Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2798: Strong and invincible

Nanling Fire Clan is a large clan in Nanling, with countless masters in the clan, and its leader, Fire Emperor, is an emperor who can compete with Nanling God Emperor.

The fire people have always been strong in Nanling, but this time, they met Yuan Hong, the golden spirit ape, and kicked the iron plate.



Just when a strong man of the Huo Clan was slapped away by Yuan Hong, a roar came from a distance, and then a strong man rushed towards him.

"It's you who said my clan is shit."

It was a brawny blond man. The arms of this brawny man were longer than the average person. The muscles on his arms were bulging and he was very strong, and his body was still enveloped in a powerful evil spirit.

At a glance, this guy is not an easy rookie to deal with. This guy is a strong man who has seen blood and killed countless creatures. Only those who crawl out of the dead will become strong.

"Whatever I said."

Yuan Hong looked at the strong man opposite and said indifferently.

"Brother, this person is very strong, you have to be careful."

At this time, the fire race child who was slapped by Yuan Hong had already walked over again, one after the other, it was a two-on-one rhythm.

"Who on earth are you, dare to despise my fire clan."

The brawny man stared at Yuan Hong, and then said in a deep voice, a powerful breath spread from his body, and he was already killing Yuan Hong.

"You are not qualified to know who I am."

Yuan Hong glanced at the strong man, and then said.

"Haha, isn't it? Since fellow daoists refuse to cooperate, I will reluctantly let you go on the road."

The strong man said with a sullen face and ferociously.

"Cut, it's not necessarily who will send who on the road."

Yuan Hong said.


The strong man of the Huo Clan stopped speaking, and he directly used his great technique to attack Yuan Hong. He saw a burst of fire rushing out of his hand, turning into a big golden bird and rushing towards Yuan Hong. go with.

"If you can't help yourself, if you want to die, I will fulfill you."

Yuan Hong directly rushed up with a punch, and the countless golden birds that pounced at him instantly exploded in the void, turning into a ball of divine flames.

Without fear of the burning of the divine flame, he rushed directly from the divine flame, his fist was unchanged, and with a sound of "touch.", he directly smashed the strong fire clan into a cloud of blood.

The dignified fire clan powerhouse was beaten with a single punch, which made the Huo clan monk who had spoken insult to Yuan Hong horrified. At this time, he knew that he had provoked someone who should not be provoked.

"Spare, spare..."

The cultivator of the Huo Clan saw Yuan Hong looking to him, and suddenly collapsed on the ground in fright, trembling all over, almost **** in fright.


Yuan Hong snorted coldly. He didn't put this ant-like guy in his eyes at all, and then turned around to leave here. He knew that the guy he was chasing had deliberately attracted himself here, and wanted to let himself be The fire clan caused conflict and established a powerful enemy for itself.

However, at this moment, an extremely powerful wave of divine consciousness spread from a palace deep in the mountain and instantly locked Yuan Hong.


Yuan Hongmeng turned around and looked in the direction from which his spiritual thoughts came. His gaze seemed to see through the void, ignoring the barriers of the void, and saw the temple suspended above the mountain.

At this time, at the entrance of the palace suspended above the mountain, a young man with blond hair and white eyebrows was standing.

"what happened."

The boy with white eyebrows is exactly the Fire Ape Emperor, this Fire Ape Emperor is a disciple of the ancestor of the Fire Clan Jin Yan, but an ancient ape that has become enlightened in ancient times.

The Fire Ape Sovereign has recently made great progress in cultivation, and his cultivation has been infinitely close to the Great Sage level, and he is the best among the disciples of the old ancestor Jin Yan.

He stepped forward and came directly to the opposite of Yuan Hong.


The next moment, his face changed drastically, and then he turned around to flee.

"Since it's here, what are you doing in a hurry."

Yuan Hong stretched out his hand and immediately grabbed the Fire Ape Emperor from the sky, and then a handful of them remained on the ground. The ground shook and the dust was flying.

"who are you."

The Fire Ape Sovereign was shocked to the extreme. The next moment, he was horrified to find that his cultivation base had been sealed by the opponent, which made him sweat.

"Your cultivation base has passed. Tell me about the current situation in Nanling."

Yuan Hong said that now that he has come to Nanling, he needs to understand it, because the current Nanling seems to be chaotic compared to other regions.

Moreover, Gu Fei should also be in Nanling.

Yuan Hong had received news before that Gu Fei had come to Nanling, but he didn't know that Gu Fei was in Ximinghai now, helping Laogui to attack this restricted area.

The Fire Ape Sovereign naturally didn't dare to conceal it, and directly told what he knew.

"The Emperor Huo is confronting the Emperor Nanling."

Yuan Hong said unexpectedly, and then he also learned about Gu Fei from the Fire Ape Emperor. Gu Fei and others might be in Luoxia City.

And now, there was an emperor attacking the Luoxia City Courtyard where Gu Fei was located.

Upon receiving this news, Yuan Hong couldn't help frowning. There was an emperor who dared to challenge Gu Fei. How could this be possible? Could it be that Gu Fei was no longer in Luoxia City.

Yuan Hong didn't embarrass the Fire Ape Emperor. This guy is also a **** ape. To some extent, he is of the same kind, so let this guy go.

After that, he took a direct step, rose to the sky, and instantly came to the temple above the distant mountains, and directly smashed the temple with a punch, and then stretched out his big hand from the broken temple. All the divine materials that fell out were taken away.


The Fire Ape Emperor saw the temple that was falling from the sky above the sky, and couldn't help being shocked and angry. What is the origin of this guy? Could it be that he is a holy person?

Sovereign-level existence is called emperor in the heavens.

Yuan Hong left directly.

Soon, an extremely powerful figure rushed from far away.


The man yelled up to the sky, his hair was dancing, and his eyes shone with peerless stern eyes. It was really hateful that someone dared to destroy one of his palaces.

"Who the **** is, I will smash him into pieces."

The man growled angrily.

"Big Brother..."

The fire ape emperor hurriedly communicated to the man. Although his cultivation was sealed by Yuan Hong, Yuan Hong did not suppress his spirituality.


The old man found the Fire Ape Emperor and rushed over.

Soon, the old man and the Fire Ape Sovereign left here, and the powerhouse suspected of being an emperor appeared, making them very nervous, and the palace was destroyed.

You know, the current situation in Nanling is extremely severe, and a war sweeping across the entire region may break out at any time. The appearance of a suspected emperor may affect the situation in Nanling as a whole.

At this time, Yuan Hong was heading towards Luoxia City.

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