Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2774: Sword Slaying Dragon Head

The sudden attack made Gu Fei amazed. He took one step directly and disappeared in the same place instantly. The next moment, he appeared more than ten miles away. . .


At the same time, a huge black beast claw shot directly from the sky, frightening the void where Gu Fei was originally located, and even the Chaos Qi came out.

When Gu Fei was surprised, he hurriedly looked at it, and saw a huge figure rushing out among the sky of ice, snow and dust. It was a humanoid creature covered in black scales.

Although this creature has a human-shaped body, it is definitely not a human race, because this creature is not only covered with black scale armor, but also has a beast head, which is a true dragon head.

Gu Fei was surprised that there was such a creature in this world, but what really surprised him was that he could not sense any real dragon breath from this creature's body.

It seems that this is just a creature with the head of a real dragon.


The dragon head creature looked up to the sky and roared, and the roaring void was shaking, as if it might collapse at any time, it was fierce to the extreme.


Naturally, Gu Fei would not really be frightened by such a creature, because he had seen a creature that was even more scary than this creature.

"A holy creature again?"

Gu Fei felt a little unbelievable. There are so many holy creatures in this unknown and mysterious area. How could this be possible? How could so many holy creatures appear here?

No one knows, because in the endless years, not many people have walked into these unknown and mysterious places, and not everyone dares to enter such places.

Because of the old legend, the mysterious and unknown area is dangerous.

"Human race?"

The dragon head creature stared at Gu Fei, with endless fierce light in his blood-colored eyes, and his body was so angry that he did not know how many creatures this creature killed to condense such a powerful evil aura on his body.

"What are you? Are you also a creature outside the territory?"

Gu Fei frowned and said.

"Extraterritorial creatures?

The **** light in the eyes of the dragon head creature's eyes is more abundant. It is not a demon, but it is definitely much more dangerous than the average demon.

I saw this dragon head breathing up to the sky, and it actually swallowed the essence of heaven and earth within a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles, forming an aura vacuum in the void of hundreds of thousands of miles.

"Good guy..."

When Gu Fei saw this, he had to be moved. If this creature was allowed to enter other areas of the heavens, wouldn't it mean that many people would die?

The aura on the dragon head creatures who had swallowed more than a thousand miles of heaven and earth aura became stronger, and black evil auras hovered around the dragon head creatures.


The dragon head creature shot directly, and the right claw again grabbed towards Gu Fei, and five black lights rushed out from the sharp claws, piercing the void.

This dragon head creature was about the size of a hill, and the sharp claw caught it, but it shrouded the void of one side, and the five rays of black light tore the void.


Gu Fei directly stepped forward, punched out, and his right fist shattered the five black lights rushing out of the beast claws, and then collided with the beast claws.

The fierce beast roared like a hill, and was directly stunned by Gu Fei with a fist. On the right paw, bloodstains burst.

"Can you withstand my punch?"

Gu Fei was talking to himself, the body of this dragon head creature was extremely powerful. Although he hadn't used his full force with his punch, he still had 50% or 60% of the power. It just shook the beast, but didn't break it. The claws of a beast.

The savage beast roared, shaking the earth, and the shattered flesh and blood on the beast's claws healed at a speed visible to the flesh.

"Human race, you are very strong, but you are equally dying!"

The voice of the dragon head creature sounded in Gu Fei's heart. This was an exchange of spiritual thoughts.

"You are not bad, I also give you two paths, one is a dead end, the other is to return to me and be my slave."

Gu Fei didn't make any more moves. He looked at the dragon head creature on the opposite side and said such words calmly. He had already said such words to Underworld before.


The dragon head creature laughed. This human race wanted to become its slave. It was too arrogant, and it was impossible to live or die!

"I will also give you two paths. One is to come over and let me eat, and the other is to eat you myself. Which one do you choose? Haha..."

The dragon head laughed jokingly.

"In that case, then I can eat you too. Seriously, I haven't eaten any creatures outside the territory."

Gu Fei said indifferently.

"Human race, you are crazy, but unfortunately, when you meet me, you are destined to be my food."

The dragon head creature said coldly.

"Really? Then you come and try, but don't be like the underworld, you can eat it."

Gu Fei said disapprovingly.

"What are you talking about... Underworld?"

The dragon head creature seemed to be taken aback when he heard the name of Mingqiong, the blood-colored pupils shrank, it seemed to think of something, and the fierce light flickered in its eyes.

"Come on, don't make a move? If you don't make a move, then I will make a move."

Gu Fei said nonchalantly, he didn't seem to put this powerful dragon head creature in his eyes at all. Although the dragon head creature was powerful, no matter how powerful it was, it couldn't be stronger than the sky.

That underworld is a domain hero in the outer world, and this dragon head creature in that outer world should not be comparable to the existence of a domain hero.

"Are you talking about Underworld?"

The dragon head creature said carefully.

"Yes, this underworld knows current affairs very well, but you seem to be very ignorant of current affairs."

Gu Fei said.

"What, Underworld became your slave? This is impossible, this is absolutely impossible, how could a person like him become a slave to others."

The dragon head creature said in disbelief.

"It seems that you know Nether Sky."

Gu Fei said with great interest.


The dragon head creature didn't say anything, just turned around and fled.

"Want to escape?"

Gu Fei smiled, he directly stretched out his big hand and grabbed it forward. A big chaotic hand appeared in the void, and instantly enveloped the void of heaven and earth.

A force of swallowing the sky surging out from the great chaos hand, instantly enveloped the dragon head creature.


The dragon head creature roared and struggled desperately, but still flew upside down towards Gu Fei, unable to break free from the swallowing power that enveloped him.


The dragon head creature also knew that it couldn't be good today. It turned around fiercely, and opened its mouth to spray a black flame toward Gu Fei and burn it. The black flame instantly spread, trying to engulf Gu Fei in the black flame.


Gu Fei's right hand shook, and the black flame was immediately dispersed by a chaotic force erupting from the chaotic hand. At the same time, the sky-swallowing power that came out of the chaotic hand disappeared and was replaced by it. A fierce force like 100,000 volcanoes erupted at the same time surging outward.

The dragon head creature was directly shaken away, coughing up blood in his mouth.

At this time, the dragon head creature was shocked. This human race was really powerful and even had a supreme demeanor.


A strong force spread from the dragon head creature's body to stabilize the figure and stop the retreat. The powerful fluctuation of power spread from the dragon head creature's body, shaking the entire world.

A series of dragon-shaped Dao patterns emerged from the body of the dragon head creature.

Gu Fei realized that the method of this extraterritorial creature was somewhat unique. This extraterritorial creature seemed to imprint the cultivated Dao pattern on itself, and the Dao pattern appeared in its flesh and blood.

This kind of exercise seems to be somewhat similar to your own cultivation method, but it is a physical cultivation method, and this cultivation method is very clever.

At this time, the flesh, muscles and bones of the dragon head creatures were releasing the divine light of the Dao, his whole figure turned into a Dao body, resonating with the Dao.

"Haha, do you want to borrow the power of the Great Dao? Even the real heavenly Dao I don’t care about."

Gu Fei laughed.


The body of the dragon head creature sent the voice of the great Dao, and a group of fiery dao light enveloped it. Then, the dragon head creature turned into a blade of light and broke through the world directly, trying to escape into the chaos and escape.

This creature no longer dared to fight with Gu Fei. At this time, this creature had already believed what Gu Fei had said. It seemed that Underworld was really recovered by this human race.

In that extraterritorial world, the existence of a hero level is definitely the top group of people in the extraterritorial world, even if it is not the most powerful person, it is not much different.

Even such a person has been taken back by the human race in front of him, let alone oneself?

The dragon head creature has just gotten out of trouble, and its cultivation base has not accepted the past. If it were in its heyday, it would naturally not be afraid of this human race.

But it doesn't work anymore, unless it is restored to its heyday, the dragon head creature is very sure, and will immediately retreat.

However, Gu Fei wouldn't let this creature escape so easily. He really hadn't eaten an extraterritorial creature. Since this creature refused to surrender, there was nothing to say.

At this moment, Gu Fei's figure disappeared into the void in an instant. The next moment, he appeared behind the dragon head creature, slapped it out, and directly knocked down the creature from the state of fusion with the avenue. Come.

"I wish to drop!"

The dragon head creature cried out in horror.

"It's too late now. I want to try whether the flesh of the extraterritorial creatures tastes good."

Gu Fei licked his lips and said.


The dragon head creatures were furious and inexplicable when they heard this. This human race was really too much, and it really wanted to eat him, but didn't he want to eat this human race?


The dragon head creature directly smashed the void, and wanted to escape.

However, at this time, Gu Fei showed eight steps of extreme speed, and instantly appeared beside the dragon head creature, waving a sword, and a bright sword light rushed out of his hand.


The void was split by the sword light rushing out of Gu Fei's hand, and the dragon head creature was cut into two pieces with a sword.

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