Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2868: Sudden Fall

Everyone stared at the ring closely, and saw two figures looming on the ring from time to time, escaping directly into the void, fighting in the void.

This is a duel of the fairy tale secret technique.



From time to time, there was a dull impact in the void on the ring. With every sound, the void on the ring collapsed once, and two figures appeared in an instant, but disappeared in an instant.

At this time, Gu Zhong had to be moved. This Antarctic Immortal Venerable also mastered a secret technique of immortality. He had an intuition that this guy had not only mastered a secret technique.

"What secret technique are these two people performing."

Someone said.

After all, the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao have disappeared for endless years. In this world, there are definitely not many people who can recognize the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao. Except for some super old antiques, no one knows that the secret techniques performed by the two people on the ring are the Nine Secrets of the Immortal. One of the anti-emptiness secret techniques.

This is something that has never happened before, but today, such an incredible thing has happened.

Soon, the void shattered, and a figure rushed out of the void, coughing up blood continuously, and golden blood drops dripping from the air.


When everyone saw the figure, they were shocked and inexplicable. The person who was beaten out of the void was actually Gu Zhong.

"Big nephew..."

Above the sky, Xiaoqing couldn't help exclaiming when he saw this scene.


Gu Zhong sneered, his body shook, and a cloud of golden glow emerged from his body. The next moment, his injury was healed at the speed of the naked eye.

"The Saint Emperor Martial Body really has some ways."

A voice sounded in the void, and a figure walked out of the void, staring at the opposite Gu Zhong coldly, and said Senran.

"Are you one of the nine sons of the year."

Gu Zhong stared at the "Zuo Qiandao" opposite, and suddenly said such words.

"What nine sons, I don't know what you are talking about."

That "Zuo Qiandao" replied.


Gu Zhong stopped talking, roared, and pounced directly at the guy on the opposite side, punching out, a ball of golden light appeared from his fist.

"I said, you are not my opponent."

The "Zuo Qiandao" shook his head, and then also punched.


The two fists immediately collided together, and a loud noise erupted, as if two mountains were colliding, two powerful forces spread.

Ripples that can be seen by the naked eye appeared in the void.

Gu Zhong only felt that an unstoppable force was uploaded from the opponent's hand, and he couldn't help but stepped back. He fixed his eyes and saw that the guy on the other side was not moving like a mountain.

"What, how could it be..."

Gu Zhong was so shocked that he never thought that the human body of the monk was strong enough to compete with him.

"Come again."

The "Zuo Qiandao" was so strong that he took a step forward, and his right fist struck towards Gu Zhong, and the void trembled under his fist.

"I'm afraid you won't make it."

Gu Zhong's arrogance was aroused, he also punched out, and the two fists instantly collided together, and there was an earth-shattering loud noise.

A storm of destruction swept away from the ring in all directions, and some of the monks who were near quickly retreated towards the distance.

However, there are also some particularly unlucky emperors.

I saw the devastating storm spread, and instantly enveloped the whole world. Several unlucky emperors who could not evade were directly lifted by the storm, and then exploded in the air, turning into a cloud of blood mist. .

These guys are really unlucky.


There was another loud noise, the whole world was trembling, and the void above the ring exploded, and two extremely powerful figures directly fought into the extremely chaotic chaos.

Gu Zhongyue Zhan became more frightened. This guy is really strong, and the real Zuo Qiandao is simply one in the sky and the other on the ground. There is no comparison at all.


There was a muffled noise from the chaos, and Gu Zhong rushed out of the chaos, and there was a fist mark deep in the body on his chest.


Gu Zhong looked up to the sky and roared, the strength of the other party gave him a feeling that he had nothing to do, but it was difficult to display it.

"Secret of Ascension."

Gu Zhong had no choice but to use the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao to contend with this "Zuo Qian Dao".


A group of brilliant golden light burst out from Gu Zhong's body, like a round of golden divine sun appearing between heaven and earth, he could feel his combat power soaring.

"this is……"

"Zuo Qiandao"'s gaze became fierce, and there was a crazy gaze in his eyes. He saw the origin of the secret technique exhibited by Gu Zhong.

However, what made Gu Zhong couldn't believe was that even if he used the secret technique of ascension and his combat power soared, he was still not the opponent of this "Zuo Qiandao".

"Okay, I won't play with you anymore, just take it to death."

As the "Zuo Qiandao" spoke, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Gu Zhong's head directly. At the same time, a swallowing force emerged from his palm, pulling Gu Zhong and flew towards the big hand. .

"One sword kills the sky."

Gu Zhong waved his right hand, and a bright sword light rushed out of his hand in an instant, and penetrated towards the "Zuo Qiandao". A terrifying aura of destruction spread from the sword light. .

He displayed the nine swords of Zhu Tian.

However, even the sword light of Zhuotian could not hurt this "Zuo Qiandao". That fierce sword light was slapped by the "Zuo Qiandao" and flew to the sky, and then above the sky. Exploded.

"Little guy, I forgot to tell you. Although it's just my avatar traveling, but it also has the cultivation base and combat power of the Great Sage Peak, how can you fight me."

The "Zuo Qiandao" said.


Gu said angrily.

At this time, everyone had already seen that something was wrong, this "Zuo Qiandao" was too powerful, and Gu Zhong was actually not an opponent.


"Zuo Qiandao" laughed, and he was about to catch Gu Zhong when he saw it. The Nine Secrets of Immortal Dao, he was about to get it, he was naturally ecstatic.


At this time, the corners of Gu Zhong's mouth rose, revealing a sneer.


In the next moment, endless thunder and lightning suddenly fell from the sky, and Gu Zhong was instantly submerged in the thunder and lightning. The power of the thunder and lightning was extremely powerful, and the aura of destruction was surging.


Everyone was shocked, no one thought such a thing would happen, they were shocked.

Above the sky, endless black clouds were gathering, and a terrifying pressure from heaven and earth came down from the depths of the sky.

"Heavenly Tribulation."

Everyone was dumbfounded,

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