Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2985: Cross border

The chaotic giant transformed into the chaotic vine was fighting against the Taiyin Lord, and the terrifying fluctuations were in all directions. All the powerful creatures watching the battle had to retreat to the distance.

In particular, the power of the Taiyin Black Moon displayed by the Venerable Taiyin is even more terrifying. The black light shining from the black moon can even wipe out the monks' foundation and cut off the monks' cultivation.

Some unlucky creatures fell directly from the sky in the dark light above the black moon, without knowing their life or death.

The chaotic giant did not show weakness, and turned into a chaotic divine sun. It was his Dao Inner Pill, which showed great power and blocked the black light from the black moon.

When the two great powers were fighting, a terrifying figure rushed past them and directly entered the chaotic void above the sacred mountain of chaos.


The Chaos Giants and the Taiyin Sovereigns were shocked. Someone ignored their power. This really made them feel incredible. You know, they are the Sovereigns, extremely powerful Sovereigns.

In today's world, there are definitely not many creatures that can ignore the power of the Lord.

"It's Quasi-Supreme."

Taiyin Sovereign's heart shook. He knew that some Quasi-Supreme had also entered the ruins of the ancient heaven. The figure just now was probably Quasi-Supreme.

Laogui didn't know that he would frighten the two great sages. He just wanted to enter the desolate world as soon as possible, so he didn't care about the chaotic giants and the Taiyin sacreds who were fighting.



The two powerhouses froze for a moment, and then rushed together again. The Taiyin Heiyue and the Chaos Shenyang were constantly colliding. Under the collision of the two forces, the void was constantly rippling like water waves, and the void that was visible to the naked eye rippled towards It spread in all directions.

The Taiyin and the Black Moon icy the void, but the Chaos Shenyang is showing the power of opening the sky. The two great saint-level powerhouses continue to collide, constantly impact, and for a while, it is difficult to tell the winner.

The battle between the two great powers near the sacred mountain of chaos made it difficult for other creatures to enter the chaotic void above the mountain.

Only the existence of the quasi-sovereign level can ignore the power of the deity, otherwise, even if they are the same deity, they are not willing to interfere with the battle between the two great deities and offend the two great deities.

In fact, those saint-level creatures who watched the battle from a distance are happy to say that the Taiyin saint and the chaos giant who crossed the boundary will suffer both losses.

When Gu Fei and Yan'er came near the Chaos Mountain, the two powerhouses were still performing killing techniques and fighting together.

Gu Fei's arrival shocked many creatures who were watching the battle. Some creatures retreated directly because these creatures had some grudges with Gu Fei.

Such as the powerhouses of the Eastern aristocracy, the big bald heads of the Xitu Buddhism, and the followers of the Proterozoic Emperor of Heaven, these guys all have enemies with Gu Fei.

Although Gu Fei doesn't care about these guys, those guys are very afraid of Gu Fei. You know, Gu Fei is a famous generation of murderers.

No one wants to provoke him.

"He is Gu Fei. I didn't expect his real body to come."

Someone said.

Whether in the human world or the heavens, there are countless creatures who know Gu Fei. You know, Gu Fei has done a lot of earth-shattering things in the world and the heavens.

"You say who will win."

Above the sky, Gu Fei said to Yan'er who rode together.

"The Lunar Lord will win."

Yan'er said, with her cultivation level, it is still difficult to see who wins and who loses. You must know that she is not the Holy Venerable.

At this time, the Chaos Giant also saw Gu Fei and them.


When the Chaos Giant saw Gu Fei, he was shocked, because he sensed an aura that made his heart palpitations from Gu Fei's body.

The avatar of Chaos Vine and Gu Fei has fought two battles, this Chaos Vine can't even beat Gu Fei's avatar, and naturally it is not the opponent of Gu Fei's real body.

Now it was Gu Fei's real body, Chaos Teng knew that this time it was bad, and he instinctively felt the danger from Gu Fei.


The chaotic giant transformed into the chaotic vine desperately shot, the chaotic Shenyang burst out the most powerful chaotic power, shocked the Taiyin Black Moon, and forced the Taiyin Sovereign back.

The chaotic light illuminates the dim void.

All the creatures thought that the Chaos Giant was going to work hard, but the next scene was a shock to everyone. I saw that the Chaos Giant was directly controlling the Chaos Shenyang, turned around and fled, and escaped directly. In chaos.


Even the Taiyin Sovereign was surprised, he still had his assassin but still hadn't used it.

The Lunar Lord roared and chased directly into the chaotic void. Wherever he passed, the void instantly solidified, and even the chaotic energy was frozen.

Gu Fei did not make a move.

"You guessed right, haha."

Gu Fei smiled.

"That guy is afraid of you, right."

Yan'er shook her head and said, she didn't think it was the Taiyin Sovereign who repelled the Chaos Giant. You must know that the cultivation base of this Chaos Giant was definitely not under the Taiyin Sage.

"Go, go in and take a look."

Gu Fei said, he and Yan'er rode the dragon-horned unicorn beast directly towards the chaotic void above the chaotic mountain.

The speed of the dragon horned unicorn beast was not slow, and its four hoofs stepped into the air, instantly carrying Gu Fei and Yan'er into the chaotic void, and the fire unicorn hurriedly followed.

At this time, those strong men who were watching the battle also moved, and these strong men also rushed over, and seven or eight powerful figures instantly rushed into the chaotic void.

However, there are some strong people who are still waiting and watching, and have not moved.

You know, no one knows what they will encounter when entering another world. Some powerful creatures are happy to see others as strikers and explore the newly discovered world.

To explore the unknown world, you will definitely encounter unknown dangers, which is beyond doubt.

Moreover, the creatures in the unknown world are also extremely powerful, even the chaotic creatures have come out, and some powerful people do not want to risk crossing into the unknown world.

However, there are also some creatures who think that since Gu Fei has opened the way, why don't they take this opportunity to also cross the boundary.

At this time, in the wilderness, on the top of the sacred mountain of chaos, where was a figure surrounded by chaotic light standing, and endless chaotic paths intertwined on him.


The void around him was shaking slightly. This was a strong figure. Although it was just standing there, it gave people a powerful feeling that could crush the ages.


At this moment, a bewildered figure rushed out from the ball of light above the mountain, it was a chaotic vine.

"Master, help."

As soon as the chaotic vine saw the figure on the sacred mountain of chaos, it was immediately overjoyed, and then rushed towards the figure, fell in front of the figure, and then lay down at the feet of the figure.

"What a panic."

The figure said, and then suddenly raised her head to look at the ball of light in the sky, the next moment, another figure rushed out of the ball of light.

As soon as this figure rushed out of the sphere of light, the temperature of the entire void of heaven and earth dropped rapidly, and snow fell in the void, as if the winter was coming.

However, there is no cold winter in the Chaos Territory, because here the Chaos Qi is the ruler, but now, with the appearance of that figure, there is a heavy snow in the sky.

"Don't tell me that I was so embarrassed to be chased by such a little guy."

Said the powerful and terrifying figure standing on the God of Chaos Mountain.

"No, it's other creatures, a human race..."

Chaos Vine said quickly.

"What, a human race."

Chaos Quasi-Supreme was really angry, and he almost couldn't help but stomped this useless guy who was lying at his feet to death.

He was so embarrassed to be chased and killed by a human race. You must know that the human race is in the desolate world. It is a slave race and a slave of the major **** races. The Chaos Vine was chased and killed by one person, which made him very shameless.

"Master, the human race of that world is definitely not weak. You can see this human race who came after the killing."

Chaos Vine said with trepidation, in front of Primordial Chaos Supreme, it had to deal with it carefully, if it angered the owner, then it would have survived.

At this time, the Taiyin Sovereign who had just rushed out of the ball of light was a peerless tragedy. He never thought that there would be such a powerful creature waiting here.

"Quasi Supreme, how is this possible..."

The Lunar Lord turned around and fled. In front of Zhunzhizun, he was as weak as an ant, and Zhunzhizun wanted to kill him, he could do it only in his thoughts.

"I still want to leave. I just want to know what happened in the other world. You came just right."

The Primordial Chaos Supreme said, and stretched out his big hand, and grabbed it directly at the Lunar Sovereign, and the Lunar Sovereign immediately flew towards the big Chaos Hand.

Seeing that the Lunar Lord was about to be grasped by the big Chaos hand, a sword light suddenly slashed out from the light ball, and it slashed at the big Chaos hand.

The sword light flashed past, and the big chaos hand was cut down by that sword light in an instant.

The Taiyin Sovereign only felt light on his body, and he was actually regaining his freedom. He was overjoyed and quickly rose into the sky, rushing into the ball of light in the sky without looking back.


At the top of the sacred mountain, the quasi-prime chaos was roaring, and the entire sacred mountain was shaking.

The Chaos Vine lying at his feet was trembling all over, panicking to the extreme.

At this moment, several figures walked out of the ball of light, and saw a man and a woman riding an alien beast, appearing above the sky, behind them, followed by a fire unicorn.

"Quasi Supreme?"

When Gu Fei saw the Primordial Chaos Supreme, he couldn't help but be a little surprised. Just after entering the desolate world, he encountered a powerhouse of this type.


When Primordial Chaos saw Gu Fei, he was even more shocked than Gu Fei saw him. Is the human race in another world really that powerful?

No one can answer his question,

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