Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2927: Star Wars

Gu Fei and the Fire Emperor entered a battle in the depths of the starry sky, and the powerful fluctuations directly came down from the starry sky, shocking the powerhouses in the entire southern region of the heavens.

"Who is the Fire Emperor fighting against?"

Many people are very curious. In Nanling of the heavens, Gu Fei is not as famous as Fire Emperor and Nanling God Emperor Cangxiao, and not many people know who is fighting the Fire Emperor.

Some old antiques in Nanling were shocked. Some people thought that there was another super power in Nanling who could compete with Nanling God Emperor Cang Xiao and Huo Emperor.

For many years in Nanling, the two powers have been fighting for hegemony, which has made Nanling turbulent. If there is another super strong, Nanling will be in chaos, and the creatures will be destroyed. I don't know how many creatures will be robbed.

"Fighting with someone again, hey."

In Luoxia City, in the other courtyard, Yan'er raised her head and glanced at the sky, then shook her head, and continued to tease the chicken on the table eating the fairy fruit.

At this time, in the depths of the starry sky, two strong forces fluctuated violently, the entire starry sky was shaking, and thousands of stars were shaking.

The two figures moved quickly among the stars.



The two powerhouses are like the invincible gods and men who have come from the ancient times. They collided violently, and the stars continued to explode wherever they passed, terrifying to the extreme.

"The Fire Emperor really deserves its reputation."

Gu Fei said as he shot, he was full of chaos, and the simple combat skills displayed in his hand showed unimaginable power.

"You are not bad too, and the offspring is terrifying."

The fire emperor said, he was like an innate fire god, with a huge fire on his body. In the starry sky, it was as bright and bright as a round of divine sun, and the fire light illuminated the dim starry sky.

Although the two strong men said they were discussing each other, they did not keep their hands. They were extremely dangerous. If they were not careful, they would hurt each other's hands and even die.

"Unexpectedly you took that step too."

Gu Fei said, he directly displayed the sky-shielding hand, shaking the fire emperor thousands of feet away with a palm.

"The accumulation of accumulation and accumulation of endless years is not like you, who actually took that step in the contemporary era."

The fire emperor said, at the same time, he stretched out his right hand, and five blazes burst out from his five fingers. The five blazes instantly turned into five huge fire dragons, rushing for thousands of feet, and knocked Gu Fei into flight. Drive.

Fire dragons raged, the starry sky shook, and every fire dragon was bigger than the galaxy. Even in the Nanling region, you could clearly see this wonder.

Five huge fire dragons appeared in the starry sky.

Countless monks on the land of Nanling had seen this scene, and they were all shocked to the extreme. Some people even thought that a real dragon was born.


Gu Fei yelled, and a sword sound was heard from his body, and then, with five sharp sword lights, he cut off the five fire dragons in an instant.

"What, someone cut the dragon unexpectedly."

In the Nanling area, many people saw that the five dragons that appeared on the starry sky were broken into several pieces and then dissipated in the starry sky.

"Sword of Killing."

The Fire Emperor was very surprised. He felt a palpitating breath from Gu Fei's sword light, as if at that moment, Gu Fei turned into a shocking killing sword.

The nine swords of Zhu Tian, ​​claiming to be able to punish the sky, this kind of swordsmanship is originally the road of killing and cutting, one sword can destroy all things in the world, and has great power.


With the sound of the sword, Gu Fei burst into chaotic light, and the chaotic light bloomed on his body like a lotus of chaos.

A trembling sword intent swept away from him.

"A sword flying fairy."

Gu Fei waved his right hand, and the chaotic sword light that bloomed on him immediately rose into the sky, slashing towards the opposite Fire Emperor, and the overwhelming sword light enveloped the entire starry sky.

"this is……"

The Emperor Huo couldn't help being surprised when he saw this. This kind of kendo seemed to be very similar to the Flying Immortal Sword of the Yuangu Tiandi, but it was more powerful than the Flying Immortal Sword.

"Haha, this is not Yuan Gu'er's Fei Xian Jian Dao."

Gu Fei said with a big smile.

"Ten Thousand Laws are empty, and the fire way is supreme."

The fire emperor roared and displayed the secret technique of the fire race. A monstrous sacred fire rushed out of his body, and instantly enveloped most of the starry sky. Then, the endless sacred fire became a huge whirlpool. , Swallowed countless Chaos Sword Lights that had been slashed into the vortex.

"Fire Road Supreme."

Gu Fei smiled. He didn't dare to call himself the supreme martial arts based on his current cultivation base. This Fire Emperor was too arrogant.

"Okay, the warm-up is over, let me learn the true skills of Huo Dao Supreme."

Seeing that the countless Chaos Sword Lights he had played were all swallowed by the huge flame vortex, Gu Fei had to take it seriously.

The swallowing power that came out of the flame vortex swallowed countless stars in the surrounding starry sky, but it was difficult to shake Gu Fei.

However, he rushed directly into the huge flame vortex in front of him.


In the next moment, the flame vortex exploded, and Gu Fei evolved a chaotic fist, and the invincible fist rushed out, directly smashing the flame vortex from the inside.


The void shook, Gu Fei showed invincible fist, a figure fell out of the void, staggered a few steps, and then stood firm.

"Okay, that's it for today. We will discuss again when we have time."

Fire Emperor reached out his hand to wipe a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth, and then said.

"You said you can't fight if you don't fight, I haven't gotten into it yet."

Gu Fei hit the Fire Emperor with a fist.

It looked like an ordinary punch, but in the eyes of the Emperor Huo, what he saw was a fist intertwined with endless Dao. The strands of Dao were like invisible spider silk from the opponent’s fist. Rushing out, enveloped the entire starry sky.


The fire emperor immediately realized the power of Gu Fei's punch, and the invisible road rushing out of the opponent's fist was already full of the void of heaven and earth, how to avoid it.

"Gu Dao friends, just click and stop. Why take it too seriously."

Fire Emperor said, at the same time, he also punched out.


The two fists collided together, and a loud noise erupted, as if two ancient sacred mountains were colliding, which was extremely shocking.

The stars around the two powerhouses continued to explode, like fireworks in the dark, after bursting out of brilliant brilliance, they were annihilated in the starry sky.


The sound of broken bones sounded, and the fire emperor was blasted away and directly pierced a star. Then, the star exploded.

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