Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2770: Big belly can swallow the sky

The mysterious man was able to refine the chains of the gods imprisoned on him, and then escaped, which somewhat surprised Gu Fei.

You know, this mysterious man has been imprisoned in the giant city for endless years. If it were so easy to refine the chains that locked him, he would have been out of trouble long ago, and how could he wait until today.

Gu Fei didn't know that this mysterious man had actually awakened from the seal for ten thousand years. He was thinking about how to get out of trouble and how to get revenge day and night.

Ten thousand years of hard work finally succeeded today.


The mysterious man kept screaming up to the sky, the clouds on the horizon were dispersed, the huge city below finally turned into dust, and even the stone platform that had imprisoned the mysterious man for endless years collapsed.

"I'm back, I want to let this world be stained with blood, make this universe tremble because of my return, haha..."

The mysterious man laughed wildly.

"Hey, are you crazy."

At this moment, a voice suddenly came.

"You little guy, come here quickly and let the deity eat it."

The mysterious man turned around abruptly and stared at Gu Fei ferociously, exposing Bai Sensen's teeth, and there seemed to be some kind of liquid flowing out of the corner of his mouth.

"Are you a demon or a demon."

Gu Fei couldn't figure out the details of this guy. This guy was too ferocious, but he didn't have the aura of demons and demons in his body, only the extreme violent aura was violent.

"What kind of monster, what's the matter with Lao Tzu? I hate it. Lao Tzu comes from outside the territory, and is supposed to rule this world, but it was calculated by others. I hate it."

The middle-aged man's eyes flickered, gritted his teeth.

"From outside the domain."

Gu Fei heard that this shock was really no small matter. Could it be that there are still powerful unknown creatures outside the domain, and there is also a world like the heavens outside the domain that can breed the most powerful creatures.

All kinds of questions popped up in Gu Fei's mind.

"Come on, it is your glory to be part of Lao Tzu's power."

The mysterious person directly opened his mouth and sucked at Gu Fei, and a swallowing force immediately enveloped Gu Fei and flew him towards the mysterious person.

"What **** glory, eat shit."

With a wave of Gu Fei's right hand, a bright sword light rushed out of his hand and pierced through the mysterious person's mouth. Wherever the sharp sword light passed, the void left a dark space crack. .

However, a scene that shocked Gu Fei appeared, the mysterious man swallowed the sword light he had shot, and the strongest sword light of Zhu Tian was swallowed, which had to move him.


Gu Fei could feel the sword light he had shot in the mysterious person's body quickly dissipating, and the powerful power contained in the sword light was swallowed and absorbed by the mysterious person.

"Haha, come again."

The man laughed wanton.


The void shook, and even the void of heaven and earth was broken, and then swallowed by this mysterious man.

The strength of this outsider far exceeded Gu Fei's expectations. Moreover, this guy's technique was very peculiar, and it seemed that it could swallow all the power between heaven and earth.


Gu Fei sneered, and directly broke through the swallowing power that enveloped him, and then rose into the sky, performing eight moves and eight kills, and stepped down towards the mysterious man.


In the next moment, the entire void under Gu Fei's feet collapsed, and the terrifying destructive power came out from his feet, shattering everything.

However, the mysterious man raised his head and sucked again, actually swallowing the power of Gu Fei's eight killing steps, and the extremely violent destructive force could hardly hurt this guy.

"When I was in his heyday, I could swallow the sky in one bite. You little fellow was still eaten by me, so I would suffer less."

The mysterious person's voice sounded in Gu Fei's heart.

Gu Fei's vitality and blood were extremely vigorous. To this mysterious person, it was like a great medicine that could bring the dead back to life, and naturally he would not let it go.

Moreover, after swallowing Gu Fei, the mysterious man could recover most of his cultivation base by asking himself, and then he would be able to crisscross the world and seek revenge from those who had calculated himself.

"Haha, if you want to swallow me, you are not afraid of breaking your stomach."

Gu Fei laughed and said, this guy can't live or die, he seems to be able to take advantage of this and directly cut this arrogant guy.

"Lao Tzu's belly can hold the sky, but it can't hold you little guy."

The mysterious man said arrogantly.

"I'm standing here to see if you can swallow me."

Gu Fei was full of chaotic energy, like a **** of war who came from the chaos, he didn't make any more moves, just stood in the sky, the mighty pressure of the holy sovereign spread from his body, and the void vibrated.

"A person who knows the current affairs is a handsome man, little guy, I like you a little bit, chaotic, I love you."

The mysterious man laughed and swallowed Gu Fei, showing the real power of swallowing the sky. This guy is not laughing, he really has that ability.

"this is……"

Gu Fei, who had been swallowed by that extraterritorial powerhouse, realized that he had entered a strange void. This place was simply a huge and incomparable grand void, and the most primitive laws of the Great Dao were vast.

A series of orderly divine lights came straight through, trying to crush themselves and melt into this void.

"It's no wonder that this guy dares to claim that he can swallow the sky, feeling that his belly is a world still gestating."

Gu Fei was really shocked. He had never encountered such a thing before. At this time, the world that had not yet been opened up by this side was actually devouring his own energy.

He could feel his own essence constantly escaping out of the body, melting into the surrounding void.


In Gu Fei's thoughts, nine chaotic lines emerged from his body, sealing his body, firmly sealing his own essence, and no longer escaping outward.


Outside, the mysterious man had already sat down, running profound arts, trying to thoroughly refine the little guy in his stomach and improve his cultivation.

However, he was surprised to find that the little guy in his stomach was still resisting and struggling, and for a while, it was difficult for him to refine it.

"It seems it's not enough to stay true to life."

The mysterious man was talking to himself, and then he used a unique technique outside the territory.

At the same time, a great change took place in the mysterious man's stomach, the entire Hongmeng Void's power was eroding towards Gu Fei, and the power of the original laws continued to penetrate towards Gu Fei.

The Chaos Divine Gang outside of Gu Fei immediately became dim and came down, showing signs of being wiped out.


Gu Fei couldn't help being shocked when he saw this.

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