Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2913: Sadly reminded children of the Eastern family

Gu Ling wanted to guard the ancient altar for ten days and prevent the people of the Eastern family from setting foot on the ancient human road, which shocked all the strong who knew about this matter.

This ancient altar is the starting point of the ancient human road. The huge altar is suspended in the void and can't be seen at a glance, like a continent floating in an unknown starry sky.

Around the altar, there are five small teleportation formations. For this altar, the teleportation formations are small, but for the monks, these five teleportation formations are even larger than the mountains.

At this time, people kept appearing on the ancient altar, not only in the Eastern Region, but also in all regions on the ancestral star of Tengkong.

Gu Ling sat aside, other cultivators would not take action, but she would not let them set foot on the ancient human road.

Sadly, there was no teleportation formation on this ancient formation to transport people back, so a group of alternative monks appeared on the side of the altar.

Moreover, there are more and more different kinds of monks, all of which have the same characteristics, that is, they are all lying on the ground, their noses and faces are swollen, their tendons are broken, and they can't even stand up.

All the monks who came to the ancient altar showed a different color when they saw such a group of disabled people. They were very curious, but no one was nosy.

Many people have directly embarked on the ancient road of their own choice.

Curiosity not only kills cats, but also kills people. The monks who dare to set foot on the ancient road of human race are all shrewd guys. They can't handle their own affairs well, and they have to take care of other people's affairs. Wouldn't it be unpleasant for themselves? .

"Friend Gu Ling, you are too much."

Among the group of disabled people, a middle-aged man with black beard stared at a figure sitting on the ground opposite, and said coldly, if his gaze could kill someone, I am afraid that the person opposite had died how many times.

"Hmph, too much, I didn't kill you all, it's already considered good."

Gu Ling did not speak, but Meng Long, who was sitting cross-legged behind her, stood up.

"Why, don't you think it has been repaired enough."

Zhao Hao also stood up.

In fact, these days, Gu Ling has not taken any action. The people who shot the group of people from the Eastern family into the disabled were Zhao Hao and Meng Long.

Meng Long's combat experience is good and he has the demeanor of a master, but Zhao Hao is a little immature, but his mind is very mature, and although he is young, he can be alone.

But Yan'er, Gu Ling's disciple, didn't make a move. She didn't want to make a move. According to him, among these people, there was no one worthy of her making a move.

This is definitely a humiliation to this group of monks from the Eastern family.

"What do you mean, do you want to prevent everyone from setting foot on the ancient human road?"

The middle-aged black beard said sharply.

"Cut, who do you think you are and want to represent the people of the world, don't be afraid to tell you that we only target the Eastern family, you know, only you from the Eastern family can't embark on the ancient human race."

Meng Long said disdainfully.

"Damn it, why, don't you even dare to ignore Fengdu Ghost Emperor's decree."

The middle-aged black beard said coldly.

"Fengdu Ghost Emperor, how did this matter involve Fengdu Ghost Emperor."

Zhao Hao said calmly.

"Fengdu Ghost Emperor used to mediate with my two families. Your adults didn't tell you about this."

The middle-aged black beard said bitterly.

"Ah, I'm still young, and I really haven't heard my adults say what's wrong."

Zhao Hao shrugged and said disapprovingly.

"you guys……"

The middle-aged man with black beard was obviously angered, his face turned red, and he opened his mouth and vomited a mouthful of blood. This was truly mad to vomit blood.

"Who is this to blame."

Meng Long glanced at the people from the Eastern family with disdain.

The people of the Eastern family have nothing to say. They have already heard something. It seems that a saint in their family wanted to kill Gulin, but he was killed here by Gulin.

Some people who witnessed the battle have not left yet. Among these people, some of them disdain the actions of the saint from the Eastern family and cause trouble to the family.

And this group of children from the Eastern family who had been repaired by Zhao Hao and Meng Long was so depressed that they vomited blood.


At this moment, a few more figures appeared on the ancient altar, and only one person was seen in the lead, but an old man with a childlike face.

Behind this old man, stood three young people, all three young people were stalwart, with extraordinary aura, and a powerful aura came out of him.


The group of people in the Eastern family couldn't help being surprised when they saw the old man and the three young people, because that old man was just an old man in the Eastern family.

This clan elder escorted three distinguished persons from the Eastern family to the ancient altar.

Just when the four strong men from the Eastern family appeared on the ancient altar, Yan'er, who was meditating with her eyes closed, suddenly opened her eyes and stood up.

Zhao Hao and Meng Long were a little surprised when they saw Yan'er, who had not taken any action, stood up.

"Leave the old man to me and leave the rest to you."

Yan'er said.

But at this time, the clan elder of the Eastern family was shocked to the extreme when he saw the extremely miserable children of the Eastern family.

"You..., what happened?"

The clan old man from the Eastern family said angrily.

"Old ancestor, you have to call the shots for us, that Gu Ling is so overbearing that he won't let us set foot on the ancient human race road."

The group of disciples from the Eastern family cried out when they saw the old man.


Hearing this, the elder from the Eastern family immediately glanced around and immediately found Gu Ling and Yan'er sitting on the ground.

"Little girl, are you going to go to war."

The clan elder of the Eastern family stared at Gu Ling, and said sensibly, there was light in his eyes.

At this time, the clan elder of the Eastern aristocratic family did not realize that his cultivation had been completely suppressed to the realm of immortal gods, nor did the other three elites from the Eastern aristocratic family find it.

It has to be said that this suppressing force on the ancient altar was very shocking, and silently suppressed the cultivation of all powers above the immortal **** realm.

"What about the war, we are not afraid of your Eastern family."

Zhao Hao said coldly, facing the elder of the Eastern family, he did not retreat in the slightest, he was just as strong as his master Gu Fei.

What kind of masters are there, there are what kind of disciples, this sentence is indeed correct.

"Hmph, a little fairy dared to play mad in front of the old man, he can't live or die."

The clan veteran of the Eastern family stared at Zhao Hao, squinted his eyes, and there was a bright light bursting out of his eyes, and a cold murderous aura came from him.

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