Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2924: travel

On the heavens, the West Minghai, and the God Island, the ancestors of the Yao tribe and Gu Fei had a very happy conversation. In the end, Gu Fei and Yan'er lived on the divine island for a few months and discussed with the ancestors of the Yao tribe.

No one dared to mention the affairs of the three grandsons of Great Sage Qing Jiao in front of the ancestor of the Yao race, because such things could not be hidden from the ancestor.

Especially the Great Sage Qing Jiao, he had never thought of asking the ancestor of the monster race to help him.

This matter seems to have been forgotten.

However, Gu Fei has benefited a lot from the process of discussing the Tao with the ancestor of the demon clan. After all, the ancestor of the demon clan is a senior man, who has lived for endless years, and is the same as the legendary emperor. Gu Fei's guidance gave Gu Fei a feeling of seeing the blue sky aside from the clouds.

Moreover, Gu Fei discovered that this demon clan ancestor turned out to be Quasi-Supreme, which is too awkward, you know, Quasi-Supreme, that is the most important step to become the Supreme.

The ancestor of the monster race is really extraordinary. He once fought with the Emperor, and finally the Emperor finally jumped and became the invincible supreme in nine days and ten places.

But this ancestor of the monster race failed to make the ultimate leap, and failed to become the supreme.

In the past few months, Gu Fei gradually adjusted his own state. He wanted to overcome the catastrophe in the best state to truly take this crucial step.

This kind of thing is not anxious, and taking this step is no easier than the ultimate leap. Throughout the ages, I don't know how many people have been stuck in the realm of the nobles. They will not be able to make an inch in their lives and cannot take this step.

However, Gu Fei did it. What he still lacks is that he has not yet overcome the calamity. Once he has overcome the quasi-superior tribulation, he can become a true quasi-superior.

On this day, Gu Fei left the island with Yan'er.

They traveled in the celestial realm. The western land was vast, and there was not only one Xi Minghai. The Purple Emperor, one of the four mighty powers of the human world, had stayed in the western soil for a long time.

Fire Qilin Baron followed Gu Fei and his wife and became Gu Fei's mount.

This made some strong people in the monster clan feel dissatisfied. You must know that the fire unicorn Balong is a unicorn holy emperor among the monster clan. Only one step away can become the great unicorn.

Baron's progress is obvious to all, but he is still a bit worse than Xiaoqing.

The reason is simple, that is, Xiaoqing is Laogui's disciple, and Baron, not Laogui's disciple, cannot be taught by Laogui himself.

While Gu Fei and Yan'er were traveling in the heavens, cracks appeared in the shell of a divine beast egg in a void in the mountain and river tripod.


The egg shell on the divine beast's egg was pierced with a hole by the creatures inside, and then the egg shell shattered, and a fluffy thing came out of the egg shell.

This was a chicken, a chicken the size of a fist, which made Gu Fei speechless.

When this sacred beast egg changed, Gu Fei stared at the sacred beast egg. After he got the sacred beast egg, he threw it into the mountain and river tripod to use the phoenix he obtained from the ancient world. Feed this beast egg.

To this day, the phoenix marrow has been completely absorbed by the beast egg.

The divine beast egg that had absorbed the phoenix marrow finally broke out of its shell, but it was just a chicken, which made him disappointed. He thought that the little phoenix had been breaking out of the divine beast egg.

However, when Gu Fei took the little chicken out of the mountain and river tripod, Yan'er fell in love with this little thing, and was actually fed with spirit fruit.

Riding a fire unicorn and taking his wife to travel, this is the most romantic thing Gu Fei has ever done.

Just when Gu Fei and Yan'er were traveling in the heavens, a huge and ancient temple stood in the depths of the heavens that had not been ascertained.

A figure was sitting in this hall, exuding a faint golden Buddha light, and three supreme Buddha artifacts refined by the chief priest of the ancient Buddha were placed on the ground in front of this figure.

This figure suddenly appeared that year and took away the three supreme Buddha artifacts from Gu Fei's body.

The incarnation of the eternal Buddha at that time disappeared completely after entering the heaven. No one would have thought that the incarnation of the eternal Buddha came to an ancient temple in no man's land.

"Isn't the time yet."

The avatar of the ancient Buddha sitting in the temple muttered to himself, and then closed his eyes, as if turned into a golden Buddha, motionless.

In fact, Buddhism has inheritance in the heavens, but in the present age, the inheritance of Buddhism in the heavens has long since disappeared, and even the temples are abandoned.

The heavens are extremely vast, and the unexplored region by the human monks is full of unknowns and mysteries.

In another no-man's land in the heavens, among the endless mountains, there is a mountain bag that is much taller than the mountain.

At this time, there was actually a skeleton digging a hole on this mountain bag, surrounded by black and yellow energy.

This black and yellow skull is exactly the guy from the Tianxu battle.

Back then, the mysterious yellow skull swept across all directions, invincible in all directions, and directly broke into the heavens. Since then, it has disappeared from the eyes of the world, but who thought that this mysterious yellow skull was actually digging a grave.

Yes, the mountain bag that is bigger than the mountain is a huge tomb, a tomb containing the peerless strong men from ancient times.

Whether it was the incarnation of the ancient Buddha or the black skull, they were preparing something.

Gu Fei and Yan'er are enjoying the world of the two for a rare time, just like ordinary couples, traveling abroad, their footprints have traveled across the five regions of heaven.

They went to the Northern Snow Region specially. Gu Fei wanted to find Zhao Zirou. His appearance made the already tense atmosphere in the Northern Snow Region even more tense.

Especially the deserted ancient Zhao family in the heavens, when Gu Fei came, everyone in the Zhao family hid directly, not daring to show up.

The ancestor of Sirius appeared and took Gu Fei and Yan'er into Sirius City. The arrival of Gu Fei greatly boosted the morale of the Sirius family, and there was no need to be afraid of anything.

The people in the Xueyu Tiangong also noticed the arrival of Gu Fei and Yan'er.

This vein in the northern snow region gives people a mysterious and unpredictable feeling. Even at this time, the snowy heaven still has no real overwhelming power to appear.

Of course, no one would doubt the strength of the Snowy Heavenly Palace. Although this line is mysterious, each descendant possesses the talents against the sky, which is a powerful pronoun.

Gu Fei made a special trip to the prison area, and found that the place had been completely destroyed. The fierce beasts and giant evil imprisoned, as long as they were not completely dead, had escaped.

"I don't know what Ming Qiong is doing."

Gu Fei thought of the strong man from the outside world he had conquered. This guy is a strong man, but now he is nowhere to be found.

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