Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2972: Yuanjia Road is narrow

Quasi-Supreme-level powerful creatures want to escape, and other Quasi-Supreme-level existences want to intercept them, but it is not an easy task.

The undead monarch fled and had to flee, because both the Chaos Stoneman and the Void Quasi-Sovereign targeted him and shot at him. If they didn't escape, they were in danger of being beheaded.

Fighting to deplete vitality, the undead monarch must also flee.

The Void Quasi-Supreme naturally wouldn't let the undead monarch easily escape, he directly chased the past, and the two Quasi-Supreme-level powerhouses instantly disappeared.


When the Chaos Stone Man saw this, he couldn't help but be frightened and angry. He was drawing on the power of the sacred mountain of chaos. If he was too far away from the sacred mountain of chaos, it would be difficult for him to use the power of the mountain for himself.

However, the Chaos Stoneman just hesitated for a while, and then directly soared into the sky, chasing in the direction of the undead monarch fleeing, since that guy dared to fight the idea of ​​the Chaos Mountain, he could not forgive him.

Soon, the powerful aura of the Quasi-Supreme class that had suffocated countless creatures disappeared, and all the creatures in the Chaos Despair breathed a sigh of relief.

The sacred mountain of chaos that was constantly shaking gradually calmed down, and the chaotic lines emerging from the mountain began to disappear in the mountain.

Although the sacred mountain of chaos gave birth to a chaotic stone man, the inner chaotic essence is still amazing. If a magic weapon is made from this sacred mountain, it can definitely show unimaginable power.

"good chance."

The avatar of Gu Fei in the distance high above the sky couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw this scene. This was exactly the result he needed. The three quasi-extreme powerhouses directly smashed out of the Chaos Territory and entered the outer region.

The terrifying aura spread, and immediately shocked countless creatures in the wilderness.

"what's going on."

The strong man in the wilderness was shocked, a large mountain somewhere in the wilderness exploded, and a creature rushed out of the mountain.

It was a huge centipede, a powerful breath spread from this centipede, and a mist of poisonous mist filled it.

The vitality of the entire mountain ridge is rapidly disappearing, the flowers and trees are withered, and the leaves are falling, and the nearby flowers and trees are directly withered and turned yellow.

However, just as this centipede broke through the mountain, a figure rushed over from a distance, and a horrible breath suddenly descended, causing the centipede to almost mentally collapse.

At this moment, a big dead hand stretched out from the air and directly caught the poisonous centipede.

In the next moment, the whole body of this centipede was swallowed up by the big hand, and it died instantly.

I have to say that this centipede spirit was too unlucky, and it died as soon as it rushed out. You must know that this centipede spirit is not a weak creature in the nearby area.

That terrible figure swept across the mountain and disappeared directly into the sky. In the air, the corpse of a centipede fell down and smashed into the forest.

At this time, two more powerful auras came from afar, and two strong figures rushed past the mountains.

The countless creatures in the mountains were terrified, and some creatures even collapsed to the ground in fright, trembling all over, panicked to the extreme.

Fortunately, these two extremely powerful figures did not stay, but disappeared into the depths of the mountains.



The extremely shocking sound was heard from the depths of the mountains, the mountains shook, and incredible creatures were fighting, and the terrifying fluctuations shocked all directions.

"Is the master in the war?"

Soon, the creatures outside the Chaos Territory knew what was going on. There was a strong ruler in the battle, which was definitely a major event that could shock the entire wilderness.

"Will the wasteland be in chaos?"

The old antique in the waste world was alarmed and said such words, the waste world has calmed the endless years. Could this calmness be completely broken.

The tranquility of the desolate world is actually relative. The desolate world of the current world is equivalent to the prehistoric era of the human world. Therefore, the most indispensable thing in the desolate world of the current world is the powerful creatures. In the wilderness, these powerful creatures, All are "Gods".

The existence that can become the "god" in the desolate world, in the eyes of Gu Fei's clone, are all saints, and the "god" here is the saint in the human world and heaven.

Just when the three powerhouses such as Xukong Zhunzhi were fighting, Gu Fei's clone took this opportunity to rush towards the ball of light above the Chaos Mountain with the dragon horned unicorn beast.

"Finally enter another world."

The dragon horned unicorn beast was very excited when he thought of this. Before he met Gu Fei's clone, he never thought that there was another world besides the wasteland.

Gu Fei's clone ignored the dragon horned unicorn beast, they soon approached the ball of light above the sky, and then stopped in front of the ball of light.

Above the sphere of light, it seemed that there was a heaven and earth evolving, sometimes chaos opened up, and sometimes everything was gestated, and the sky was high and the earth was thick.

Sometimes the world is falling apart and turning into chaos again.

This is the process from formation to destruction of heaven and earth. This is a reincarnation, not the reincarnation of living beings, but the reincarnation of heaven and earth.

"this is……"

When did the dragon horned unicorn beast see such a sight, he couldn't help being shocked.

"Don't be silly, let's go."

Gu Fei's avatar immediately took a step forward and was about to walk into the ball of light, but at this moment, a figure suddenly walked out of the ball of light.


Gu Fei's clone almost collided with that person, and his four eyes were wide and staring, and they were all startled.


The next moment, the two powerhouses suddenly broke out.

Gu Fei’s clone slammed directly at the guy on the opposite side with a punch, and a bright golden light burst out of his fist instantly, like a golden sun surpassing the dim sky, a strong force. The fluctuations rushed out in all directions.

The opposite person also shot, nine sword lights rushed out of this person, and the extreme sword energy fluctuations erupted from the nine sword lights.


Nine sword lights vibrated, as if a true peerless magic weapon was unsheathed, each sword light seemed to be able to split the whole world in half.

Moreover, each of these nine sword lights revealed a heart-pounding aura of killing and cutting. This was actually the Flying Immortal Sword Dao of the Yuangu Emperor.

The fist of Gu Fei's clone instantly collided with the sword light of Jiu Dao Fei Immortal.

The golden fist blasted on the nine sword lights, and it made a metal-specific collision and trembling sound, just like a peerless **** iron colliding.

The Nine Dao Jianguang was smashed away by the fist of Gu Fei's clone, but the inner power of the Nine Dao Jianguang shook Gu Fei's clone away.

"What's happening here."

The dragon horned unicorn beast was stunned by the sudden battle, but in the end he was also the "god" in the desolate world. He quickly recovered and turned around and fled.

However, no matter how fast he hid, he was swept away by Feixian Sword Qi, and immediately a bone-bearing wound appeared on his body, almost splitting in half by this sword Qi.


The dragon horned unicorn beast is about to curse his mother. This is really a disaster. He rushed out tens of thousands of miles before daring to stop, but the flying fairy sword aura that invaded his body was still killing him. vitality.

"Master, help."

The dragon horned unicorn beast was horrified and transmitted to Gu Fei's clone, because it was difficult for him to suppress the sword aura in his lower body, and he was in danger of being cut off from his soul.

At this time, Gu Fei's clone had already fought against the strong man who came out of the ball of light. This guy was the Yuangu Tiandi, or another clone of the Yuangu Tiandi.

The real body of Emperor Yuangu Tiandi won't come out so easily, and since the endless years, no one has seen the real body of Emperor Yuangu Tiandi.

Gu Fei’s clone shot a divine light directly at the dragon horn unicorn beast, and that divine light instantly submerged into the dragon horn unicorn beast’s body. Then, a sword light rushed out of the dragon horn unicorn beast’s body and dissipated. In the void.


Just when Gu Fei's clone made an effort to save the dragon-horned unicorn beast, a sword light instantly pierced the center of his eyebrows, and even under the impact of the sword energy, a blood stain was split on the center of the eyebrows.


Gu Fei's clone directly used one of the Nine Secrets of Immortal Dao's Anti-Void Secret Art, and the whole person suddenly became faint and unreal, as if it could completely melt into the surrounding void at any time.

That sword light instantly penetrated through the phantom of Gu Fei's clone, and it didn't hurt Gu Fei's clone at all.


Seeing this, the clone of Yuangu Tiandi couldn't help being taken aback.

"The Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao, it is actually the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao, you are a small clone, and you have the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao."

Yuan Gu Tiandi stared at Gu Fei's clone, gritted his teeth and said, there was a frightening flicker in his eyes. He and Gu Fei had a great feud, because his only son died in Gu Fei's hands.

This kind of murderous enmity is impossible to resolve. There is absolutely no ambivalence between Yuangu Tiandi and Gu Fei. Only when one party is completely beheaded by the other can this enmity end.

"Huh, what's so strange about this."

Gu Fei's clone said coldly, and he stared at the counterpart of Yuangu Tiandi who was opposite, the counterpart's clone was very extraordinary, very powerful, and it was a formidable enemy.

"What, the master turned out to be a clone."

The dragon-horned unicorn beast in the distance heard the words of Yuangu Tiandi's clone, and was shocked to the extreme, staring at Gu Fei's clone in disbelief.

It was really hard for him to imagine that the master who was so powerful that he could scare away the "Ancient God" was only a clone. Then, wouldn't the master's real body be stronger, and the master's real body would be the master.

Just as the dragon-horned unicorn beast was thinking about it, Gu Fei's clone and Yuangu Tiandi's clone once again rushed together. This was a duel between the two clones.

Although not in person, the combat power displayed is enough to shock the world.

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