Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2699: Punch the Golden Crow

The blond middle-aged man was so powerful that he used his force to attract meteorites from outside the sky. Numerous meteorites moved quickly in the void, rubbing fiercely with the air, and turned into fireballs.

In the dark night sky, countless fireballs fell from the sky. This scene shocked everyone, all stunned and stunned.

"Hey, do you only have this method?"

Gu Fei smiled contemptuously, and then directly stretched out his right hand and pressed it towards the sky. The next moment, the void vibrated, and the countless fireballs that fell from the sky immediately exploded.

The countless meteorites seemed to hit an invisible wall, and they were all intercepted.


When the blond middle-aged man saw that his great technique was broken by the other party again, he couldn't help being angry, his expression gloomy and terrible.

At this time, the Fire Ape Sovereign and the others who were watching the battle from a distance were shocked to the extreme. His master made the shot himself, and they were all shrunk. How could this be possible.

Some important figures in the Huo Sage Palace have also arrived. You must know that the blond middle-aged man is second only to the powerful existence of the Huo Di, and he personally shot it, which naturally shocked many people.

"Jin Yan met his opponent."

An important person from Huo Sacred Palace said such words.

"He is very arrogant, thinking that no one can suppress him except Fire Emperor. This time it seems that he has kicked the iron plate."

Someone said that in their tone, they were quite dissatisfied with the blond middle-aged man.


Hearing the words of these people, the fire ape emperor couldn't help but get worried, the master who has always been invincible, did he really meet his opponent today?

In the other direction, on the top of a mountain, there were many figures, the leader of which was the old tortoise, and he couldn't help running out to watch the battle.

"Gu Fei, this kid is pretending to be forced again. Doesn't this guy know that pretending to be forced will be struck by lightning?"

The old turtle was talking to himself.


At this time, the sky and the earth shook, and the blonde middle-aged Jin Yan was shooting. The endless fire power condensed into a divine bird. It was a three-legged golden bird bathed in divine fire. In the endless flames, there were flames. The shape of the road pattern is looming.

The three-legged golden bird flew directly from Jin Yan's body, and then swooped down at Gu Fei in Luoxia City, wherever it passed, the void was silently annihilated.

"Haha, if the real Golden Crow comes, I'm afraid of it three points, but it's just a three-legged bird that evolved with a great technique. Do you think this great technique can deal with me? This is too funny."

Gu Fei laughed.

He immediately waved his hand and directly displayed the Nine Zhutian Swords, a bright sword light soared into the sky, and directly cut the golden crow in half with a single sword.

The lingering power of the sword light was still slashing towards Jin Yan after splitting the golden bird.


Jin Yan was shocked, and as soon as he pointed it out, he directly shattered the sword light that had come from the chopping. He realized that the other side's sword light was a bit similar to the Flying Immortal Sword Dao of the Primordial Emperor of East Earth Heaven.

The Fire Emperor and the Yuan Gu Tiandi were in an alliance, and Jin Yan naturally knew the Yuan Gu Tiandi very well.

"Just give you a try!"

Gu Fei was full of bright sword lights, and nine sword lights hovered around him. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he took a sword light to his hand.


There was a sword sound in the void, and Gu Fei waved his hand again, and the sword light he had led to his hand immediately rose up into the sky, piercing the golden flame hole in the sky.


At this time, Jin Yan flipped his right hand and a mirror appeared in his hand. Without hesitation, he held the mirror and directed the light toward the sword that came through the hole.

A bright mirror light rushed out from the mirror, collided with Gu Fei's Heaven-Slaying sword light, and the two forces dissipated at the same time.

Both the sword light and the mirror light disappeared into the void.


Void vibrated, the ancient mirror in Jin Yan's hand was shaking, and runes on the mirror continued to recover, and an extremely powerful holy way aura spread from the mirror.

"Golden Sun Mirror?"

In the distance, the Fire Ape Sovereign who was in a visual warfare saw his master using a magic weapon, and couldn't help being shocked. Is that young man really that strong?

The Golden Sun Mirror is a treasure in the Fire Sacred Palace, and it is not easy to use.

"Big hands cover the sky!"

Gu Fei yelled, and immediately showed the sky-shielding hand. A large chaotic hand shot into the sky from Luoxia City and patted Jin Yan.

Jin Yan was frightened and angry. He urged the golden sun mirror in his hand with all his strength, and a burst of fire rushed out from the ancient mirror, trying to penetrate the sky-shielding hand.

However, the power displayed by the sky-shielding hand was heart-palpiting, and even the flames from the golden sun mirror couldn't resist.


With a muffled sound, Gu Fei actually slapped Jin Yan away.

Jin Yan roared again and again, he couldn't accept the fact that he was shaken by Gu Fei's palm. On the ancient mirror in his hand, bright divine light broke out continuously.


At this time, nine sword lights soared into the sky from Luoxia City, rushing for thousands of feet, and slashed towards Jin Yan. Each sword light was extremely bright, revealing a sharp wave of sword energy to the extreme.

"this is……"

Jin Yan couldn't help being taken aback when he saw this. The other party's sword light was really too similar to Yuangu Tiandi's Flying Immortal sword light, but he knew that this was not Fei Xian sword light.

These nine sword lights are much more powerful than the flying immortal sword lights of the ancient emperor.


Just when Nine Dao Jianguang saw that he was about to slash Jin Yan's body, Jin Yan's figure was suddenly blurred, and then disappeared into the void in an instant.

Jin Yan even avoided.


At the next moment, a three-legged divine bird that was as huge as a mountain rushed out of the void and swooped directly towards Gu Fei in Luoxia City.

The terrifying pressure of the Holy Venerable swept away from the body of this divine bird, and the sky and the earth were collapsing and cracking, and the horror was extreme.


Gu Fei punched directly, the power of Chaos was mighty, and the terrifying punch directly blasted the three-legged bird away, splashing a little blood in the air.

"But so!"

At this time, Gu Fei rose into the air and punched again. His fist showed the terrifying power of palpitations. He once again blasted the three-legged bird away, and the endless anger was dissipating.

The phantom of the three-legged bird dissipated, and Jin Yan's figure appeared in the void.

I saw a trace of blood leaking from the corner of his mouth. Looking at Gu Fei in disbelief, he couldn't accept all of this. He was defeated, and the defeat was so complete that even the use of magic weapons could not change this fact.

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