Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 3023: Shaking Shifang

The ancient Feidu Tribulation is destined to alarm the ten directions, because the Quasi-Sovereign Tribulation is really too big, even the cloud of the sky has almost enveloped the void of thousands of miles. ⊙

Almost half of the celestial realm could sense the strong aura that came from the roaring cloud.

In fact, for those holy creatures, changes in the laws of heaven in the heavens can be sensed no matter where they are, as long as they are willing.

This is the superiority of the holy rank creatures, to perceive the heaven and the earth, to comprehend Taoism, and to some extent, the holy rank creatures are already different from ordinary creatures.

Because the creatures below the holy rank can't sense changes in the laws of heaven and earth at all.


The catastrophe continued. Gu Fei and the black dragon were killed. He was full of chaos, and his whole figure was like a strong man who came out from the depths of chaos. With every punch, he shook the surrounding heaven and earth. Shattered the endless Jie Lei that bombarded him.



The heavy impact continued to sound, and the two figures moved extremely fast under the robbery cloud, and the fourth black flood was much stronger than the three previous creatures.


The dragon's claws passed, and on Gu Fei's body as powerful as a quasi-sovereign Taoist weapon, blood stains immediately appeared, the muscles turned over, and blood leaked from the blood stains.


At the same time, Gu Fei's right fist also banged on an ancestral dragon horn of the black flood, and with a "click", that ancestral dragon horn broke in an instant and flew out.


If the black dragon is crazy, his ancestral dragon's horn has been smashed by this tiny human race, which is absolutely a shame for him!

Although this black dragon is the imprint of the Great Dao on the Heavenly Dao, it actually originated from the dragon that has survived the Quasi-Sovereign Heavenly Tribulation.

This black dragon has an instinctive reaction, extremely angry, all he has to do is to crush and tear down the human race before him.


A strong flood of dragon power erupted on the black flood, Gu Fei was immediately shaken away, coughing up blood in his mouth, but the blood he coughed up would instantly turn into blood mist, and he was weighed down by his martial arts. Newly absorbed back into the body.

At the level of Gu Fei's cultivation base, the essence and blood in the body will not be lost, and after the martial arts body is injured, he will heal immediately, and his martial arts body has reached the level of indestructibility.

Of course, if you want to be truly immortal, you have to become the Supreme Dao. Among the martial artists, there are only two people who can become the Supreme Dao. Throughout the ages, it seems that there are only two, one is the martial ancestor, the other is the sword ancestor, that is to create The one who uttered the Nine Swords of Zhuotian entered the Dao and became a supreme existence.

You know, swords are also martial arts. The sword ancestor who created the Nine Swords of Zhu Tian took the path of the sword of martial arts. Of course, there are swordsmanship in the immortal way. It is the sword of the immortal way. It is fundamentally different from the sword of martial art. .

"Have you been fierce? Haha!"

Gu Fei laughed wildly, and then rushed towards the black flood, he punched a chaotic fist, and bright chaotic light burst out from his two fists, like two great chaotic stars rushing towards the black flood. Similarly, the terrifying power fluctuations caused the entire world to violently shake.

This was a big collision, two powerful forces burst out, the void of heaven and earth was annihilated, and even the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth was shattered, and Gu Fei and Hei Jiao both flew upside down.

The two powerhouses were evenly matched, and they fought desperately.

Above the sky, the old turtles and others who saw this scene were shocked and inexplicably shocked. Even the old turtles who knew Gu Fei's details felt that Gu Fei was too violent.

"His Royal Highness, your friend is like an ancient beast coming to the world!"

The old Taoist holding the fortune-telling banner stroked his chest white beard and said, Gu Fei's display of combat power made him also moved, and there was light flickering in the depths of his muddy eyes.

"It seems to be a descendant of martial ancestors, no wonder it is so brave!"

There was such a fluctuating spirit in the sarcophagus, and the sarcophagus loomed in the endless life, as if there were countless demons and monsters roaring and roaring around, which was intriguing.

"Sure enough, you have taken a different path."

The old Taoist looked at the sarcophagus, his face solemnly said, the guy in the sarcophagus was terrible, maybe he really died once, but he was made from death and became an immortal creature.

"You are not bad, you have lived till now."

Such divine consciousness fluctuations spread from the sarcophagus.

At this time, above the far sky, a hideous beast's shadow was looming, and the powerful aura of the quasi-superior class was surging.

The ferocious beast shadow did not come over, it seems that the old tortoise's Taihuang seal was very scrupulous and did not dare to approach.

In addition to these three quasi-supreme, Laogui knew that there should have been a lot of quasi-supreme in secret, but he was fearless, with the emperor's seal in his hand, who would dare to make trouble?

Of course, there is no absolute in everything, but he dare not take it lightly.

"That guy is crossing the catastrophe?"

In the world, the Buddhist monastery of the Western Earth, the top of Lingshan, on a large rock, a bald monk wearing a dirty robes suddenly opened his eyes.

At the same time, a very handsome little monk with white teeth and red lips, wearing a moon white monk's clothes, walked up from the mountain with an alms bowl in his hand.

This little monk is Fan Xiu. Although this guy has a harmless look on his face, no one can think of him. He is a black hand and an old ancestor who can compare with the old turtle.

Even Hei Tian is ashamed to be in front of this little monk!

"Bansu Buddha?"

The big bald monk sitting on the boulder opened his eyes, and suddenly two lightning flashes flashed in the void, and the old monk's gaze fell on the little monk who was holding a bowl.

"Fatian has a big bald head, when will you lend me this robes?"

Little Monk Fanxiu looked at the dirty robes on the big bald head and said.

"Haha, when I become the Supreme Buddha, how about I borrow you to wear it?"

Monk Fatian smiled and stood up from the boulder.

"Waiting for you to become the Supreme Buddha? When will you have to wait?"

Little Monk Fanxiu said helplessly, as long as the robes were worn on the body of the monk Fatian, he would have nothing to do with the monk Fatian.

That is not an ordinary robes, it is the robes worn by the Buddha through the ages!

It has been a long time since the great monk Fatian got this cassock. He has realized the Buddha nature on this cassock, but he has benefited a lot.

Without that robes, the young monk Fan Xiu could still fight the great monk Fatian, but the opponent was already invincible wearing the robes.

"I believe you have sensed it, that little guy is going through the catastrophe, shouldn't we do something?"

Fatian said.

"Is to do something, then let's go to heaven!"

Little Monk Fanxiu smiled.

Then, the young monk Fanxiu and the great monk Fatian disappeared on the top of Lingshan.

Gu Fei has many enemies. When his enemies learn that he is crossing the catastrophe, they will not miss this opportunity. Someone will intercept him when he is crossing the catastrophe.

"That little guy is crossing the catastrophe?"

In the ancestral land of the Eastern aristocratic family, in the Chaos Cavern, such a spirit came from.

The two stone-like figures sitting cross-legged outside the Chaos Cave opened their eyes fiercely, and several lightning flashes appeared in the void.

"Is the ancestor going out?"

The two old men stood up abruptly and turned to look at the Chaos Cave.

"Don't miss it, go and see!"

A figure rushed out of the cave, soaring to the sky, and headed towards the road to the sky.

The news of the Dongtian Overlord's departure from the ancestral land of the Eastern aristocratic family soon spread. You must know that at this time, the appearance of any major figure will shake all parties.

Soon, someone saw a peerless figure of the Huanggu Zhao family also walked out of the ancestral land of the Huanggu Zhao family, disappeared into the void, and disappeared.

The two great emperor clans on the ancestor star of Bu Zhou also got news. Both the Ziyun family and the Golden family had peerless experts who left the customs and went directly to the heavens.

Except for those who have already set foot on the ancient human road nine years ago, all the strong men in the human world who have received news are leaving for the heavens.

The news of Gu Fei Du Jie soon spread.

"The Lord has finally overcome the robbery."

In Vientiane City, the Jagged Daoist got the news and couldn't help being extremely excited. If Gu Fei succeeded in crossing the catastrophe, he would become the Quasi-Supreme, and the most powerful Quasi-Supreme.

The ancient flying over the robbery, all parties shook, and every great ancient force had peerless experts to go to the heavens to find out.

The movement of the quasi-sovereign heaven is really too great. Once those peerless figures reach the heaven, they can sense the heaven and the earth, and know the location of the ancient flying catastrophe for the first time.

A no-man's land in the heavens suddenly became lively, but after the strong men sensed the breath of the Emperor's Seal, they all stopped in the distance.

There is an old tortoise helping Gu Fei to protect the law, even those who want to be disadvantageous to Gu Fei have to weigh it first, you know, old tortoise is not easy to bully.

The prestige of the new demon lord of the demon clan in the heavens came out of the battle. Back then, the old turtle returned to the heavens and led a group of his men to fight in the north and south, and made a big name in the heavens.

Even the Dongtian Overlord and other peerless figures were unwilling to offend the old tortoise. You must know that once the old tortoise goes crazy, it is no joke.

"Outrageous, where is the old tortoise guarding and how to start?"

When someone saw this scene, they were very scrupulous. The aura of the Emperor's Seal was too vast, as if there was a supreme Supreme Demon Lord looking down at the people.

In the face of such power, even Quasi-Supreme is as weak as an ant, and it is difficult to contend with it.

"I heard that Gu Fei also had friendship with the Jiang family emperor. If he also invited Jiang Ren emperor to protect him, then no one can really interfere with him."

Some people have thought of this. You must know that these people have lived in this world, and their eyelashes are empty. When they are extremely shrewd, they have naturally thought of everything in advance.

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