Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2728: Man Gucheng

Gu Fei fought the ancient old monster Sin Tian and ended in a tie.

Sin Tian took back the ancient battle platform, and then retreated. He returned to the black temple, nourished by the holy blood, the vitality in his body became stronger, and the light from his forehead became extremely bright.

He sat cross-legged in the black hall, no longer paying attention to anything outside, even if the Zhao Family in the Snow Region was destroyed by Gu Fei, he would never make any more moves.

The ancestors of the Zhao Family in the Snow Region had an agreement with Sin Tian. If the Zhao Family is in distress, the saints of the Zhao Family can use the Holy Blood to awaken the sleeping Sin Tian.

However, the Zhao family had only three chances for Sin Tian to take action. Over the years, the Zhao family in the Snow Region had encountered several catastrophes that were almost annihilated.

The Zhao family had asked Sintian to take action twice before this. This time it was the third and the last time. Sintian could not defeat Gu Fei, but he did.

"How to do."

In the City Lord's Mansion, a group of senior Zhao family members saw this scene through Gu Jing. They couldn't help being dumbfounded, and then terrified. If Gu Fei came to them to settle accounts, they would be finished.

"Quickly, let them stop."

At this time, Zhao Yuntian, the Patriarch of the Zhao Family, suddenly roared. The three saints in the secret room didn't know that the battle in the Zhao Family Cave Sky had ended, and they were still dripping holy blood into the blood formation.

"Outrageous, the Zhao family dare to count me."

At this time, Gu Fei had already sensed the strangeness in the Zhao Family Cave Sky. Someone was performing a blood sacrifice. This was the secret method to awaken that Sin Sky.

Sin Tian was asleep in the black temple, and would not easily wake up, unless it was a blood sacrifice, and it was not ordinary blood, but holy blood.

If his cultivation hadn't broken through to the realm of the saints, I'm afraid that he would really not be Sin Tian's opponent, and even if he had the ultimate holy artifact, he would be unlucky.


Gu Fei's face became a little hard to look at. He hated others doing these conspiracies behind him the most. Those in the Zhao family were really impatient.

Gu Fei's instinct told Gu Fei that this sinful sky is not easy, even if he really uses the sacred artifact of the ultimate path, maybe he can't help this ancient freak.

Gu Feiyue wanted to get more angry, and stepped directly to the ground.


With a loud noise, he stepped out of a big hole in the earth, and the outside atmosphere came in from that big hole. He actually smashed the void with one foot and stepped through this Zhao family cave.

"This bastard."

In the city lord's mansion of the Zhao family's ancestor city, seeing this scene through the ancient mirror, Zhao Yuntian couldn't help being shocked and angry. This Gu Fei was really strong, far surpassing the average holy lord.

When did that girl recognize such a powerful existence?

Zhao Yuntian felt very strange. The girl in his mouth was naturally Zhao Zirou. Zhao Zirou was the goddess of the Zhao family from the human world to the heaven.

You know, not everyone can be the goddess of the ancient Zhao family.

Gu Fei directly shattered the void, tearing it apart, and walked out of the Zhao Family Cave Sky in one step and appeared in the sky above Zhao Family Ancestor City.

At this time, all the cultivators in the Zhao Family Ancestor City were shocked, a terrifying pressure from the heavens came down from the sky, and it was almost hard to breathe.

"Gu Fei, what do you want to do."

Someone shouted, and then, a figure rushed out from the city lord's mansion and came to the opposite side of Gu Fei. This person was the Holy King Baimei.

Saint King Baimei is the main battle group in the Zhao family, and has always wanted to kill Gu Fei, but he also knew that Gu Fei could not be killed.

"What do I want to do, you are only now asking what I want to do."

Gu Fei smiled furiously.

Upon seeing this, Saint King Baimei couldn't help but shake his heart.

Sure enough, Gu Fei didn't say anything, he directly shot the sky-shielding hand, and went down towards the city lord's mansion below. The powerful destructive force shattered everything and showed the strongest power.


The chaos was vigorous, and a big hand fell from the sky.


Saint King Baimei saw that Gu Fei actually attacked the City Lord's Mansion below. This was not bad. You know, the City Lord's Mansion is now gathering all the powerhouses in the Xueyu Zhao family.


Saint King Baimei also hurriedly shot, a black stone flew out of his hand immediately, and smashed towards Gu Fei. In the process of smashing away, the black stone was rapidly growing, and finally became like a mountain. It was so huge, black aura lingered, and an extremely cold aura spread from the top of this mountain.

"Lunar Stone."

When Gu Fei saw the boulder slamming on it, a sharp light flashed in his eyes. This black stone was not simple, and the aura from it moved him.

This sacred stone is not simple, it is the Taiyin sacred stone, this kind of sacred stone has long been extinct, but it is unexpected that there will be such a stone in the hands of the white-browed holy king.


A divine light burst out of Gu Fei's eyebrows, directly hitting the Taiyin Divine Stone that was smashed, and the powerful force shook the Taiyin Divine Stone violently.


Seeing that Gu Fei easily blocked the Taiyin Divine Stone, the White-browed Saint King was stunned, and three big duck eggs could be put in his mouth.


At this time, Gu Fei's great chaotic hand directly landed on the City Lord's Mansion, and with a loud noise, a good City Lord's Mansion instantly turned into a pile of ruins.

However, Gu Fei didn't mean to be happy at all, because the city lord's mansion that was turned into ruins was basically an empty city lord's mansion, not to mention human figures, not even ghosts.

"All escaped, then you have the knife."

Gu Fei stared at the White-browed Saint King and said, his tone was extremely cold, he was murderous, these people dared to plot against themselves, unforgivable.

Saint King Baimei was stared at by Gu Fei, and he couldn't help being cold. He knew that he was going to fall here, and he was not the opponent of this murderous man.

Gu Fei's "deeds" in the Eastern Land of the Heavenly Realm have spread to the Snow Region, and the Zhao Family in the Snow Region also knows what kind of existence they provoke.

Therefore, Zhao Yuntian ran away immediately with a group of Zhao family experts. There is a teleportation array in the city lord's mansion. Of course, this teleportation array is a teleportation array that teleports over a long distance.

The long distance teleportation array is useless at all. You must know that the divine consciousness of a saint-level powerhouse is extremely powerful, and a single thought can instantly cover thousands of miles.

Although the White-browed Saint King was powerful and confident, he was basically an ant in front of Gu Fei, and he didn't have the courage to fight Gu Fei.

Saint King Baimei sensed Gu Fei's killing intent on him, he didn't even think about it, he didn't even need the Taiyin Divine Stone, and he disappeared into the void.

He wants to teleport out of here.

However, Gu Fei smiled, and then stretched out his big hand, grabbed the Taiyin Divine Stone, and collected it into his inner world, and then he chased the Holy King Baimei unhurriedly.

Gu Fei's figure also disappeared into the void.


The next moment, over a pristine snow mountain thousands of miles away from Zhaojiazu City, a void exploded, and a figure fell directly out of the void.


The figure slammed into a snowy peak, broke half of the snowy peak, and then fell into a forest.


A half of the snow peak fell from the sky and hit the ground. There were endless snowflakes, and the earth shook, breaking the silence in the snow-capped mountains.


A roar came out of the mountain forest, and the mountain forest exploded in an instant, turning into dust, and a figure rose into the sky, trying to escape.

However, a big hand suddenly stretched out from the void and patted the figure rising into the sky.


The big hand directly slapped the figure, and Shengsheng took the figure from the sky.

Before that figure hit the ground, the body had already shattered in the void, turned into a cloud of blood, and spilled down from the air.

"Gu Fei, you really deceived people too much. If you want to kill, you will kill, and the cultivation will humiliate me."

The White-browed Saint King was roaring, and a divine light wrapped a small person directly into the void. That was the soul of the White-browed Saint King. As long as the soul was not destroyed, he could not die.


There was a sneer in the void, and then the big hand grabbed the divine light directly, and then crushed the divine light in one hand.

The figure in the divine light immediately dissipated into the void.

The white-browed Saint King failed to even make a scream, so he died.

At this time, the Zhao family's ancestor city had become an empty city, and the people of the Zhao family in the snowy area ran away. They were afraid of one person, and that person was Gu Fei.

"It runs fast. Are these guys all rabbits."

On a snowy peak, Gu Fei was talking to himself. Although he killed the Holy King Baimei, he was still very upset.

In this way, Gu Fei's purpose of using the Zhao family's power to find Zhao Zirou was defeated. He was alone and could not find Zhao Zirou.

Although he is the Holy Venerable, the snowy region is endless. Even if the Holy Venerable, it is definitely not an easy task to find someone in the snowy region.

"It seems we have to find another way."

Gu Fei thought for a while, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind.

He immediately released his divine consciousness, and the divine consciousness of the Sovereign-level instantly enveloped the area of ​​thousands of miles, and soon he discovered that there was a city six thousand miles away.

Gu Fei didn't hesitate, his figure disappeared directly into the void, and he headed towards the city.

The ancient city of Man is an ancient city in the northern snowy area. According to legend, this city has existed since the ancient era of Man, so it is called the ancient city of Man.

This ancient city is much smaller than the ancestral city of the Zhao family, and the population in the city is not much, only tens of thousands, and they are all barbarians in the northern snowy region.

The barbarians are also big clans in the northern snowy region, and they are very powerful.

However, if the Zhao Family in the Snow Region is unlucky, then the Barbarians will have the opportunity to replace the Zhao Family in the Snow Region and become the overlord of the Northern Snow Region.

When Gu Fei arrived in the ancient city, it was already dusk. He entered the ancient city directly, and then lived in the largest inn in the ancient city.

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