Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2761: Sirius crisis

The deepest part of the Far North is an unexplored area. It has never been conquered. No one knows how big the area is or what it contains.

In the heavens, there are too many unknown and mysterious areas. These areas are not restricted areas, but they are also full of dangers. Perhaps there are powerful creatures from the ancient years lurking.

Why would Zhao Zirou go to such a place.

This made Gu Fei wonder what was in the mysterious area that attracted Zhao Zirou.

After Gu Fei returned to the northern snowy area and learned about Zhao Zirou's whereabouts in detail, he decided to go and find Zhao Zirou. He wanted to find Zhao Zirou.

He wants to rebuild the Taixuan Sect. Not only will he find Zhao Zirou but also other Taixuan Sect disciples.

The Far North is the name for the northern region outside the northern snowy region. Behind the northern snowy region is an endless world of ice and snow. It is a mysterious region. No one has ever been able to ascertain this region.

When night fell, a figure crossed the northern snowy area and entered the mysterious area of ​​that side, leaving no trace on the ground.

The degree of danger in the mysterious area may not be under the restricted area. Some people have been trying to find out those mysterious areas, but no one has ever succeeded.

Especially those big religions and big clans who want to open up more territories, so they have sent people into those mysterious areas, but few people can come back.

In the dark night, a figure came to a mountain peak outside the mysterious area.

There is endless darkness ahead, like a giant beast with a mouth wide open, it is possible to swallow a nearby creature at any time.

"Is this the mysterious area."

Gu Fei stood on the top of the mountain and looked forward. It was a quiet area, and no sound was heard, but behind him, there were beast roars from time to time.

He seemed to be standing between two different worlds. Although there was an icy world behind him, it was somewhat alive, but in front of him was a quiet world.

Gu Fei didn't hesitate, soared up from the top of the mountain, and then disappeared into the dark world.

"He actually dared to enter that place..."

Just after Gu Fei left, a figure came from a distance. This person was the Sirius ancestor. He had been following behind Gu Fei. Only then did he show up.

The mysterious unknown area is full of unknowns, even if it is as powerful as a holy sovereign, he dare not easily enter that unknown area.

The ancestor of Sirius would naturally not enter such a mysterious place. He glanced in the direction where Gu Fei disappeared, then turned and left.

The news of Gu Fei's entry into an unknown area soon spread, and it was no secret.

At this time, the happiest person was Zhao Yuntian, the Patriarch of the Zhao Family in the Snow Region. No matter how strong Gu Fei was, there was a danger of falling into that mysterious unknown area.

"Haha, Gu Fei is really stupid, he is tired of living in such a place."

In a secret stronghold of the Zhao family in the snowy area, Zhao Yuntian, the head of the Zhao family, was laughing.

In the recent period of time, the Zhao family in the Snow Territory has been in a precarious state, and may be replaced by other big forces at any time. The Jinpeng clan and the Sirius clan are all watching.

But now, the biggest threat of the Zhao Family in the Snow Region is to enter a mysterious and unknown area, which gives the Zhao Family in the Snow Region a rare breathing opportunity.

The Jinpeng clan and the Sirius clan had originally planned to do something against the Zhao family in the snowy area, but at this time, the first powerhouse of the Zhao family suddenly returned.

In this way, the Jinpeng clan and the Sirius clan would not dare to act rashly. You must know that the first powerhouse of the Zhao family in the Snow Region is also the number one powerhouse in the Snow Region.

"Hmph, those guys want to replace my Zhao family as the overlord of the snowy territory, dream."

Zhao Yuntian said with a sneer.

"Patriarch, do we want to give them some color to see."

Someone suggested.

"Yes, if the tigers don't show their power, they will treat us as sick cats."

Someone nodded and said.

"Then what else are you talking about, just do it."

Zhao Yuntian said.


Those who were in the main battle laughed, then turned and left.

The people of the Zhao family in Xueyu have been too aggrieved during this time, and they were forced to abandon the Zhao family ancestral city by one person, and the whole family fled.

It's time for the Zhao Family in the Snow Territory to act, or else, it will really make people from other forces look down upon it. To re-establish its prestige, the best way is to directly show the strength of the Zhao Family.

The Jinpeng clan has the Jinpeng ancestor, and the Zhao family in Xueyu has some scruples about the Jinpeng clan.

But the Sirius family is different. Although the Sirius ancestor is powerful, it is not as good as the Jinpeng ancestor. You know, the Jinpeng ancestor is the ancient saint.

Soon after the wolf ancestor returned to Sirius City, the powerhouse of the Zhao family in Xueyu had already been killed.


The entire Sirius City was shaking. The Zhao family's powerhouse was attacking the great defense formation of Sirius City. The people from the Zhao family were not simple, and there was a Holy Venerable.

After Gu Fei left, the Zhao family no longer had any scruples, and could take action without fear of anyone.

"Old Sirius, come out and die."

Someone shouted loudly, divine lights descended from the sky and directly fell towards Sirius City. The great defense formation was attacked by a great deal, and it seemed that it might collapse at any time.

However, the strength of the Sirius family is not weak, otherwise, it will not become a strong family in the snowy area, standing in the snowy area for endless years, it can still be passed down.


A cold snort came out of Sirius City, and a huge wolf shadow appeared between the sky and the earth, roaring up to the sky, and the aura of horror to the extreme spread out.

The Sirius clan is in big trouble, and the Sirius ancestors will naturally not stand idly by. You must know that most of the creatures in Sirius City are members of the Sirius clan.

"The Zhao family is going to destroy the Sirius family today, even if Gu Fei comes, it will not be able to save the Sirius family."

Someone said loudly, and the voice passed into Sirius City and also into the ears of every member of the Sirius clan in Sirius City.

However, unexpectedly, there was no riot in Sirius City, and all members of the Sirius clan were calm and not afraid.

The Zhao family in the Snow Region wanted to gain power, so they found the Sirius clan, but the Sirius clan was not a weak clan. The Sirius clan was very aggressive and was born to be brave and cruel creatures.

Although the Zhao family is powerful, all members of the Sirius clan will not shrink back. The stronger the enemy, the stronger the killing of the Sirius clan. This is a powerful race that would rather die in battle than bow to the enemy.

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