Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2706: Northern Snow

The northern snowy area is a place of ice and snow. Although it is a bitter and cold place, there have been many earth-shattering big people.

Xueyu Tiangong is a powerful person who has emerged from the sky-defying level in each generation. If he breaks out of the snowy domain and competes with the powerhouses of all parties in the sky, it can be said to be famous for moving the sky.

However, the Snowy Heavenly Palace is mysterious and unpredictable, and no one knows where its gate is.

The northern snowy area is a special area, and all the great sects of the heavens want to infiltrate their forces into the snowy area, but they all failed due to various reasons.

In the area controlled by the Nanling Divine Emperor, there was no teleportation formation to the northern snowy area. As a result, Gu Fei would find it difficult to travel to the northern snowy area.

You know, the heavens are really big, even with Gu Fei's cultivation base, if you don't pass the teleportation array, it will not be easy to reach the northern snowy area.

The sun is shining brightly, in the mountains outside the city, and in the courtyard.

"You really want to go to the northern snowy area."

In a pavilion, Yan'er said to Gu Fei.


Gu Fei didn't say anything, he nodded.

"Father, do you want to leave here, I'll go with you."

Gu Ling didn't know where he jumped out, and said while holding Gu Fei's arm.

"Ling'er, don't mess around."

Yan'er said to Gu Ling.

"Mother, when have I been fooling around?"

Gu Ling said unconvinced.

"Well, our Linger is the best behaved."

Gu Fei rubbed Gu Ling's head fondly and said.

"Father, then you agreed."

Gu Ling said happily that the Northern Snow Region was a mysterious place, which made her very interested, and she wanted to see that place.

"No way."

Gu Fei shook his head.


Gu Ling wanted to say more.

"Okay, that's it, you stay with your mother, so I can rest assured."

Gu Fei said, there is no room for discussion on this matter, and the northern snowy region is definitely not a good place.

Only the local forces in the northern snowy area knew the reason. This was the secret of the northern snowy area, and Gu Fei didn't want to know.

He just wanted to go to the snowy area to find Zhao Zirou, and then see if Zhao Zirou knew how many Taixuanmen disciples had survived.

With his current cultivation base, it is not difficult to rebuild the Taixuan Sect, but if there is no Taixuan Sect disciple, can you say it is the Taixuan Sect.

This is why Gu Fei has not rebuilt Taixuanmen.

The last time Li Lingfeng came to Tenglong Ancestral Star, Gu Fei felt that this was an opportunity to rebuild the Taixuan Gate, but it was the Nantian God Venerable's rebellion.

The Nantian God Sovereign actually snatched Li Lingfeng's ancestral soldiers and severely injured Li Lingfeng. He has not found Li Lingfeng so far.

This is also the reason why Gu Fei wanted to kill the Nantian Divine Venerable. Although the Southern Heaven Divine Venerable rebelled, this guy is the existence of the Holy Venerable after all, and Gu Fei is also a person who loves talents.

However, the Nantian God Venerable touched Gu Fei’s inverse scales, and he actually attacked Li Lingfeng. You know, there are really not many Taixuanmen disciples who could survive that year. If Li Lingfeng is a big brother who has three strengths and two shortcomings, then rebuild Taixuanmen. I am afraid that the matter will be shelved indefinitely.

Therefore, Gu Fei killed the Nantian God.

"Your father didn't go to play in the snowy area, just follow me obediently."

At this time, Yan'er said to Gu Ling.

"I see, mother."

Gu Ling stuck out his tongue to Yan'er and said that she couldn't play anymore. Although she was a little disappointed, she didn't have much. She was also playing here.

Her cultivation level has reached a bottleneck, and there is no need to deliberately cultivate.

Gu Ling is still accumulating, she is not in a hurry to cross the catastrophe, he doesn't want any accidents when crossing the catastrophe, you must know that the sanctification of the catastrophe is really important to her.

"Old Gu, you are going to the northern snowy area."

At this moment, a figure walked in from outside, and this person was the old tortoise.

"Good old uncle turtle."

Gu Ling laughed as soon as he saw the old turtle.

When Yan'er saw Laogui, she just nodded to Laogui without saying anything.

"Why, you have a way."

Gu Fei looked at the old turtle and said, this guy is the son of the Emperor, holding the Seal of the Emperor, it can be said that he is a great man who can walk sideways in the heavens.

The Emperor of the year, but the existence of the invincible hand in nine days and ten places, maybe the old turtle really has a way to go to the northern snowy area.

"Haha, if I can't help it, I won't come."

Old Turtle laughed and said, he sat down right next to Gu Fei.


Gu Fei couldn't help being overjoyed. He was struggling with how to get to the northern snowy area. If he went to the northern snowy area on his own, it would take several years to get there.

However, if the formations are transmitted across domains, they can quickly reach the northern snowy areas.

"Haha, my old tortoise is not a man who has lost his reputation."

The old turtle said triumphantly.

"Don't hide it, let's talk, how can you send me to the northern snowy area."

Gu Fei said directly.

"What are you doing so impatiently."

The old turtle said.

"You guy..."

Gu Fei shook his head. No matter how long this fellow has lived, his temperament will not change. Sometimes, he really envy such a person.

You know, not everyone can keep the same.

"Well, I won't tease you. Actually, this is not a special way. I know a coordinate in the northern snowy area. I can use the seal of the Emperor to send you where."

The old turtle said.


Gu Fei was startled when he heard the words.

"This is a one-way transmission. When I want to come back, wouldn't it take several years before I can return to Nanling."

Gu Fei was speechless.

"I said Lao Gu, your head was kicked by a donkey. Wouldn't you build a cross-domain teleportation formation in the snowy area?"

The old turtle said irritably.


Gu Fei was speechless when he heard this. He didn't really think of this layer just now, but it was actually very simple. He only had to write down the coordinates here, and when he wanted to come back, he could just build a cross-domain teleportation formation. .

With his current cultivation base, building a cross-domain teleportation formation is not a difficult task.

The difficulty in building formations is that the divine talents are hard to find, especially the cross-domain formations, which are really not something ordinary people can build.

Because the gods needed to build a cross-domain formation are not ordinary gods.

If you change to a normal saint and want to build a cross-domain teleportation formation at a time, it is absolutely impossible. Even if the saint wants to build such an array, they must do everything in advance. This kind of preparation, collect all kinds of magic materials needed.

However, Gu Fei's most indispensable is the talent.

"You should prepare first, come to me when you are ready."

The old turtle stood up and walked out.

Gu Fei is more relieved that there is an old tortoise here. You must know that even the Fire Emperor and Yuan Gu'er will not provoke the old tortoise. All the big figures in the heavens are very scrupulous about this imperial son.

Because the son of the Supreme Emperor holds the Seal of the Supreme Emperor in his hands, that is the Extreme Demon Soldier.

For more than half a year, Laogui had stayed in the other courtyard, and he had not returned to the ancestral court of the demon clan in the heavens. He also enjoyed such a peaceful and ordinary day.

The demon clan occupied the eastern land more than half a year ago and took over all the territory of the primordial emperor of the East Tiantian. It can be said that the power of the demon clan in the sky has greatly increased.

The current demon race of the heavens is already a huge monster. The Proterozoic Heavenly Emperor has never appeared. In this half a year, the power of the Protestant Celestial Emperor has been almost completely wiped out by the demon race.

As for the Netherworld Sect, they only got a place where one party could re-establish their religion, and this place was allocated to them by the Demon Race of the Celestial World.

It is difficult for Xuanming Sect to compete with the demon race of the heavens, and can only passively accept such an arrangement from the demon race, and they have to accept such an arrangement.

Then, the entire Dongtu has now become a three-legged situation. In fact, everything has not changed. What has changed is the power of Dongtu Tiandi Yuangu, and it has been replaced by a monster race.

The demon clan is extremely powerful, and it is a big feud with the demon clan. When the demon clan stabilizes in the east, it starts to deal with the demon clan and sends out strong men to fight the demon cave from time to time.

Compared with the strength of the demon clan, the demon clan in the demon cave seemed to be powerless and lacking in fighting spirit. The demon clan was actually beheaded by the demon clan's strong men.

The atmosphere inside the Demon Cave is very wrong, and the inside of the Demon Race does not seem to be monolithic.

The demon clan's territory in Dongtu continues to expand. The demon clan has snatched a lot of land from the demon clan, and the demon clan can be said to be retreating steadily.

With the rebirth of the Golden Spiritual Ape Lineage, the atmosphere in Dongtu is also very tense. You must know that the Golden Spiritual Ape Lineage was once the master of Dongtu.

Compared with the demon clan, Yuan Hong from the Golden Spirit Ape lineage is even stronger. This Yuan Hong even went into the demon cave, fought endless battles with those demon who lived for endless years, and then retreated calmly.

Even those ancient demons couldn't keep him.

The situation in Dongtu was turbulent, and many monks with low cultivation bases began to flee Dongtu. These monks didn't want to be affected by the fighting between these big men.

The other areas of the heavens are also showing chaos, but there is an exception in one place, and that is the northern snowy area.

The descendants of Xueyu Tiangong did not go out of the snow as usual and came to Middle Earth to compete with the descendants of major religions.

In the deserted ancient Zhao family in the snowy area, no one left the snowy area.

However, there is an incomparably powerful descendant of the ancient Zhao family in the Snow Region. This person's name is Zhao Wudi, which means I am invincible.

In fact, this guy has really never failed since his debut.


On this day, the sky above a mountain in the northern snow region suddenly shook, and then a divine light broke through the void of heaven and earth and fell onto a mountain peak.


With a loud noise, the mountain exploded, and a figure stood up amidst the cloud of smoke.

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