Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2865: Nine stars unite, exterminate the world

Ximinghai, originally a restricted area in the extreme west of the heavens, has become lively since it was flattened by Laogui and Gu Fei, because this is where the only passage between the heavens and the human world is.

Of course, Laogui set up a checkpoint at the entrance and exit of Dengtian Ancient Road. The monks who enter and exit the heaven must pay a fee, and ten magical medicines or ten fairy crystals can pass.

The same is true for monks from the human world. If you don’t pay the fee, then you’re sorry. Please go back to the mansion. Someone once wanted to forcibly break through, but they were easily defeated by the strong of the Celestial Demon Race, even on the spot. Kill, die.

There is nothing to say about this. In the training world, the weak and the strong eat the strong. If the creatures who break through the barriers are hard enough to kill the strong monsters who guard the barriers, the demon clan of the heavens has nothing to say.

In fact, there are really not many people who dare to break through the barrier, because many people know that an ancestor-level existence among the monster race is sitting on the divine island above the sea of ​​Ximing.

Even the old turtle, the son of the emperor, would have to be the next generation to think of him when he saw that one.

On this day, Xi Minghai was much more lively than usual, and countless monks rushed in from Xi Minghai to watch the battle.

Soon, news of Gu Fei's disciple Gu Zhong fighting with others spread.

In the heavens, few people know Gu Zhong, but almost everyone knows Gu Fei, because the "deeds" of Gu Fei in the heavens have already spread throughout the heavens.

In the practice world, if anyone said to know a person named Gu Fei, then this person is really too backward.

The news spread to the human world, and the world of human training also made a sensation. Suddenly, the ancient road of Dengtian was overcrowded, and many people, even powerful creatures of other races, rushed to the Tianxu and boarded the ancient road of Dengtian.

Many creatures are willing to offer ten magical medicines or ten fairy crystals to enter the heavens to watch the battle.

At this time, the happiest ones are the strong monsters who guard the ancient road of Dengtian. On this day, they received the magic medicine and received soft hands, and the immortal crystals they received were piled up like a mountain.


The ring shook. At this time, Gu Zhong and Zuo Qiandao were fighting on the ring. The ring was extremely tragic and blood splashed on the ring.

That Zuo Qiandao integrated the power of the nine stars, stimulating all his own potential, and his combat power soared to the point where Gu Zhong had to use the secret technique of ascension.

The two figures moved quickly on the ring, and the endless Dao pattern appeared in the void.


Gu Zhong slammed Zuo Qiandao's shoulder with a fist, "click." With a sound, Zuo Qiandao's shoulder bone was immediately shattered by his punch.

However, at the moment Zuo Qiandao was thrown away by Gu Zhong with a punch, a starlight sword aura left a blood mark on Gu Zhong's body in an instant, and a strand of golden blood oozes from the blood mark. .


Gu Zhonghu's body shook, and a sword qi that invaded his body was immediately forced out by him. The next moment, the sword mark on his body quickly healed and then disappeared.

His qi and blood were extremely vigorous, and the powerful qi and blood rushing out of the heavenly spirit cover made the stars in the sky shake, as if it might fall from the sky at any time.

Gu Zhong was so strong that he strode forward directly. Every time he took a step, the whole ring was shaking, and more cracks appeared on the ring.

"Unreasonably, how can you be so strong, impossible."

Zuo Qiandao couldn't believe it, he landed on the ground, a mouthful of blood spurted out, but the next moment, his shoulder bone that was smashed by Gu Zhong's punch also healed in an instant.

At this level of cultivation, the physical body can recover in an instant no matter how hard it is hit. Even if it is bombarded and killed, as long as there is a drop of true blood, the physical body can be reorganized.

And what Gu rebuilt was martial arts, he was the martial arts holy emperor, and his martial arts were so powerful that he was even more incredible. The holy emperor's martial arts was almost immortal.

"nothing is impossible."

Gu Zhong sneered and said, he continued to push towards Zuo Qiandao on the opposite side, his aura continued to rise, and the void around his body became extremely unstable under the impact of that powerful pressure. Dark space cracks are constantly emerging.

"Kill, the nine stars unite, exterminate the world."

Zuo Qiandao roared and shot with all his strength, the star map above his eyebrows lit up, and above the star map, nine points of starlight emerged, and then they merged together instantly, turning into an immortal starlight, directly facing The ancient hole went through.

The power of the strongest stars is exploding, and the starlight shows terrifying power. Where the starlight passes, the void is directly annihilated, and everything is cut into nothingness.


Gu Zhong's heart shook, his feet stomped on the ground, and his whole person turned into a golden light and rose into the sky.

However, even if he showed extreme speed, it was useless. The coming of the starlight was so fast that he could not even escape.


A golden blood flower suddenly appeared on Gu Zhong's body, and the immortal starlight directly penetrated his Saint Emperor's martial arts body, which shocked him extremely.

However, what made him even more shocked was that the starlight actually contained a kind of destructive power, and this destructive power could actually slay the vitality in his body.

The flesh and bones, all vitality was constantly being cut off, which made Gu Zhong unbelievable. He looked down and saw that the place pierced by the starlight turned the flesh and blood into a dead gray.

The dead gray was spreading out to the other parts of Gu Zhong's body centered on the place where the starlight penetrated.

"What a terrible extinction starlight."

Gu Zhong had to move.

"Haha, Gu Zhong, you are dead."

At this time, Zuo Qiandao laughed wildly, and the person injured by his own lore starlight, no one has survived.

However, once he casts this secret technique, his vitality will be severely injured once. This is the price. Even if Zuo Qiandao can defeat Gu Zhong, he will be backlashed by the power of the stars.

What's more, it is hard to say whether he can defeat Gu Zhong.


Just when Gu Zhong was penetrated by Zuo Qiandao's lore starlight, the ancestors of the demon clan were taken aback high above the sky and in that divine island.

"Could it be that this star body is actually the descendant of that person?"

The old man was talking to himself, he had already seen the strangeness of Gu Zhong's body, the vitality in Gu Zhong's body was constantly being cut off, which surprised him a bit.

This Gu Zhong was Gu Fei's big disciple, if he died here, it would not be a good thing for the Celestial Demon Race.

Just when the old man was thinking about whether to help Gu Zhong, he suddenly discovered that an unpredictable aura burst out of Gu Zhong's body. Then, the destructive power in Gu Zhong's body was constantly being affected by that. The force is obliterated.

"What, this is..."

The old man felt the kind of power fluctuations on Gu Zhong's body, and he was immediately moved.

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