Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2116: Zhaojiazucheng

The Sirius ancestor was extremely powerful, and he was the first person in Sirius City, but at this time, the first strong person was forced to evade.


The void shook, and the Sirius Sword shook in the hand of the Sirius ancestor, and the terrifying sword aura spread, and the temperature in the entire world was dropping rapidly.

It was a bone knife, which was made from a divine bone sacrifice of the Sirius ancestor himself. It was the natal divine weapon of the Sirius Dao ancestor and had great power.

However, this Heavenly Sword could not break Gu Fei's defense. Gu Fei waved his hands, his palms constantly collided with the Bone Sword, making a clanging sound.


The Sirius ancestor was shocked to the extreme. It was really hard for him to imagine that the physical body of a human race could be cultivated to such a strong level. No one knew the power of Sirius Sword better than him.

This Sirius Sword, even he didn't dare to resist it with flesh and blood.


Gu Fei punched out and slammed directly on the edge of the Sirius Sword. The powerful chaotic force burst out from his fist and immediately shook the Sirius Sword away.


The Sirius ancestor roared again and again, and the Sirius knife in his hand shot out a dazzling blade, and the fierce blade light cut the sky and the void, and even the stars in the sky were shaking, as if they were about to fall from the sky.

However, Gu Fei's fists are also extremely powerful, a pair of fists shakes the sky and the earth, can smash the big stars in the sky and blast through the sky and the void.

"This is simply a humanoid weapon."

In Sirius City, all the strong men were stunned to see this scene. Gu Fei's displayed combat power was so horrifying that the Sirius ancestor who had beaten them with a pair of fists retreated steadily.

"Is this fellow Wuzu reborn?"

The ancestor of Sirius fought desperately against Gu Fei, and the light of the sword in his hand surged thousands of feet, and the whole world trembled under the light of the sword, terrifying.

"Well, after playing with you for so long, it's time to end."

Gu Fei smiled suddenly, and then stretched out his big hand, directly performing the great technique obtained from the arm-handling ape in the Chaos Family, and came to grab the stars.


When the void was neutral, a large chaotic hand appeared and grabbed the Sirius ancestor in front of him. The laws of the avenue were mighty, and it instantly sealed the void of heaven and earth.

The ancestor of Sirius only felt tight on his body, and then was shocked to discover that a chain of Dao Dao laws and gods appeared in the void around him, entwining him, instantly tied himself up, and then flew towards the chaotic hand.


The Sirius ancestor roared, the power of the saint was mighty, and the endless laws were emerging, trying to break free from the shackles of the laws and **** chains, but all this was in vain.

"how is this possible……"

The Sirius ancestor was unbelievable, could it be that the other party had a deeper understanding of Dao than his own.

The Great Chaos hand grabbed the Sirius Ancestor in his hand, and the Chaos Dao exploded. The Sirius Ancestor was broken and coughed up blood from the tendons that Chaos grasped.

"Drive me."

The Sirius ancestor roared frantically, spurring the power of the Lord with all his strength, wanting to open Gu Fei's great chaotic hand, however, this great technique of the arm-passing **** ape was not so easy to break.


Gu Fei looked at the Sirius ancestor who was caught in the hands of Chaos and said, this Sirius ancestor is very strong, definitely a strong one among the holy ones.

Such an existence would be a great help if it could be used by himself, but since the rebellion of the Nantian god, Gu Fei was even more careful.

Even if this Sirius ancestor is willing to submit to himself, he must take precautions.

"Don't think about it."

The Sirius ancestor roared and said, he showed his original form, it was a howling **** wolf, full of suffocation, and the terrifying power of the sage blasted from the **** wolf.

However, the divine chains of the Sovereign Law tightly entangled the Sirius, no matter how the Sirius struggles, the chains of the God will only become tighter and tighter, and the divine wolf's tendons will break and fracture.

"If you don't surrender, it's death."

Gu Fei's tone became cold. Although there were not many saint-level powerhouses who survived the ancient years, it was a pity to kill, but he would not be merciful.

Nantian Divine Venerable is a good example. Even if he surrendered, he still has a heart of rebellion. Once he has the opportunity, he will bite back.

This kind of thing happened once, and Gu Fei didn't want to happen again.


The Sirius ancestor was almost crazy, he struggled desperately, trying to get out of trouble, but the chaos was still like a mountain, and it was impossible to shake with his power.


The Sirius Sword was wailing, and the sword energy emitted by the bright blade light was extremely powerful, splitting the void and shattering the world, but it cut the divine chain formed by the holy Dao that was constantly entwining the Sirius ancestor.

"Since you refuse to surrender, it's useless to keep you."

Gu Fei didn't hesitate, he wanted to kill the Sirius.

"No, I would like to drop."

At this moment, the Sirius ancestor was finally softened and had to bow his head. He sensed a murderous aura from the black-clothed youth.

This black-clothed young man was not talking about this, he really wanted to kill himself. The Sirius ancestor knew that if he didn't surrender, this black-clothed young man would definitely not be soft.

Being able to live from the ancient and barren world to the present, Sirius ancestor naturally has some ability. He knows how to avoid bad luck and know when to bow and when not to bow.


Gu Fei nodded, and then shot directly, smashing a brand directly onto the spirit of the ancestor of Sirius, fusing with his spirit.

"this is……"

The ancestor of Sirius was shocked to the extreme. He never expected that Gu Fei would have this hand, and he even imposed a restraint on his own soul.

This kind of secret technique to imprison the souls, even in the ancient times, not many people can master this kind of secret technique.

"It's miserable this time."

The Sirius ancestor lamented that his soul was manipulated by the other party, and his life and death were completely in the hands of the other party. The other party wanted to kill himself only in his thoughts.

At this time, the great chaotic hand that grabbed the Sirius ancestor disappeared, and the divine chain formed by the Holy Venerable Dao wrapped around him also dissipated.

"See the master."

The ancestor of Sirius quickly bowed down to Gu Fei.

All the strong men in Sirius City were stunned when they saw the scene above the sky. The Sirius ancestor was defeated and even recognized that black-clothed youth was the master.

"Take me to Zhao's house in the snowy area."

Gu Fei glanced at the Sirius Ancestor and said.

"This..., I don't know why the master went to Zhao's house."

Sirius ancestor asked.

"Go to settle accounts."

Gu Fei said directly that the people of the Zhao family in Xueyu were too much, and even dared to hunt down Zhao Zirou, he was naturally going to Xingshi to ask the crime.


The ancestor of Sirius was shocked when he heard this. The Zhao family in Xueyu was not easy to provoke. What is the origin of his new owner, and he dared to trouble the Zhao family.

You know, the Zhao Family in the Snow Region is one of the overlords in the Northern Snow Region.

The Snow Palace is mysterious and unpredictable, and its status in the northern snow area is very detached. There is basically no territory, because people in this vein are rarely born.

Unlike the Zhao family in the Snow Region, the Zhao family has a strong lineage. Without the Snow Heaven Palace, the Zhao family is the real master of the Northern Snow Region. There is absolutely no doubt about this.

Sirius City is only a thousand miles away from the ancestral city of the Zhao family in the Snow Region. To some extent, the ancestor of Sirius City, the lord of Sirius, is actually a member of the Zhao family in the Snow Region.

The relationship between the Sirius ancestors and the Zhao family in the snowy area is extraordinary. You must know that the Sirius ancestors are a sage, and the sage of the Sirius clan.

This Sirius clan was a powerful clan in that ancient prehistoric era. Although it is now declining, the Sirius ancestors survived the ancient catastrophe.

As long as the Sirius ancestors were there, no one would dare to underestimate the Sirius family.

The Zhao family in the Snow Region is an alliance with the Sirius ancestors, and the Sirius family even married the Zhao Family in the Snow Region.

"Master, you have a big feud with the Zhao family in Xueyu."

The Sirius ancestor asked, he secretly groaned in his heart, if Gu Fei really had an enmity with the Zhao family in Xueyu, it would not be a good thing for the Sirius family.

"There is no big grudge, but there are some small grudges."

Gu Fei said.

"Well, where is the Zhao family in Xueyu? You take me there."

Gu Fei became a little impatient. The ancestral city of the Zhao family in the Snow Territory was guarded by formations, even he could not sense its existence. Moreover, in the vast snow territory, he wanted to find a city hidden by formations. It is definitely not an easy task.

"Yes, master."

The Sirius ancestor didn't dare to ask more, and then he led the way and left Sirius City directly towards the Zhao Family Ancestor City.

The distance of thousands of miles, for Sirius ancestor and Gu Fei, was only a distance that could be reached with a finger. Soon, Gu Fei and the others appeared outside the ancestral city of Zhao's family in the snowy area.

Gu Fei stood high above the sky outside Zhao Family Ancestor City in the snowy area, and behind him stood a tall old man with silver hair and tall stature.

This old man is exactly the ancestor of Sirius.

The main body of Sirius ancestor was a giant silver wolf.

"This is the ancestral city of the Zhao family in Xueyu."

Gu Fei looked at the city below, and he was a little surprised. This city was not very big, it was just a bit bigger than the wolf city that day, but it could be seen that this is an ancient city, an ancient city that has experienced endless wind and rain.

The ancient city is full of ancient breath.

Just as Gu Fei was looking at the city, a clear chime sounded from a bell tower in the city, and it spread across the entire city and even the entire region in an instant.

"Oh, these guys from the Zhao family reacted quickly."

Gu Fei was startled when he heard the bell, and then he saw a lot of figures rushing out of the city below, and someone pointed to the sky.

Obviously, the Zhao family masters in the city sensed the arrival of Gu Fei and the others, so they sounded the alarm.

Soon, a figure soared from the city, rushing towards Gu Fei and the others.

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