Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2822: Strong shot

In Vientiane City, in the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion, Gu Fei touched the "big bag" on his head and scanned the group of men standing on the main hall.

Gu Ling also came back. She was standing next to Gu Fei, wanting to laugh, but she didn't dare to laugh. Her invincible father was smashed out of the head by someone, which was too funny.

The same is true for the people in the hall, but no one dared to laugh out loud. You know, sitting there is a generation of murderous people who are famous in the world and the heavens.

Both Yan'er and the two children did not come out in Gu Fei's inner world. At this time, it was the two children who had to work hard to improve their cultivation.

Yan'er has always liked quietness, and didn't like fighting and killing, so she stayed in Gu Fei's inner world and was happy.

Gu Ling is a master who can't calm down. This is very different from her mother. If she hadn't heard that her father had returned, she was still hunting monsters in the mountains at this time.

"Father, if nothing happens, I can't go out and breathe."

Gu Ling's eyes rolled and said to Gu Fei, a fist-sized, furry little monkey sat on her shoulder.


Gu Fei nodded.

"Oh yeah."

Gu Ling cheered, and rushed out of the hall like he immediately fled.


Gu Fei shook his head, his own daughter was really very restless.

"Master, what are we going to do next."

Gu Zhong said.

"Regain our lost turf, and see who is not pleasing to the eye."

Gu Fei said in a deep voice.

Everyone in the hall couldn't help but be excited when hearing Gu Fei's words. Since Gu Fei went to the heavens, their territory has been eroded.

Originally they had more than a dozen small cities besides Vientiane City, but now, in addition to Vientiane City, those more than a dozen small cities have long changed owners.

In the Eastern Territory of the Human World, in addition to the three superpowers of the Eastern Family, the Ancient Zhao Family, and the Eastern Devil's Cave, there are also many great religions and clans.

But these forces are not attached to the ancient Zhao family, they are attached to the Eastern family. Of course, no human forces dare to defect to the Eastern Devil's Cave.

You know, to take refuge in the Devil's Cave is to be an enemy of the world's creatures, and no one wants to do this.

Other forces in the Eastern Region would naturally not be optimistic about Vientiane City, especially after Gu Fei left, and Gu Zhong followed by Jiang Renhuang, Vientiane City had only one iron-blooded Taoist.

The reason why Vientiane City is still able to exist is because all forces are very scrupulous about Gu Fei and dare not easily do anything to Vientiane City, as well as the relationship between Gu Fei and Emperor Jiang.

There was news that Fengdu Ghost Emperor also had some friendship with Gu Fei.

Neither the Emperor Jiang nor the ghost emperor Fengdu were easy to provoke, and the ancient Zhao family and the Eastern family were not willing to offend the two.

Therefore, the Vientiane City can be surrounded by powerful enemies, and has not changed owners.

But now that Gu Fei is back, everything will be different.

"Okay, let's all prepare, starting tomorrow, we will sweep everything."

Gu Fei said loudly.


Everyone quickly took their orders. They were too aggrieved these days, it was time to vent, but they just don't know who will be the first to be unlucky.

Soon, everyone dispersed and prepared separately. Only Gu Zhong and the iron-blooded Taoist were left in the hall, as well as Zhuge Liang.

The Three Sages of Heaven, Earth and Humans performed well when the real demon came, but they still failed to become Gu Fei's core team. Such a test was not enough.

"Master, who are we looking for tomorrow."

Gu Zhong said.

"There are those who dare to make us think."

Gu Fei groaned, then asked.

"Lord, there are three forces that have captured our city. One is the Nine Heaven Gate. Among our twelve cities, five cities have been occupied by them."

Zhuge Liang said.

"The other seven cities are occupied by the Jiuyin Sect and the Tianji Palace. The Jiuyin Sect occupies three and the Tianji Palace stands in four. In general, among these three forces, the Jiuxiaomen is the most powerful."

Jagged Taoist added.

"Very well, I will have them operated on tomorrow."

Gu Fei said blankly, stood up after speaking, turned and walked into the apse.

"Simultaneously attack the three major forces."

Gu Zhong and the others couldn't help being stunned. Although these three sects were not comparable to the superpowers such as the Huanggu Zhao family, there were also strong men in the door.

There is a strong backing behind these three forces, otherwise they would not dare to capture Gu Fei's territory.

"Finally I'm going to do a big job."

The Jagged Taoist said excitedly, and then walked out of the hall.

Gu Zhong and Zhuge Liang also left the hall and went to prepare to go. This was a major event. They only had one day to prepare.

One day passed quickly, and just after dawn, a group of figures walked out from all parts of the Vientiane City and gathered towards the square in front of the City Lord's Mansion.

In addition to the 10 million soldiers in the Elephant City, there were more than two thousand monks who had gathered in the square. The attitudes of those who had remained neutral before began to change.


Gu Fei didn't come forward directly, but he could sense the popularity in the square, three thousand monks, this power is not weak, among these monks, there are many experts and strong men.

Even several quasi-sages came to take refuge.

Soon, Gu Zhong was on the court. He impassionedly said a lot of morale-boosting words to everyone in the square, and then began to assign tasks.

If you want to take refuge in Gu Fei, then you have to show some sincerity.

Afterwards, a thousand soldiers and two thousand monks left Vientiane City, dispersed, and marched towards the twelve small cities in the area near Vientiane City.

Unexpectedly, a thousand soldiers and other monks received twelve cities from the three major factions without encountering any resistance.

The Twelve Cities returned to Gu Fei's hands. The people from the three major factions were also very acquainted. Knowing that Gu Fei had returned, they immediately retreated.

However, this matter will not be forgotten.

Under Gu Zhong's leadership, a part of the monks in the Vientiane City directly slew towards the Nine Heavens Gate, which greatly shook the Nine Heavens Gate.

The other two sects also faced the same thing. The Jagged Daoist personally led a group of his men to surround the Jiuyin Sect.

At the same time, Zhuge Liang and the Three Sages of Heaven, Earth and Human also blocked the lord of the Tianji Palace in the main hall of the Tianji Palace, and the Tianji Palace was facing a crisis of destruction.

At this moment, the palace lord of the Tianji Palace regretted his intestines, so he shouldn't go to Gu Fei's site that day.

Tianji Palace was very close to Huanggu Zhao's family, but when the lord of Tianji Palace asked for help from Huanggu Zhao's family, no one from Huanggu Zhao's family came to rescue him.

The palace lord of the Heavenly Pole Palace is a saint, and a saint king, who is extremely powerful in his cultivation, but now, this saint king knows what he will face.

Among the three saints, Heavenly Sage is a Sage King. For Heavenly Sage Du Yu, this is a good opponent for Heavenly Sage Du Yu.

The Heavenly Sage fights the Heavenly Pole Palace Master. This is an inevitable battle, because the Celestial Pole Palace is no longer necessary, and Gu Fei wants to destroy the Tianji Palace.


The sky and the earth are shaking, and the two figures are moving fast above the high sky. The battle of the holy king is extremely fierce. From time to time, the blood of the holy king drips from the sky. Every drop of the blood of the holy king is blooming with dazzling blood, and the earth is stained. It's red and it's heart palpitating.

Without any suspense, the palace lord of the Heavenly Pole Palace finally lost to the Heavenly Saint Du Yu, and was beheaded by Du Yu, and the Heavenly Pole Palace was immediately destroyed.

When the Tianji Palace was destroyed, the iron-blooded Taoist also took action against the Jiuyin Sect, and the Phoenix Tribulation soared into the sky from his hand, suspended above the Jiuyin Hall of the Jiuyin Sect, and fixed a place of heaven and earth.

"Friend Jagged, you deceived people too much."

An angry shout came out from the Jiuyin Hall, and then a figure appeared outside the gate of the Jiuyin Hall. It was an old man with a crane of hair and a childlike face.

The old man's body was full of Yin Qi, and the temperature of the entire world and the void was rapidly dropping because of his appearance.

The Jiuyin Sect is a great religion that cultivates the power of Xuanyin. In the Eastern Region, the Nineyin Sect is not small, but it has taken refuge in the Eastern family.

"Huh, nine friends, if you knew why it was today, just accept your fate."

The Jagged Taoist said with a sneer.

"Friend Jagged Daoist, if you do nothing, it will not do you any good."

The old man of Jiuyin stared at the iron-blooded Taoist opposite and gritted his teeth and said, he had expected that there would be today, but he did not expect this day to come so soon.

In fact, the Jiuyin Sect was betting that the ancient Feidu Tribulation failed. If the ancient Feidu Tribulation failed, then they could take action against Vientiane City.

However, once the ancient Fei crossing the robbery succeeded and returned to Vientiane City, then they would be out of luck.

The fact is that Gu Fei did not die under the saint's heavenly calamity, but returned alive, and defeated the four true demons of the demon clan, unpredictable.

Gu Fei fought with the four true demons, shaking the world, the Nine Yin Sect and the Celestial Palace, and the people of the Nine Heavens Gate were even more frightened, and quickly gave up the occupation of the small cities and withdrew from these small cities.

This is why Gu Zhong and others took over the Twelve Cities without any resistance.

"Hmph, I just want to do it, what can you do to me."

The Jagged Taoist looked at the old man Jiuyin opposite, and said coldly.


The old man of Jiuyin roared and directly attacked the iron-blooded Daoist. A round of black moon emerged behind him, revealing heart-palpitating fluctuations.


Void shook, and a round of black moon directly rose from behind the old man Jiuyin, and then moved towards the iron-blooded Taoist to suppress it. Void was shaken by this force, and there appeared a wave of void ripples visible to the naked eye.


The iron-blooded Taoist sneered, and he slammed into the suppressed Black Moon with a fist, and a ball of fire burst out from his fist.


With a loud noise, the iron-blooded Taoist fist slammed on the black moon that was suppressed, and it was actually the black moon that flew away.


The figure of the iron-blooded Taoist disappeared in an instant, and the next moment, when he reappeared, he had already forced him to the old man Jiuyin.

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