Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2904: Qin Yao

No one expected to see such an amazing scene. It is really incredible. The crazy old man turned into two people. Moreover, the two people turned into the crazy old man are incredible. One is the most holy, like the nine gods descending to the earth. It is the most evil and fierce, just like the demon ancestor came to the world.

To some extent, these two people are crazy old people, one is his **** body, the other is his demonic body.

At this time, the divine body and the demon body soared into the sky, and directly killed the purple-golden chariot in the starry sky. The terrifying aura spread out and shook the starry sky.

The war broke out again, and this time, the mysterious powerhouse who controlled the Zijin chariot was no longer an opponent.


A divine light as huge as a galaxy directly swept the purple gold chariot and swept away the chariot. If it weren’t for the divine light that emerged from this chariot, it protected the chariot. Zijin old Jiao, that old Jiao didn't know how many times he died.


The old Jiao pulling the cart was roaring, and was swept away by the huge divine light just now, and the bones on its body were broken in an instant.

A powerful dragon power emerged from the old Jiao, and the broken bones were quickly repaired.

At this time, the mad old man's demonic body came over again, and with a big hand, he directly shook the purple golden chariot and the old Jiao who was pulling the cart away again.

This time, the old Jiao's body exploded directly, turning into a cloud of blood, and a primordial spirit wrapped in a demon light appeared in the blood fog.

Cracks actually appeared on the chariot, which shocked the mysterious powerhouse in the chariot. You know, this chariot is a chariot made of purple cyan gold.


Just as the chariot flew out, a picture emerged from the chariot. The next moment, the void collapsed, and the entire chariot broke through the void and escaped into the chaos.


No one thought that the mysterious magical powerhouse would retreat. The mad old man's **** and demon wanted to stop him, but it was too late.


The demonic body of the crazy old man looked up to the sky and roared, and the entire starry sky shook with the roar. All the saints who witnessed this scene felt their heart palpitations.

This is a crazy big demon, the devilish side of the crazy old man, representing all the negative powers of the crazy old man, the most evil and the most evil.


The big demon disappeared directly into the void. The next moment, it actually appeared in another starry sky, grabbed a saint who was watching the battle, and then tore it to pieces.


When a group of saints saw this, the shock was really extraordinary. This fierce demon was far more fierce than everyone imagined, and it was more murderous than ordinary demon races.

Bathed in holy blood, the mad old man's demonic body became even more crazier, and the **** eyes scanned the surroundings, and the holy creatures he saw felt palpitations.


The monster of the mad old man disappeared again, and the next moment, a roar came from another direction, where a magic shadow appeared, fighting with a powerful humanoid creature.

But, soon, the battle was over, and the celebrity creature was killed by the mad old man's body, and then swallowed.


The monster of the mad old man was roaring frantically.

"what happened."

All the holy creatures who originally watched the battle on the starry sky felt uneasy.

The crazy old man's demon body is extremely powerful. If this fierce demon is stared at it, it will definitely be a terrible thing. You know, this is a great demon that can kill the Lord.

Some holy creatures began to retreat.

However, the monster of the mad old man began to kill again, and an extremely powerful holy creature was brutally hunted and swallowed.

"Let's go."

On the starry sky, Gu Ling said to Xiaoqing that the crazy old man's monster has lost control, and he is killing him. Sooner or later, this fierce monster will look at them, and they will be unlucky.

"it is good."

Xiaoqing nodded and said.

However, just as they were about to leave, a demon shadow suddenly appeared on the opposite side of them, and an extremely violent demon aura swept over this demon shadow.


The void shook, and the demon energy turned into a demon chain and plunged into the void, actually devouring the power of heaven and earth.


Gu Ling's surprise was truly extraordinary. She had seen the ferocity of this fierce demon with her own eyes. This was a raw material that ate holy creatures.

An extremely powerful swallowing force erupted from the monster of the crazy old man, he was like a terrifying black hole, devouring everything around him.

Gu Ling saw the void collapsing, the power of heaven and earth converging from all directions, immersed in the monster of the crazy old man, he was swallowing the sky, devouring the power of the heaven and earth.


A wave of the strongest divine phoenix power erupted from the Phoenix Tribulation in the hands of the iron-blooded Taoist. The nine divine phoenix patterns rushed out from the Phoenix Tribulation, imprinted in the surrounding void, and protected everyone. stand up.

"Senior Sister, this..."

Zhao Hao was shocked to the extreme. The fierce demon on the opposite side was really too terrifying. This shocked his mind. He had never seen such a powerful "demon".

Yan'er also paled, she grabbed the hand of her master Gu Ling.

"What are you afraid of, isn't it just a monster?"

Gu Ling said calmly.


At this time, Xiaoqing was surprised to find that they couldn't leave, they were attracted by the devouring power that burst out of the crazy old man's monster.


The black stick that Xiaoqing was holding was exuding a powerful aura. He squeezed the black stick and stared at the fierce demon opposite. His forehead was sweating, and he felt a great deal of pressure.


At this moment, a divine light rushed from far away in an instant, and directly blasted the mad old man's body away, and the mad old man's body shot.

The demon body was blasted directly into the depths of the starry sky by the divine body, directly smashing a star.

"What's happening here."

Gu Ling and others were shocked, the mad old man's **** body and the demon body fought against each other, isn't this a battle against himself?

The horror war broke out, the starry sky shook, and the mad old man’s gods and demons were fighting desperately, all wanting to completely defeat the other side and occupy the dominant position.

Yes, it is the dominant position.

The mad old man's divine body and demon body want to swallow each other and then increase the cultivation base, and the demon body is too weird and uncontrollable. If it is allowed to grow, I am afraid the entire human world will be destroyed by it.

This is a monster cultivated by the crazy old man. It is different from the general demons. This kind of existence only knows the killing and destruction. It can be called the purest demons in the world.

Seeing this scene, all the holy creatures in the starry sky were trembling, some people directly chose to retreat, but some powerful beings chose to stay and watch the battle.

"Let's go, let's take you on the ancient human race road first."

Xiaoqing said to Gu Ling with lingering fears.


Gu Ling nodded and said, she is now eager to get strong power, Human Ancient Road is a good choice, she must become the strongest in this world, so that she can truly be at ease.

Naturally, Yan'er and Zhao Hao had no opinion, and Meng Long and the Jagged Taoist had no opinion.

Therefore, Xiaoqing and the iron-blooded Taoist escorted Gu Ling and the others, left the starry sky, went directly to the ancient **** island, and went straight to the ancient teleportation formation.

However, when Xiaoqing and the iron-blooded Taoist escorted Gu Ling and the others to the ancient teleportation formation on the God Island, the white and fat middle-aged Qin clan didn't know where he got out.

"Stop, don't look around, it's you."

The fat middle-aged man trot for a while, came to Xiaoqing and the others, and stopped them.

"you again."

When Gu Ling saw this fat middle-aged man, his face immediately showed disgust.

"This..., this beautiful lady, have we ever met."

Fatty Bai scratched his hair, looked at Gu Ling, and said with some confusion.

"You know I'm pretty again."

Gu Ling smiled. She was covered with a veil. This guy couldn't see her face at all. It seemed that this guy was an old fried dough stick, so it's not easy to fool you.

"Haha, I naturally know that a woman with a pair of beautiful eyes is naturally beautiful."

Fatty Bai smiled and looked at Gu Ling and said, there was an evil light in his eyes.

"Uncle Qing, immediately dig out this guy's eyeballs for me."

Gu Ling suddenly said sharply.


The fat white man was taken aback when he heard the words.

"it is good."

Xiaoqing stepped forward, stretched out his right hand, and grabbed it directly towards Fatty Bai.


Fatty Bai's face turned green all of a sudden, he yelled, turned and fled.

However, Xiao Qing is a great saint, that fat white man is not even a saint, how could he have escaped, and he flew towards Xiao Qing.

"Friends, you passed."

Seeing that Fatty Bai was about to be unlucky, a voice came from the side, and then a slender jade hand stretched out from the side and caught the Fatty Bai.


Xiaoqing looked up and saw that a woman with a mask in white had thrown the fat white man behind her.

"and who are you."

Xiaoqing looked at the white-clothed and masked woman opposite, feeling a little surprised. This woman was shrouded in a layer of white light, her figure looming, giving people the feeling of jumping outside the Three Realms and not in the Five Elements.

The woman in white does not seem to belong to the world.

"Qin Yao."

The woman in white said.

"Qin Clan."

Xiaoqing was startled when he heard the words, could it be that there is really a Qin clan in this human world that failed.

At this time, Gu Ling and others were looking at the white-clothed woman and were very curious.

"Yes, Qin."

The woman in white said directly.

"You Qin people seem to be going too far. This teleportation array should be shared by the human race. Why do you want to prevent the human masters of the human race from setting foot on the ancient human race road."

The Jagged Taoist said,

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