Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2113: Shock the crowd

In a city thousands of miles away from Zhao's family in the snowy area, the atmosphere in the city was extremely tense, because an uninvited guest came to this city.

"Who are you and where do you come from."

A middle-aged black-bearded man in heavy armor came out and asked Gu Fei that this middle-aged soldier was actually a saint, which made Gu Fei a little surprised.

"Why should I tell you."

Gu Fei smiled and said, although the opponent is extremely powerful, but he doesn't put this warlord in his eyes, but there is a holy warlord guarding this city, which is absolutely extraordinary.

"Outsiders broke into my Sirius City, but there was only one, and that was death."

The warlord's eyes widened and said murderously, in a posture that he had to do something if he didn't agree.

Sirius City is a medium-sized city under the Zhao Family in the Snow Region. Even if it is a medium-sized city, there are many creatures in this city.

However, for a medium-sized city, there is a strong man with a holy rank. This in itself shows the problem, and the Zhao family in Xueyu attaches great importance to this city.

"This is Sirius City."

Gu Fei said nonchalantly.

"Call the person from Xueyu Zhao's family to come out and see me."

He was very direct, and he wanted to meet the Zhao family in Xueyu as soon as he came up. This surprised and shocked the powerful people around him. No one dared to do so.

"The tone is so big, what are you, dare to ask the adults of the Zhao family to come and see you."

Someone said disdainfully.

"Yes, what are you."

Someone agreed.

However, some people were calm, because they realized that they couldn't see through the young man in black who suddenly appeared on the teleportation platform.


Gu Fei gave a cold snort, and grabbed the person with his right hand.

The strong man who was still looking at Gu Fei with a disdainful face suddenly felt his body tighten, and he flew up and flew toward Gu Fei's right hand.


That person's surprise was really no small thing, he struggled desperately, trying to get rid of the powerful sucking force that enveloped him.

However, in the next moment, Gu Fei had grabbed the neck of the strong man who flew towards him, and then lifted it up.

"What do you want to do."

When the middle-aged warlord saw this, he couldn't help being shocked and angry, but he couldn't think of how the opponent dared to make a move in Sirius City.

"Hurry up, do you know that you are antagonizing all of us in Sirius City."

A young man in Tsing Yi came out and pointed to Gu Fei and said loudly, this young man's body was surrounded by nine gods, and his body was enveloped with a great atmosphere.

Another saint.

Gu Fei looked at the boy in Tsing Yi, a cold light flashed in the depths of his eyes, how could there be so many holy creatures in this city of Sirius.

He felt a little strange.

"I just want to be the enemy of the entire Sirius City, so what?"

Gu Fei said coldly, he glanced at the strong men around him. Among these people, apart from the two saints, there were no more saints.

However, Gu Fei felt the aura of the Holy Steps in several other places in Sirius City. Although the aura of the Holy Steps in these places was very cryptic, how could it escape Gu Fei's induction.

"You are looking for death."

A strong man in the same armor pointed at Gu Fei with a spear in his hand, and said loudly that the phantom of a strange beast appeared on this person.

This person is not a real human race, but a beast cultivated into a human form, and the fierce aura on his body condenses into a strange beast phantom.


Gu Fei forced his hand, and the strong man whose neck was grabbed by him was immediately broken off by him, his head drooped, and the horrified expression on his face was frozen.

He never thought that this person would actually dare to kill him.

You know, the two great saints were present, who would dare to kill him, but this young man in black really dared to do it, which stunned everyone.


Especially the middle-aged warrior in heavy armor was even more furious. This person didn't put himself in his eyes at all, it was really unreasonable.


The young man transformed into a strange beast directly pierced Gu Fei's eyebrows with a spear in his hand.

There was no aura from Gu Fei's body, no one knew his depth, even the two saints present.

Everyone felt that the black-clothed youth who suddenly appeared on the teleportation platform was unpredictable and unpredictable.

Gu Fei smiled, then stretched out his right hand, and gently pinched the stabbing spear with his thumb and index finger. The young man transformed into a strange beast used the strength of feeding him, unable to withdraw the spear in his hand. It's even harder to stab.


The young man roared fiercely, but at the same time as he suddenly exerted his strength, Gu Fei suddenly let go of his hand. Unexpectedly, his whole person fell backwards.

"Everyone, let's kill this guy."

Someone shouted.

Then, countless magic weapons immediately smashed towards Gu Fei, and the powerful force fluctuated wildly, and suddenly shocked the monks in the entire Sirius City.

"what's going on."

Someone exclaimed, and countless cultivators looked in the direction of the teleportation formation in the city.

Several tyrannical divine thoughts rushed out from all over the city and swept towards the place where the teleportation formation in the city was. Someone wanted to know what was going on right away.


At this time, Gu Fei just raised his hand, and all the magic weapons that blasted him were blasted away, and most of the magic weapons collapsed in the void.

Only a few magic weapons survived, but these magic weapons were also full of cracks, which could break apart at any time and turn into scrap copper and iron.

These magic weapons that have not been broken on the spot have been hit hard, and the internal runes have even nearly collapsed. Even if they can be repaired, their power will be greatly reduced.

The magic weapon collapsed, and the owner of the magic weapon naturally received a great impact. Some were pale and staggered back, and some even spurted out a mouthful of blood, their expressions dull.

Only the two saints didn't make a move just now and didn't receive any shock.

"This guy……"

"Why don't we know when such a strong man appeared in the northern snowy area."

The two saints were shocked to the extreme. You must know that among all the people who shot just now, there are seven or eight quasi-sages, and a few of those quasi-sages even used the saints.

Even if he was attacked by this kind of attack, he would have to retreat, but the opponent would easily collapse all the magical artifacts as soon as he took the shot, and even the sacred artifacts could not withstand a single blow in front of this person.

The two great saints only felt dry and dry for a while, they looked at each other and their heads were big. This time, they were kicked on the iron plate. How about it.

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