Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2754: Back to the restricted area

Gu Fei suddenly returned to the small world of Xuanming Sect. The news spread, which made Xuanming Sect shake up and down, and the Saint Xuanming, the current leader of Xuanming, hurried back.

"Brother Gu, where did you come from."

The saint goddess asked as soon as they met.

Gu Fei did not conceal it, so he said it directly.

"What? Brother Gu went to the northern snowy area and went into the restricted area."

Saint Xuanming was shocked, and she had also heard about the northern snowy restricted area, that it was a peerless and fierce land that could only be entered but could not leave. Gu Fei's ability to escape from that place really shocked her to the extreme.

"Well, I want to rush back to settle accounts with the ancient demon, let's not pass it."

Gu Fei wanted to say goodbye.

However, Saint Xuanming stopped him and told him a news.


This news shocked Gu Fei. He left the Xuanming Sect's Xiaotiandi directly, and then headed towards the Tiandi Palace controlled by the Demon Race. He wanted to use the Demon Race's teleportation formation to go to the northern snowy area.

The news that Saint Xuanming told him was that there was a teleportation formation in the demon clan that could be teleported to the northern snowy area, because the demon lord had set off from Heavenly Emperor City to the northern snowy area.

Soon, Gu Fei came to Tiandi City.

This used to be the old nest of the Emperor of Heaven, but now, it has become a residence of the demon Lord Laogui, which is absolutely a great shame to the Emperor of Heaven.

However, the ancient Emperor Tian hadn't made any moves, even the old lair was breached by Gu Fei, and all the land of the ancient Tiandi was taken over by the Yaozu.

Those who were loyal to the ancient emperor of heaven were all cleaned up by the monster clan.

Gu Fei entered the Heavenly Emperor City directly, and the whole way was unimpeded. Although there are many strong monsters in the Heavenly Emperor City, when these people saw the person who broke in, they all jumped out and respected that person. See the ceremony.

"Little Qing..."

Gu Fei saw Xiaoqing, and now Xiaoqing, sitting in the Emperor City of Heaven, has become the overlord of a party, controlling a large area of ​​the East, and truly one person has less than 10,000.

Of course, Dongtu is not the world of the demon race. There are also devil caves, Xuanming Sect, and the golden-eyed divine apes.

Yuan Hong, the golden spirit ape, had already left Dongtu and was traveling abroad. Some people saw him heading westward, as if he was going to the northern snowy area.

Gu Fei was taken by Xiaoqing into the city lord's mansion in Tiandi City and sat down.

"Brother, I didn't expect to see you again soon."

Xiao Qing said, his eyes were extremely bright, he was very happy to see Gu Fei again, he temporarily put aside everything, and came to see Gu Fei.

"Laogui went to the northern snowy area, right?"

Gu Fei said straightforwardly.

"Brother, how did you know this."

Xiao Qing said, his expression became solemn, and Gu Fei even knew this. You know, this is top secret among the monster race.

"Have you been close to Saint Xuanming recently?"

Gu Fei suddenly answered the question, glanced at Xiaoqing and said.

"This one……"

Xiaoqing's face blushed when he heard this. He knew what went wrong and how his eldest brother learned about the old turtle.

"Well, I'm not talking nonsense anymore, I want to borrow the formation."

Gu Fei directly explained his intentions. He wanted to go back to the Northern Snow Region to find the Ancient Demon to settle accounts. There is no reason to dare to pit him, then he would have to pay a heavy price.

"Brother, you also want to..."

Xiaoqing said in surprise, Laogui went to the northern snowy area, and that was going to break into the restricted area. Isn't it possible that the eldest brother also went to the northern snowy restricted area.

"Not bad."

Gu Fei said directly that he and Xiao Qing are brothers of life and death, and they have experienced life and death together. He did not hide Xiao Qing, and directly stated the reason why he was going to the northern snowy area.


After Xiaoqing listened, she forgot to close her grown-up mouth. His eldest brother seemed to be even more powerful than Shizun Laogui. He actually broke into the core area of ​​the northern restricted area, and then fought against the ancient demon. In the field, he was accidentally exiled by the ancient demon into endless chaos.

Finally, Xiaoqing took Gu Fei to a teleportation formation in Tiandi City.

"Brother, take care."

Before Gu Fei stepped onto the battlefield, Xiaoqing gave Gu Fei a strong hug before letting go.

Gu Fei didn't say much, he directly boarded the formation, then activated the formation, and embarked on the road to the northern snowy area.

I have to say that Laogui's methods are really scary. Soon, Gu Fei felt the unique breath of the northern snowy area again.

His figure appeared on a formation, this formation was built in a snow valley, there are two big monster clan powerhouses guarding this formation.

When the two big monster clan powerhouses saw someone coming across from the eastern soil, they were shocked to the extreme, because that person was not Xiaoqing who guarded the eastern soil.

However, when the two big monster races saw the appearance of the incoming people clearly, they were relieved. The two big monster race powerhouses often followed Laogui, and naturally they had seen Gu Fei.

The two powerful monsters quickly stepped forward and flew to Gu.

Gu Fei just nodded towards the two big monster clan powerhouses, and directly soared into the sky, rushing towards the depths of the northern snowy area, and disappeared into the world.

At this time, it was the night, and the night in the northern snowy area was the most dangerous, but Gu Fei was fearless, because there were definitely not many people in this world who could hurt him.


Just as Gu Fei flew over a large frozen lake, a loud noise came from below, and the frozen lake suddenly exploded.

At the same time, a huge figure rushed out of the lake and swooped towards Gu Fei in the sky.

"I want to find death and fulfill you."

Gu Fei said in a deep voice, and then with a wave of his right hand, a bright sword light rushed out of his hand immediately, strangling towards the dark shadow that rushed down.

Without any suspense, this Heaven-Zhuking Sword Light was simply invincible, directly strangling the black shadow into several pieces and falling from the air.

At this time, Gu Fei could see clearly what it was, that shadow was actually a dragon and an old dragon.

Gu Fei didn't stop, he dashed directly across the lake and disappeared into the dark night, speeding to the extreme.

Soon, Gu Fei was able to sense the breath of the mighty opening in the northern restricted area.

"Gu Demon, I'm here again, this time, I will take your devil's life."

Gu Fei gritted his teeth and said, without hesitation, he rushed towards the northern restricted area, and then rushed directly into the northern restricted area, towards the core area of ​​the northern restricted area.

At this time, the core area of ​​the forbidden area was extremely lively, and the ancient demon was confronting the strong men who broke in, and the atmosphere in the core area of ​​the forbidden area was extremely tense.

When Gu Fei arrived, the ancient monster was confronting a big monster. This was a battle between monsters. Once encountered, it would definitely be endless.

You must know that since ancient times, monsters have been incompatible with each other. They have fought endlessly and damaged each other, but no one can really eliminate the other side.

After seeing Gu Fei, the ancient demon was shocked to the extreme.

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