Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2796: The secret of heaven and earth

Laogui's methods were great, the communication talisman he sent out could come across domains, and it fell into Gu Fei's hands accurately.

However, to Gu Fei's surprise, there were only two characters in Laogui's apostle, "come soon."

"Is it finally going to start."

After Gu Fei received the transmission amulet, he immediately rushed to Sirius City with the Underworld and Black Lin Tiger Emperor. There should be a cross-domain teleportation formation in Sirius City.

At dawn, Gu Fei and the others came to the ancestral land of the Sirius family, Sirius City.

That day the wolf ancestor personally greeted him, and took Gu Fei and others into the city lord's mansion.

Gu Fei didn't hesitate. After entering the city lord's mansion, he directly asked Sirius ancestors about crossing the teleportation formation. He guessed right, there is a cross-domain teleportation formation in Sirius City.

However, this teleportation formation has not been used for a long time.

With only the teleportation formation, without a teleportation location, it would be impossible for Gu Fei and the others to use the teleportation formation to cross-domain teleport from the northern snowy area to the West Ming Sea.

However, this was not a problem for Gu Fei, because in addition to the two "quick" characters, there was also a coordinate on the communication symbol from Laogui.

Old Turtle had already thought of all these things. He had already built a teleportation formation in Xi Minghai, and he had also told Gu Fei the coordinates of this formation.

Gu Fei directly took the Underworld and the Black Lin Tiger Emperor onto this ancient formation, and then activated the ancient teleportation formation under his feet.


The ancient formation in Sirius City shook, and ancient runes continued to appear on the long-unused ancient teleportation formation.

That is the rune of the void, which contains the meaning of the void.

The Sirius ancestor was standing in front of the ancient teleportation formation, his mood was a bit complicated, he already knew from Gu Fei what was about to happen in Xi Minghai.

Gu Fei was actually going to attack the restricted area of ​​the heavens. This was definitely a major event that would shake the entire cultivation world of the heavens. The ancestors of Sirius wanted to participate, but they lacked skills.

He wants to stay in the northern snowy area, and if he leaves, the Sirius clan will probably be destroyed by other powerful forces in the snowy area.

Soon, the most dazzling divine light radiated from the ancient teleportation platform, and endless runes rushed out from the ancient teleportation platform, intertwining a void channel.

This void channel broke through the void directly and disappeared into the endless chaos.

Gu Fei and the others stepped onto this void channel, disappeared into the endless chaos, and went directly across the domain. Then, the void channel disappeared, and the ancient teleportation formation gradually fell silent.

The ancestor of Sirius watched Gu Fei and the others leave. He stood in front of the ancient teleportation formation for a while, then sighed, turned and left here.

At this time in the northern snowy area, with the birth of the snowy heavenly palace, the situation of the entire northern snowy area has become a little more subtle.

You know, the Snowy Heavenly Palace has always been reclusive, ignoring mundane affairs, but no one can think of it. This time, the Snowy Heavenly Palace doesn't seem to want to hide.

The Saintess of the Heavenly Palace is walking in the world, it seems that the Snowy Heavenly Palace is to be the overlord of the northern snowy region.

All the forces in the northern snowy region felt an unprecedentedly strong pressure, the snowy heavenly palace, that is an insurmountable mountain that weighs on everyone.

It was the Sirius family, the Zhao family in the Snow Region, and the Golden Crow family, all of them converged, and no one dared to contend with the Heavenly Palace in the Snow Region.

If Gu Fei is here, maybe all this can be changed.

However, with the departure of Gu Fei, the ambition of Sirius ancestor was also extinguished by a bucket of cold water. He could only sit in Sirius City and would not leave easily.

In Sirius City, he still has the strength to deal with the powerhouses of all parties, and even the Saintess of the Heavenly Palace has scruples about him.

While the Sirius Ancestor Turtle was shrinking in Sirius City, Gu Fei brought the Underworld and the Black Lin Tiger Emperor to the West Underworld to join the old turtle.

Under the dim world, there was a piece of silence in the West Ming Sea, and the silent sea sky was enveloped in a thick breath of death, with clouds lingering.

"Unexpectedly, you were ready so soon."

In a bare valley, the old turtle set up a banquet to catch the wind for Gu Fei. The delicacies of the mountains and seas on that table made Gu Fei's index finger move.

Who is the old tortoise? The ingredients used in the banquet he set up are naturally extraordinary. Even the golden bird with the blood of the Divine Phoenix was hunted to make a braised golden bird.

He also grabbed a golden dragon python from an abyss and stewed a pot of golden dragon python soup.

Seeing these ingredients, Gu Fei also had to move. This old tortoise would really enjoy it. He could find these ingredients.

You know, both the golden bird and the golden dragon python are extremely powerful creatures, and it is not easy for ordinary saints to hunt such creatures.

"Eat, haha, start working after eating."

The old turtle laughed and greeted Gu Fei, Mingqiong, and the Hei Lin Tiger Emperor.

When the Hei Lin Tiger King saw a large table of food, he was so shocked that he couldn't speak. Nima, even the golden dragon pythons were hunted down and made into a pot of dragon python soup, which is too awkward. Up.

Who is this old tortoise, is it the supreme of ancient times?

The Underworld and the Black Lin Tiger Emperor were shocked. The Golden Bird and the Golden Dragon Python, even in the ancient years, were extremely powerful creatures, and only the most powerful beings in the world could hunt these creatures.

"I thought you could do it yourself."

Gu Fei glanced at Old Turtle and said.

"Brother, I thought I could handle it, but in the end I found that it couldn't work. There is no way. Brother, I only think of you. Apart from you, there is really no one who can help me."

The old turtle said.

"What went wrong."

Gu Fei frowned and said, this old tortoise has nothing to do with diligence. I am afraid that this favor is not so easy to help. You must know who the old tortoise is, he is the son of the imperial emperor, with a big background.

Gu Fei didn't know what he couldn't even handle.

"Actually, I only recently learned that Xi Minghai is the inner world of a perverted fellow, and Xi Minghai is the place where that fellow was buried."

The old turtle said helplessly.


Gu Fei was taken aback when he heard this. Xi Minghai, after the fall of a strong man, was transformed into the world. It is no wonder that there is no life here, and life is gathering.

This is definitely a great secret between heaven and earth. The perverted guy who fell is likely to be an extremely powerful person, but it is not easy to eliminate such a place.

You know, even after the extreme powers fall, the land of their fall will become the most terrifying fierce land, and the extreme laws remain.

It was precisely because of this that Old Turtle had to ask Gu Fei for help, because Gu Fei still had an extremely sword weapon in his hand. With the extremely sword weapon, he could contend with the remaining extreme laws.

"Well, I've helped with this, but what good is it for me."

Gu Fei suddenly smiled and said to Old Turtle.

"You guy..."

Old Turtle sighed, Gu Fei didn't want to help himself in vain.

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