Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2911: Dead wrong

The combat power displayed by the Black Dragon Great Sage is also extremely tyrannical, he directly jumped up and went to attack and kill Gu Ling.


The Great Sage Black Dragon made a long roar, and the terrifying sound wave blasted away instantly, transparent ripples appeared in the void, and dozens of monks immediately staggered back.

Although this sound killing technique was not directed at the monks, the monks who besieged the ancient spirits also felt shocked, and some people even bleeds from their ears.

Gu Ling, who was the first to bear the brunt, only felt "Om." There was a moment of blackness in front of her eyes, and she hurriedly stepped on Bahuang steps, retreating like a phantom.


At this moment, a huge black dragon claw fell from the sky, and slammed into the place where she had stood before, and the ground shook.

A powerful force spread, and the monks who wanted to fight the ancient spirits in groups were shaken away again.

"Heilong, why are you crazy?"

The strong man from the Eastern family roared, this black dragon has no scruples in his actions, and even they have been affected, which is really horrible.

The strong man from the Eastern aristocratic family used his sword aura to protect himself and directly attacked Gu Ling.

"They are all idiots, roll aside those who don't want to die,"

The Great Sage Black Dragon said with a look of disdain, in fact, his cultivation base was even higher than Xiaoqing, the reason why he came here was because he had focused on Gu Ling and others.


Many people are angry, this guy is too much, how to say they are also people on the same front.

"If you don't have the ability, don't go out and die. Am I wrong."

Heilong said loudly, he did not leave any affection at all, and at the same time, he jumped up again and rushed towards the opposite Gu Ling.

Those who wanted to besiege Gu Ling were shocked and angry when they heard the words. Some people just retreated. Those who can get in, plus the Great Sage of the Black Dragon and the Sword Sage of the Eastern Family, are actually That seven or eight people.

Group fights are just a way for those weak who think they can deal with Gu Ling, but once they start, it is completely different.

The real strong are afraid of being beaten by the crowd.

A tiger is always a tiger, and a lamb is always a lamb. No matter how many lambs there are, it is impossible to defeat the tiger. This is the truth of the weak eating the strong.

The Great War broke out. Although the sword sage of the Eastern aristocratic family was suppressed to the realm of immortal gods, his sword aura was vertical and horizontal, and the bright sword light cut the void, constantly colliding with the palm of the ancient spirit, clanging. The voice is endless.

Gu Ling is a warrior, his martial art is extremely powerful, and he is actually a fierce sword aura that can counter the opponent with flesh and blood.

While blocking the sword aura of the sword master from the Eastern family, the bronze mace in her right hand swept across, smashing the three magic weapons that had come from the bombardment.

The three powerhouses suddenly changed their complexions and flew away. Their life magic weapon was broken, and they also received a lot of shock.

"Canglong Claw."

With a loud shout, the Great Sage Black Dragon descended from the sky, and a black dragon claw the size of a hill emerged from his right hand, and he grabbed his head towards Gu Ling.

"Hmph, play Dragon Clan combat skills in front of me."

Gu Ling smiled. She was very familiar with the dragon clan's combat skills. Why did she have an uncle who was the lord of the dragon clan?

"The dragon flies into the sky."

Gu Ling also yelled, his left hand slapped the sword light of the Juggernaut, and he approached his palm and slapped upwards. A fire dragon immediately rushed out of his palm and collided with the black dragon claws falling from the sky.


Void shook, and the fire dragon that Gu Ling shot instantly exploded at the same time as the black dragon claw. The two forces were intertwined and turned into a powerful storm blasting out toward the surroundings.


The Great Sage Heilong had reached its extreme vigor, broke through the storm directly, pounced down from the sky, and a dragon shadow appeared on his body, revealing a powerful pressure.


The ancient inspiration was a little unexpected, this guy's combat power exceeded her expectations.

"The poisonous dragon pierces the heart."

The Black Dragon Great Sage's feet were together, and the whole figure quickly turned like a spinning top, his legs turned into a divine spear, and went toward the ancient spirit hole below.

Although this Black Dragon Great Sage is not a real dragon clan, there is a true dragon bloodline in his body. Whether it is cultivation level or physique, it is much stronger than ordinary monks.

However, what he encountered now was Gu Ling. With both of them's cultivation bases being suppressed in the realm of immortal gods, a warrior known as invincible of the same rank could definitely sweep all monks of the same rank.

"Look at my Fire Dragon Fist."

Gu Ling handed the bronze mace from his right hand to his left hand, and then sank, sat down on the horse, and slammed his right fist upwards. A dragon shadow immediately rushed out of her fist, and the black dragon's poisonous dragon Chuanxin's legs collided together.

The Great Sage Black Dragon was shocked into the sky, but Gu Ling was motionless like an immortal mountain.

However, at the moment when Gu Ling fisted the Great Sage Black Dragon, a golden light penetrated her eyebrows instantly, and it was about to pierce directly into her eyebrows.

At the moment of this critical moment, Gu Ling's body suddenly became blurred, as if he was about to melt into the surrounding void.

The sword light directly penetrated through Gu Ling's eyebrows, as if it was pierced in the air at all, without any force.


The Eastern Sword Master who attacked Gu Ling was taken aback.

Just when the sword saint shot, the others were also shot, a black phoenix rushed over, sending out a real fire of profound yin, burning the void.

Someone used a great technique to evolve the ancient unicorn beast to pounce on the ancient spirit.

There is fairy light blooming, turning into a rainbow light, and going to the ancient spirit cave.

Various attacks drowned Gulin instantly.

However, in the next moment, Gu Ling's figure suddenly appeared in front of the sword saint, and the bronze mace in his hand smashed directly at the sword saint.


The surprise of the sword saint was really extraordinary, and he quickly used his sword light to block him out.


The bronze mace in Gu Ling's hand directly smashed the sword light, and the bronze mace fell directly on the head of the sword saint, and only heard "poof." The sword saint's head opened. flower.

Even the primordial spirit could not escape, and a powerful sword saint was beaten to death by Gu Ling.

Everyone can't help being shocked when seeing this scene, you know, that is a swordsman, it is too wrong to die like this, because his holy rank cultivation base can't be displayed at all.

The cultivation base was suppressed and then beaten to death. This method of death was too awkward and made people sigh.

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