons who died in the hands of people in the immortal way.

"bring it on."

Gu's heavy fighting spirit was like a rainbow, and an extremely powerful aura erupted from his body, and the void around him immediately rippled like water waves.

"Damn, the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao are not invincible in the world."

The powerful magic power of that demon like a rainbow burst out from his body, and the endless demonic energy burst out, and instantly enveloped the entire world.


The heavens and the earth shook, and the monsters in the entire Demon Territory were panicked, as if a peerless monster appeared between the heaven and the earth.

In the devil qi, pieces of black scales emerged from the fierce demon's body, and two demon horns quickly grew from his forehead.

The sound of clicking continued from the demon's body, the bones and muscles were trembling, and the figure was quickly pulled up, and black sharp thorns pierced the clothing on the demon's back.

"this is……"

Golden light flickered in Gu Zhong's eyes, and golden runes loomed in the depths of his eyes. His eyes could see through the devilish energy, and fell on the fierce demon that was changing.

Although this fierce demon looked like a human before, it is now transforming into a "devil", this is a terrifying fierce demon.


The fierce demon looked up to the sky and roared, and a group of magic light emerged from the fierce demon's body. This fierce demon finally transformed into a perfect form, and a terrible and terrifying aura came out of this fierce demon's body.

"Why don't you take advantage of this guy's combat power has not yet risen to the extreme."

The iron-blooded Taoist who retreated above the sky said to Gu Zhong.

"No hurry, I just want to kill this fierce demon when it is most powerful."

Gu Zhong said, he was very confident.

The Jagged Taoist shook his head, and said nothing more.

"Human, you are too arrogant."

The fierce demon was roaring, a pair of blood-colored pupils emerged from the devilish energy, and then glanced away at Gu Zhong, his eyes cold and sharp without any emotion.

The devil kills the world, feeds on the spirits of all beings, and is born cold-blooded and merciless.

Among the human races, some people who have stepped into the devil's way are the same. With the devil's nature, even the biological son can be killed with a single blow, without any mercy.

"Haha, this is not arrogance, but self-confidence."

Gu Da said with a smile.

"Your confidence will kill you."

The fierce demon said coldly, the blood-colored pupils opened and closed in the devilish energy, and the terrifying demon power emanating from its body became stronger and stronger.

"is it."

Gu Zhong smiled, he didn't agree.


The fierce demon took action. It no longer talked nonsense with Gu Zhong, directly roared, and stretched out its claws to grab Gu Zhong. The pitch-black claws instantly enveloped the entire world, tearing the sky and the void, and covering Gu Zhong. Under the claws.

"Well, it's much stronger than before."

Gu Zhong sensed the fluctuations of the mighty power of the magic power that spread out above the devil's claws, and couldn't help but secretly startled, this fierce demon was indeed powerful.

Without any hesitation, Gu Zhong stepped up into the sky, and then turned into a magic sword, slashing towards the devil's claws grabbed from the sky.


The dazzling light of the knife instantly smashed on the magic claws, making a piercing sound of golden iron trembling, the magic claws were not cut off, it actually shook the golden magic knife that Gu Zhong had made.

"Holy Demon Body."

Above the sky, the iron-blooded Taoist saw this scene, and couldn't help being surprised. This fierce demon's body is extremely powerful, and this fierce demon is probably not just as simple as a holy demon.


The golden magic sword broke through the void and rushed out directly from under the cover of the magic claws, the golden magic sword disappeared, and Gu Zhong's figure appeared in the void.

This is a combat technique that Gu Zhong created by transforming soldiers into the body based on martial arts combat skills, turning into a magic weapon, showing its unique power.


The devil's claws vibrated in the void, and the vast void was collapsing. A destructive force went directly toward Gu Zhong, blasting him thousands of feet away.


Seeing this scene, the iron-blooded Taoist above the sky couldn't help being surprised. After this demon appeared in its original form, the combat power was greatly improved.


Gu Zhong looked up to the sky and roared, and his whole body of golden light skyrocketed. Nine golden Dao patterns appeared on his body, and the earth-shaking power exploded. The golden light from his eyes was more than ten meters long.

"Very good, come again."

Gu Zhong roared, and stepped directly on the Eight Desolate Steps, showing the world's extreme speed, rushing towards the opposite fierce demon, his power was already close to the limit allowed by the human world.

In the depths of the sky, there was a faint sound of thunder.

The fierce demon stretched its claws and continued to grab Gu Zhong.

"It's all this trick to come and go, see me covering the sky."

Gu Zhong roared, and slapped forward directly with a palm. The big golden hand instantly enveloped the whole world and greeted the clutched claws.


Gu Zhong’s sky-shielding hand and the claws of the fierce demon instantly collided, and the two extremely powerful forces shook each other. Under the collision of these two forces, the void of heaven and earth was silently annihilated, and even the chaotic energy was beaten. Came out.

The big golden hand dissipated, the claws shattered, and the two figures were moving fast.



The violent collision sound continued to sound, Gu Zhong and the fierce demon were doing their best to shoot, both wanting to completely blast each other out at the first time.


The fierce demon's claws were scratched on Gu Zhong's waist, and several blood stains appeared on Gu Zhong's body immediately, and golden blood oozes from the scratches.

Gu Zhong's immortal golden body was actually injured.


At the same time, Gu Zhong roared and punched the fierce demon's left shoulder. The powerful force directly smashed the fierce demon's left shoulder into a cloud of blood.

The two figures separated quickly, and each retreated far away.

At this time, Gu Zhong only felt that there was a trace of coldness in the middle of his waist and his claws, which was the power of true magic.

"What a terrible magic."

Gu Zhong's heart shook, and the martial arts power exploded during his thoughts, and immediately forced out the magic power that had invaded his body.

And that fierce demon was also uncomfortable. The shoulder that was shattered by Gu Zhong's punch was difficult to repair, because a layer of golden light was attached to the wound, which was the power of the golden path.

The fierce demon is terrifying and terrifying. It also immediately forced out the power of the golden road that invaded the body. The wound was healed quickly. The flesh and bones were repaired. Soon, the left shoulder was completely healed, as if it had never been affected. Created the same.

At this time, the martial arts power in Gu Fei's body was majestic, the scratches on his waist disappeared, the wound healed, and a few holes in his clothes were left, proving that he was caught by the claws of the fierce demon just now.

"Equally matched."

Above the sky, the Jagged Taoist who saw this scene couldn't help being shocked. You know, Gu Zhong is a warrior, almost invincible of the same rank.

This fierce demon was able to fight endless battles with the ancient major, and did not fall behind, which really made the Jagged Daoist feel a little unbelievable.

"That is……"

At this moment, Jie Xue Dao Ren suddenly sensed an extremely vague aura quickly approaching from the direction of the demon cave, and soon, a demon shadow walked out of the demon energy.

"Huh, do you want a gang fight."

Gu Zhong said coldly, he also sensed the arrival of a powerful demon clan.

"What a joke, do you need to join forces with others to kill you."

The fierce demon said disdainfully.

The Demon Shadow had no intention of making a move, and stopped in the distance, looking at the fierce demon and Gu Zhong coldly.

"Old Tie, you won't be bored now."

Gu Zhong spoke to the Jagged Taoist.


The Jie Xue Taoist laughed and rushed towards the demon shadow from Yuankong.

"court death."

The demon shadow was very powerful, and it rose directly into the sky and greeted the iron-blooded Taoist man. It was a young demon with long **** hair.

"Are you talking about yourself."

The iron-blooded Taoist said coldly, he directly used the Immortal Phoenix Art, and a phantom of a true phoenix immediately emerged from his body and rushed towards the demon.


The fire burned to the sky, and the heavy demon energy dissipated under the firelight. Although the true phoenix was not a true phoenix, but it showed great power, setting off a monstrous phoenix real fire towards the demon. Burn off.

"this is……"

The demon was obviously taken aback. He didn't seem to think that this human race had actually obtained the inheritance of the Immortal Divine Phoenix and cultivated the True Phoenix Technique.

The power of the true phoenix technique was so powerful that even this demon couldn't help but moved, the divine fire raged over the sky and swallowed the demon directly.

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