Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2896: The ancient road of human race opens

The appearance of the ancient human road shocked the entire Tenglong ancestors’ training world. This is a road of trial and a road to the strong. Although it is dangerous, you may die on the road, but you only need to walk on this ancient road. If you can survive back and forth, you can definitely become a strong one.

Some people even got great luck on this ancient road and almost took that step to become a quasi-supreme. This is why so many people walked on this ancient road.

Tenglong ancestor star, the five major regions, I don’t know how many people have embarked on this ancient road, the ancient road connecting the five ancestor stars of life, in fact, has long been abandoned.

However, some people continued the ancient road with supreme magical powers, and the ancient road was reopened.

No one knows who succeeded the ancient road, and who opened the ancient road, but all the superpowers on the Tenglong ancestor star believe that by returning alive from this ancient road, they can become strong.

The water in the human world is probably deeper than the heavens. The reopening of the ancient road in the world has also shaken the major forces in the heavens, and they have sent their own rising stars to set foot on this ancient road together with the outstanding figures of the human world.

Gu Zhong and Gu Xiaofeng left, and now there are only Jie Xue Dao Ren and Xiao Qing guarding the Vientiane City.

Gu Fei and Laogui still did not leave. Xiaoqing and the others guessed that Gu Fei and Laogui were really taking that step, or how could they have been in retreat for so long?

In fact, many holy emperors and even great saints have embarked on the ancient human race path. They all want to sharpen themselves and go further on the road of cultivation.

Xiaoqing and the Jagged Taoist both wanted to walk on the ancient human road, but they couldn't leave Vientiane City because Gu Fei and Laogui were still in retreat.

However, on this day, Xiaoqing and the iron-blooded Taoist were surprised to find that Gu Ling took Zhao Hao and Yan'er to appear in the city lord's mansion in Vientiane City.

When Xiaoqing and Jagged Taoist saw Gu Ling, they were shocked, they thought Gu Fei had left the pass.

However, when they asked Gu Ling, they knew that Gu Fei was still in retreat, and at a critical time, in a mysterious state, as if wandering in the emptiness, perceiving the universe and everything, and the great truth.

He sensed the opening of the ancient human road, so he sent Gu Ling, Zhao Hao, and Yan'er from his inner world to the outside world.

Gu Fei believes that it is necessary for Gulin and the others to take a trip to the ancient human race road, which is definitely a good thing for them.

"What, are you going to take the ancient human race road?"

Xiaoqing and Jiexuedao were shocked when they heard that Gulin and the others were going to take the ancient human race road. You know, that ancient road is not a smooth road, it is an ancient road paved with bones and blood. How many human heroes have fallen on this ancient road and lost their lives.

"Yes, this is what my father meant, and you don't need to stay here. You can do whatever you want, whatever you want."

Gu Ling said to Xiaoqing and the Jagged Taoist.

"That's OK?"

Xiaoqing and the Jagged Taoists were very surprised, don't Gu Fei and Laogui need to protect them by themselves? You can leave by yourself?

"Why not? Uncle Qing, don't you even believe my father? In this world, who else can hurt the martial arts priest who holds the mountain and river tripod?"

Gu Ling said with great pride that her father is her idol and the goal she has surpassed. In fact, as long as she catches up with her father, she is already very satisfied.

The current Gu Ling is not yet a saint, but she is already close to the holy realm infinitely, only to cross the catastrophe.

And Zhao Hao and Yan'er's cultivation base also improved very quickly. They both possessed physiques against the sky, and Gu Fei provided countless treasures of heaven and earth for them to practice.

If their cultivation level can't be improved like this, that's a strange thing.

Zhao Hao is an earth walking physique, innately close to the power of the earth's thick soil, as long as he steps on the earth, he can arouse infinite earth energy for his own use.

Xiaoqing and the iron-blooded Taoist discovered that Zhao Hao turned out to be an immortal emperor. Such a speed of training is really amazing, how long is this!

And Yan'er's cultivation base was no worse than Zhao Hao's, and she was also in the realm of the Immortal Emperor, but in terms of combat power, Yan'er's combat power would be higher than Zhao Hao.

Because Yan'er has a natural Dao pupil, you can see through all the falsehoods, let your supernatural powers conquer the world, and her natural Dao pupil will be able to understand its reality and origin.

In this way, she was invincible.

Gu Zhong’s big disciple Meng Long was also sent out by Gu Fei from Inner Heaven and Earth. Meng Long’s physique is average, but he is Gu Zhong’s big disciple after all. Although he does not possess the physique against the sky, he has also cultivated to immortality. Emperor realm.

Even Gu Fei thought Meng Long was a manufacturable.

Even if he doesn't have the physique against the heavens, he can become a strong man. You know, Gu Fei back then, his physique was so scrapped, he still went to the present and became an invincible martial master of the same rank?

Gu Ling will walk along the ancient human road with Yan'er, Zhao Hao, and Meng Long. The place they are going is different from the father and son Gu Zhong, they are going to walk on the ancient road to the original ancestor star.

The original ancestor star is the most mysterious ancestral star among the five greatest life ancestors in the world. For this ancestral star of life, there are few records on the ancestor star of Tenglong.

Legend has it that the ancestor star is the source of life and can be traced to the oldest era, so it is called the original ancestor star.

Xiaoqing and the Jagged Taoists could not have imagined that Gu Ling would go to the Primordial Ancestor Star. This is the oldest life ancestor star in the legend, and contains the great secret of the origin of life.

Of course, this is what Gu Fei meant, and he is not good to say anything.

The next day, early in the morning, the wind was sunny, Xiaoqing and the iron-blooded Taoist directly escorted Gu Ling to an ancient divine island above the sky in the Eastern Region.

On the island of God, there is an ancient teleportation formation, which can also be said to be a gateway to the ancient road of the human race.

At this time, there were people everywhere on the island of God, not only on the island, but also in the sky, there were too many people here.

People kept stepping on the teleportation formation, then disappeared on the teleportation formation, and set foot on the ancient human race road.

Beside that ancient teleportation formation, someone actually set up a checkpoint to charge fees. This surprised Xiaoqing and others. You know, this divine island suddenly appeared in the void, not the ancestor of Tenglong. It was made by the big forces in China.

"Haha, interesting!"

Seeing this scene, Gu Ling couldn't help laughing.

At this time, only a young man in Tsing Yi walked over and was stopped by those people.

"Friends, please pay a hundred catties of the best immortal crystal before you set foot on the ancient road of the human race, thank you."

A middle-aged man in purple clothes respectfully stretched out his white and fat right hand in front of the boy in Qingyi and said.

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