Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2746: Ancient creatures

The conflict between the Sirius family and the Zhao family in the Snow Region suddenly intensified, which shocked the major forces in the Northern Snow Region. You know, these two are allies.

However, some well-informed people knew a lot. The Zhao family in the Snow Region is no longer the Zhao family in the Snow Region.

Even the Jinpeng clan had actions. The Jinpeng clan sent a big figure to find the Sirius ancestor. The two strong men talked for a long time before the strong one of the Jinpeng clan left.

Some people have speculated that the Jinpeng clan wanted to form an alliance with the Sirius clan, and then uprooted the Zhao family in the snowy area, completely changing the situation of being dominated by the northern snowy area.

Of course, the Snowy Heavenly Palace is an extraworldly power, and it is not in the northern snowy regions at all. Few people can see the disciples of the Snowy Heavenly Palace appear in the snowy regions.

Therefore, Xueyu Zhao's family has become the veritable overlord of the northern snow domain.

But now, the overlord of the Northern Snow Region of the Zhao Family in the Snow Region has fallen. As the so-called tree fell and everyone pushed, if the Sirius Clan and the Jinpeng Clan form an alliance, then the Zhao Family in the Snow Region will be annihilated.

However, the Sirius clan seemed to be scrupulous and had not yet formed an alliance with the Jinpeng clan.

There are rumors that Xueyu Zhao family is looking for the number one expert in its family, but after searching for many days, no one actually knows where the number one expert of Xueyu Zhao family is.

The Sirius family and the Jinpeng family are also looking for the number one master of the Zhao family in Xueyu. After finding it, they naturally want to kill him, except for this trouble.

After Gu Fei came out of the valley, he heard a lot of rumors, but he couldn't judge how many of these rumors were true.

In the entire restricted area, the thing that can interest Gu Fei is naturally the legendary great fortune, which lies deep in the restricted area.

No one knows what kind of existence is in the depths of the restricted area, but if you want to get great luck, it is too unrealistic without taking risks.

For several days, Gu Fei was hovering in the depths of the restricted area. He instinctively sensed a great crisis, and the power of the laws in the depths of the restricted area was extremely terrifying.


Suddenly, a thunderous sound came from the distance, and a bolt of lightning appeared above the sky, and then quickly rushed toward the depths of the restricted area.

A figure was actually wrapped in the lightning.

The lightning fell from the sky and landed on the ground, and a figure appeared.

It was a young man, dressed in white, and his appearance looked very gentle, but his body was flashing from time to time, giving people a powerful and extremely oppressive feeling.

"The Celestial Thunder Clan."

When Gu Fei saw this young man, he couldn't help but feel his heart. The young man's cultivation was fully revealed in his eyes. This young man was actually a saint.

"I heard that the emperors have suffered a great loss, but I want to see what can change the color of one emperor."

The young man was talking to himself. Then, the young man walked toward the depths of the restricted area step by step. What everyone was puzzled was that the young man who walked directly into the depths of the restricted area was unscathed.

"What's the matter."

Everyone is guessing, but no one dares to set foot deep in the penalty zone easily.

"The emperor has suffered."

Gu Fei naturally knew the Barbarian Emperor. This Barbarian Emperor came from the Barbarian Land and was a peerless figure who came out of the Barbarian Land. The weapon of the Barbarian Emperor was a knife.

This Man Emperor walked with a knife in his hand, breaking the hegemony of the world.

It didn't take long for the young man who walked into the restricted area to come back, which surprised everyone.

However, even though this guy walked out from the depths of the penalty area, his body was covered with scars and even got a hole through his chest and abdomen, almost dead.

That day the powerhouse of the Jie Lei clan left, with great regret, he left.

At this time, everyone is very cautious, because there is only one life.

"That is……"

Just when Gu Fei was about to venture into the depths of the restricted area, there was a familiar breath in the deep mountains in the distance, and there were peerless powerhouses fighting.

The extremely powerful Shengwei is in the heaven and the earth.


Shengwei erupted, the entire mountain was shaking, and many towering snow peaks were falling apart, forming terrible avalanches.

"Go and see."

Gu Fei's thoughts moved, and his figure immediately disappeared into the void. When he reappeared in the next moment, he was already standing in the sky above the mountains.

At this time, Gu Fei realized that in the depths of the mountains, the two figures battled inextricably. The force of terror was fluctuating, flying sand and rocks, and the sun and the moon were dark.

Among the two peerless masters who are fighting fiercely, one of them is the Sirius ancestor, and the opponent of the Sirius ancestor is not a human race, but a powerful and terrifying creature.

"What kind of monster is that."

Gu Fei didn't make a move, just watching, and saw that the creature had two sharp horns on its head, its eyes were like copper bells, its mouth was big, and it had a human-like body.


Gu Fei was a little surprised, but he was surprised to find that the body of the creature who fought against the Sirius ancestor did not have a devilish spirit.

However, this creature is not a demon, it is really weird.

It's not a demon, it's not a demon, and it's not even a **** or a demon. Could it be that extraterritorial creatures fail.

That creature could fight endless battles with Sirius ancestors, which surprised Gu Fei very much. You know, Sirius ancestors are powerful beings at the holy level.


The Sirius ancestor sensed the arrival of Gu Fei, and couldn't help being overjoyed.


Gu Fei shot, and saw his big hand stretched out, a large chaotic hand immediately appeared in the void, and grabbed the creature who was fighting against the Sirius ancestor.

Chaos' hands tore apart the void, showing an unimaginable power.

The creature was grabbed by Chaos's big hand, and then shattered into the big hand, and the body and spirit were destroyed, and the dead could no longer die.

"What kind of creature is this."

Gu Fei asked the Sirius ancestor.

"This is an ancient creature. I thought it was extinct. I didn't expect to encounter such a creature in this restricted area."

Sirius ancestor explained.

"It turns out to be an ancient creature, no wonder."

When Gu Fei heard this, it suddenly became clear. In the ancient years, there were many races, and the human race was just one of the countless races in the ancient times, but the subsequent development was somewhat unexpected.

The weak human races became the masters of the world, while many of those powerful races have disappeared directly into the endless river of years.

"Why are you here."

Gu Fei asked, does the ancestor of Sirius also want the legendary great fortune.

"Back to the Lord, I'm here just to try my luck."

Sirius ancestor said quickly.

"Try your luck."

Gu Fei was startled when he heard the words.

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