Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2752: Demon Void

The ancient demon hides in the void with secret techniques. He thought that the descendant of the Martial Ancestor would not be able to find him, but he did not expect that the descendant of the Martial Ancestor used the Zhutian Nine Swords to force himself out.

This person is not only a descendant of the martial ancestor, but even got the inheritance of the sword ancestor. Such a person is definitely a great threat to the demons.


The ancient demon roared and pounced directly from the sky. The terrifying demon might erupted, and the whole world seemed to collapse, and the cracks in the dark space spread thousands of miles.

"Come on, it should have been so."

Gu Fei's blood was boiling, and his body was chaotic, and his whole body showed a strong aura. The void around him was annihilating, and even the void could not contain his strong martial arts.


The world shook, and Gu Fei directly punched Chaos Fist, the simplest method of fist, but it showed terrifying power.


With a loud bang, Gu Fei's fist collided with the ancient demon's clutches, a powerful force burst out suddenly, the void was annihilated, and the entire world was about to be destroyed by the mighty force.

However, just as the heaven and earth void was about to be destroyed, the mighty continent of the extreme magic array finally broke out, and a series of ancient magic patterns appeared in the void, fixing the world that was about to collapse.

The two figures are moving fast, like two innate gods of war fighting a battle to destroy the world, the horror is extreme.

The powerhouses in other regions have been alarmed. This kind of battle is too terrifying. If it were outside, it would be a battle that would destroy a domain.

Fortunately, it was fighting in the Jidao Magic Array, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

You know, the heavens are endless, and if one area is destroyed, it will be an unimaginable disaster, and endless creatures will die.


Nine swords of light crisscrossed in the void, constantly breaking through the heavy devil qi, slashing towards the ancient devil in the center of the devil qi, and the nine swords of Zhu Tian really deserved to be the supreme sword.

Gu Fei turned into an invincible sword ancestor, and when he waved his hand, his sword aura soared to the sky, which was the magical magic skill that the ancient demon played, and was also slashed by a sword.

"Damn it."

The ancient demon roared again and again, if in his heyday, a guy like this human race could wipe out a large area with his hands, where he was ashamed as it is now.

Moreover, Gu Fei hadn't used martial arts combat skills yet.

"What ancient demon, but so."

Gu Fei said disdainfully.


The ancient demon was frightened and angry, this human race was too hateful, he wanted to tear this human race into pieces and then eat it.

"Swallow the sky."

The ancient demon roared, the endless devilish energy was mighty, a pitch-black whirlpool appeared between the heaven and the earth, and a swallowing force surged out of the whirlpool and swallowed towards Gu Fei.

Under the seal of the Jidao Magic Array, Gu Fei didn't even have a chance to escape.

However, he did not intend to flee, but stood there, motionless, no matter how powerful the swallowing force was, it would be hard to shake him.

"But so."

Gu Fei stood up and slew towards the depths of the whirlpool.

"Haha, come on, you will die when you come in."

The ancient demon said with a big smile.

"Really, but if I don't want to die, no one can kill me."

Gu Fei said disapprovingly, he was extremely confident, you know, he has an invincible heart, and I am invincible, who can kill him.


Gu Fei disappeared directly into the depths of the whirlpool. It was a terrifying demon realm, as if it were connected to the real hell, with a group of demons dancing.

"this is……"

Gu Fei landed on a blood-colored mountain, and saw the darkness all around him. From time to time, blood rushed out from the depths of the earth, and the magical aura was mighty.

This is a demon realm constructed of withered bones and flesh and blood, with blood flowing on the ground and devilish energy lingering.


A terrifying demon roar came from the depths of this square of heaven and earth, and then, a huge demon shadow walked out from the depths of this square of Demon Realm.

The heavy footsteps shocked the entire Demon Realm.

"What is the ancient demon doing?"

Gu Fei couldn't help frowning when he saw the demon shadow. It was a human-shaped monster, terrifying, like a huge mountain. In front of this troll, the human race was as small as an ant.


The troll roared, and the blood-colored mountains instantly crumbled into dust, dissipating into the void.

Soon, the troll spotted Gu Fei, because in this void, there was no living being as energetic as Gu Fei.

Gu Fei was in this demon realm, like a beacon in the dark night, attracting countless monsters in this world.

The troll rushed directly to Gu Fei, and then smashed it down at Gu Fei with a fist. The demon fist was as huge as a mountain, slammed down from the sky, and the pressure of the void was shaking.


Gu Fei took a step forward and directly avoided.

"Look at my world."

Gu Fei yelled and shook his body, and his whole person instantly became taller than the mountain, just like that troll, standing upright.

"You take my punch too."

Gu Fei said with a punch.

The troll didn't seem to know how powerful and terrifying the human race in front of him was, and he actually greeted Gu Fei's fist with his fist.



With the heavy impact, accompanied by the sound of broken bones, the troll's fists exploded and turned into a cloud of black blood. The troll that was bigger than a mountain was stunned by Gu Fei's fist.


The troll hit the ground, and the whole ground shook violently, and a cloud of smoke rose up.

"Ancient Demon, have you planted a battle, send these little shrimps out to die?"

Gu Fei didn't put this troll in his eyes at all. Once his cultivation level reached his level, he could easily do it even if he changed more.

"Haha, you can go out from here."

The ancient demon's voice came, but it seemed to be as far away as the world.

Even Gu Fei couldn't feel the ancient demon there, which made him feel a little uneasy. He vaguely felt that he seemed to be caught in the trap of the ancient demon.

"The cowardly mouse is worthy of being called the ancestor of the devil, I'm."

Gu Fei cursed.


At this time, the troll that had been stunned by Gu Fei had climbed up from the ground, and then swooped towards Gu Fei.


Gu Fei punched out randomly, and the troll was shaken away again, knocked down a mountain, and fell into the rock.

"Whatever you say, haha, just play here by yourself, I won't be with you anymore."

After the ancient demon finished speaking, he stopped speaking.

"Outrageous, cunning devil boy."

Gu Fei was furious.

At this moment, the troll jumped over again.

"go to hell."

Gu Fei patted it with a palm, "touch." The troll exploded and was directly bombarded into a cloud of blood.

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