Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2598: Ancient Li Family

The battle of Tianjiao attracted the attention of countless monks, and those who received the news immediately entered the mountains to watch the battle.

Suddenly, rainbow light constantly passed over the sky of the mountain, and submerged into the depths of the mountain. Some people even came to watch the battle with chariots and Shenzhou.

The huge Shenzhou rushed across from the sky, revealing a terrifying coercion, making all the fierce beasts in the mountain settle down and dare not roar.


A chariot with soaring flames rushed from far away, and the mighty divine power fluctuated in all directions. On the blazing chariot, the warrior had a human-shaped flame.

"The descendants of Vulcan are here."

Someone could not help being surprised when they saw that chariot. It was a chariot that could only be used by the strong of the Vulcan clan. In the Eastern Region, the Vulcan Clan was an outsider, and the ancestral land of the Vulcan Clan was not in the Eastern Region.

However, no one dared to underestimate this tribe, because this tribe has a lot of origins. Legend has it that they are descendants of ancient innate gods and men, and they have their blood.

"The Li family is here too."

Someone saw a Shenzhou flying from far away. On top of the Shenzhou, there was a large flag with an ancient character, "Li" written on it. This was the Shenzhou of the ancient Li family.

The origin of the Huanggu Li family is greater than that of the Fire God race. Some people say that the Huanggu Li family is the family of the Supreme Dao Patriarch, and the Supreme Dao Patriarch is the supreme that came out of this family.

Back then, endless years have passed, but no one knows what the truth of that year was, and no one can explore it.

However, the strength of the ancient Li family is beyond doubt. The ancient Li family is a super ancient family, and its family history can even be traced back to the mythical era before the ancient times.

In this world, I am afraid that there are not many inheritances that can be traced back to the age of mythology, which is too long.


The huge Shenzhou flew across the sky, crushing black, like a big mountain moving.

Everyone in the mountains who witnessed this scene was shocked to the extreme. They all knew that the great figure of the ancient Li family had arrived and came personally.

"Could it be that the Tianjiao of the Huanggu Li family is also here."

Someone said such words.

The ancestral land of the Li family is very mysterious. No one knows where it is. However, the people of the Li family have always been found in the middle earth. Some people think that the ancestral land of the Li family should be in the middle earth.

Only the ancient Li family, a super ancient power that has passed on endless years, can gain a foothold in Middle-earth and not be replaced by other forces.

You must know that Middle-Earth is different from the four major regions. Middle-Earth is the birthplace of the ancestral veins in the Tenglong Continent. It is not known how many amazing people have been produced throughout the ages.

There are definitely many Tianjiao in Middle-earth, even if the Tianjiao from the other four regions combined, there are probably not as many Tianjiao in Middle-earth.

The Tianjiao of the ancient Li family is also very mysterious. No one has seen its true face, but no one dares to underestimate the Tianjiao of the Li family.


At this time, the world was shaking, and the battle between Gu Zhong and the Zhao family goddess reached a white-hot stage. Gu Zhong’s pair of fists was like two rounds of golden sun, blooming endless golden light, and the power of gold moved the sky and the earth. With the punch, the entire sky and the sky shook.


With a loud noise, a large mountain a dozen miles away was swept away by the ancient fist wind, and it immediately exploded, turned into dust, and disappeared into the world.


All the monks who watched the battle nearby were taken aback. They all felt the danger, and evaded further away, not daring to get too close.


The Taiyin Chakra vibrated, and the void was like thin paper, easily torn by the force of the Taiyin, and Gu Zhong's punching force was actually resolved most of it.

The Zhao family goddess was coughing up blood, and Gu Zhong's fists were too strong, showing an invincible fist intent, and every punch made the Taiyin Chakra violently shake.

The arrogant girl of the Zhao family received a powerful impact.

Gu Zhong was also uncomfortable. There was golden blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, which was a sign of losing both sides. This situation was not what he wanted.

"Gu Zhong, there is no grudge between us, don't you need to work hard."

The Zhao family goddess said that she moved quickly in the void, avoiding Gu Zhong's attack.

"Very well, I don't want to fight you hard."

Gu nodded and said.


Gu Zhong hit a strong punch, and nine golden Dao patterns emerged on his fist. The power of the Dao was mighty. With this punch, he aroused the power of the Dao.

At the same time, Gu Zhong's physical power was also released, and the two forces merged together, pushing the power of this punch to the limit.


The Zhao family goddess' eyes lit up. She stretched out her hand to draw the Taiyin Chakra, and then blocked it forward. Nine Tai** patterns emerged on the Taiyin Chakra, arousing the power of the Taiyin Dao.


With a loud noise, Gu Zhong's fist slammed on the Taiyin Chakra, and countless runes were scattered by Gu Zhong's punch. Only the nine Tai** patterns gave out a bright light.

Jinxing Avenue and Taiyin Avenue collided, a circle of transparent ripples spread, and a terrifying scene appeared in front of everyone.

The ripples spread, everything that passed by instantly turned into dust, dissipated in the void, the earth was sinking, and everything within a hundred li was directly destroyed.

The power of destruction shocked all the monks to the extreme, and they all rushed into the distance.

Gu Zhong flew out, then turned and rushed out of the mountain.

The Zhao family goddess also had the same mind, turned around and left, not wanting to stay here, you know, it is not safe here, and other Tianjiao appeared nearby.


There was a loud noise, and an extremely powerful aura suddenly broke out in the mountains, and a figure rushed out and shot directly at the Zhao Family Goddess.


The Zhao family goddess was taken aback, and quickly urged the Taiyin Chakra, a cloud of black light burst out, the power of the Taiyin was vast, and the void was instantly frozen, and the figure that shot and attacked her was forced away.

"Southern Wilderness Zhou Family."

The Zhao family goddess saw the origin of that person.

"Goddess, dare to fight."

In the void opposite the Zhao Family Goddess, where a figure stood in the sky, there was no breath coming out of her body, which was very strange.

No one can see the fictitious reality of this man's youth. This man is the arrogant of the Southern Huang Zhou family, named Zhou Xi.


The Zhao family goddess looked at Zhou Xi and said coldly, this guy knew that she had just fought a major battle with Gu, and his vitality was exhausted. Now she jumped out to challenge herself. She wanted to take advantage of the danger.

However, this cheap is not so easy to pick up.

"Goddess, don't say that, am I not openly challenging you."

Zhou Xi looked at the Zhao Family Goddess with a smile.


The Zhao family goddess is angry, this guy is too shameless, but he can't see the reality of the other party at all, and can't help but feel a little uneasy.

"Hmph, Huang Gu Zhou's family wants to write a war note to my Zhao family."

At this moment, an old voice sounded, and a figure immediately walked from a distance, and suddenly came to a nearby place.

This is an old man in white. There is an inexplicable Taoist rhyme lingering in the old man's body. This is a strong man of the older generation with extremely powerful cultivation base.

"I have seen the senior, but the junior dare not."

When Zhou Xi saw the old man, he quickly saluted and said, he did not dare to neglect.


The old man snorted and didn't say anything. He was here to pick up the Zhao Family Goddess back, and when he arrived, he saw Zhou Xi attacking the Zhao Family Goddess.

The Zhao family goddess left, but Gu Zhong was watched.

Gu Zhong did not have the treatment of the Zhao family goddess. Gu Fei had already closed the door and would not come to pick him up to the Eastern Imperial City, and he didn't need Gu Fei's protection.

A Shenzhou stopped in front of him and intercepted him.

Immediately, a figure rushed out of the Shenzhou and came to the opposite side of Gu Zhong.


Gu Zhong looked at the person on the opposite side, and saw that this person was a tall and thin young man dressed in Tsing Yi. Although he seemed to be thin, he sensed a dangerous breath from the young man. .

"Is this guy better than the Zhao Family Goddess."

Gu Zhong was surprised in his heart, but on the surface he was calm.

"You are Gu Zhong, Gu Fei's apprentice."

The young man looked Gu Chong up and down, and then said.

"Which green onion are you?"

Gu Zhong said angrily.

"You dare to talk to me like this."

The young man was a little angry. He was the proud son of heaven. He was aloof. Since his debut, he has not failed. Among the young generation of Middle-earth, almost no one is his opponent.

But now, it is really hateful that someone provokes himself.

"Cut, you really take yourself seriously."

Gu Zhong said disapprovingly.

"If you anger me, you won't have a good end."

The young man said coldly, staring at Gu Zhong, runes appeared all over his body, and an extremely powerful aura erupted from him.

"If you want to fight, you can hit, and if you don't, you can roll aside."

Gu Zhong had no time to waste his words with this guy.


The young man was finally angry. He roared, and shot directly at Gu Zhong, with divine light rushing out from the five fingers of his right hand, piercing the void.

This grasp is extremely powerful.


Gu Zhong also stretched out his right hand, and his five fingers grabbed forward to meet the five fingers grabbed by the young man.


The two sharp claws collided together, and the sound of broken bones also sounded. The young man groaned painfully, and his right hand retracted like lightning.

As soon as they fought, they suffered a loss, which made the young people startled and angry, and quickly retreated.

"Why, aren't you very good?"

Gu Zhong smiled and said, he chased after him like a shadow, shocking the young man, and directly used the sacred artifact to fight Gu Fei.


The void shook, and the sacred artifact revealed an immortal rhyme, exploding with incomparable power, and directly forced Gu Zhong away.

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