Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 3029: Avenue Magic Lotus

Gu Fei has always been strong, no matter when he first debuted or he has become a quasi-supreme, he directly rushed into the Eastern Demon Cavern alone.

He wants to settle accounts with the demon in the Eastern Demon Cavern.

The destruction of the Taixuan Sect back then had a lot to do with the Eastern Region Devil's Cave. If it weren't for the Eastern Region Devil's Cave to suddenly break its seal and be born, the Taixuan Gate would not decline so fast.

The seal was broken that year, the demon cave reappeared, the nine peaks of Taixuan collapsed, and countless demons rushed out of the demon cave. Gu Fei did not participate in that battle, but it was extremely tragic.

All the major forces in the Eastern Region were greatly injured, especially the Taixuan Sect, which was the first to bear the brunt. Almost all of the older generation of powerhouses in the gate were killed, and only one Yao Daoist remained.

But now, even the Yao Dao Ren and others have disappeared, even if Gu Fei wanted to rebuild the Taixuan Sect, it would not be possible unless he found the missing fellows.

For so many years, he only heard the news of Zhao Zirou and Li Lingfeng, but Zhao Zirou disappeared in the heavens, and Li Lingfeng was always there when the Nantian Godzun rebelled, life and death were unpredictable.

As for the other fellows, it was as if they had disappeared from this world. Even if Gu Fei traveled all over the world and heaven, he couldn't find any trace of them.

"New hatred and old hatred, I will settle with you demon today."

Gu Fei made a strong move, and his sword light was horizontal and horizontal. He actually strangled the devil dragon that was hidden in the devil energy into several pieces.

Although the magic dragon is only a condensed from the magical powers of the devil’s evolution, it is not a real magic dragon, but when the magic dragon was strangled by Gu Fei’s sword light, it roared in agony, with scales and blood splashing. Realistic.

It was as if a real dragon was beheaded by Gu Fei with one sword.

At this time, the demon cave was already boiling, countless demon shadows rushed from all directions, and several powerful divine consciousness fluctuations swept from the depths of the demon cave.

"Gu Fei, Quasi-Supreme."

A demon shadow appeared on the opposite side of Gu Fei, and the demon who shot to Gu Fei stood behind the demon shadow respectfully.

"Black Lotus Demon Ancestor."

When Gu Fei saw the demon shadow, his pupils couldn't help but shrink. He recognized the demon, and saw a black demon riding on a demon unicorn among the demon energy.

Both the demon and the demon unicorn were surrounded by demon fire, and an unimaginable demon aura spread from the demon's body.

When Gu Zhong broke into the Demon Realm, Gu Fei's incarnation fought against the Black Lotus Demon Ancestor. At that time, the Black Lotus Demon Ancestor was extremely powerful, and Gu Fei's clone was not an opponent at all.

If the Fengdu Ghost Emperor hadn't appeared suddenly, Gu Fei's clone and Gu Zhong would be in danger.

But now, when Gu Fei met the black lotus demon ancestor again, he knew how powerful and terrifying this fierce demon was.

No wonder this fierce demon can fight the Fengdu Ghost Emperor, and he has not been killed by the Fengdu Ghost Emperor.

"There is no such old ghost to protect you now. I see who can save you."

The black lotus demon ancestor stared at Gu Fei on the opposite side. In the blood-colored pupils, blood flickered, and deep in the pupils, blood-colored magic patterns were intertwined.

"Hmph, you thought you could kill me."

Gu Fei's face was extremely solemn. This Black Lotus Demon Ancestor was really strong, but he had already seen that the Black Lotus Demon Ancestor was not an invincible Demon Ancestor.

There seems to be something wrong with the Black Lotus Demon Ancestor, there is no longer the invincible cultivation base and combat power that can fight Extreme Dao Supreme.

"Haha, the little quasi-senior dare to be crazy in front of me, he can't live or die."

The black lotus demon ancestor laughed angrily, and the voice spread far away.

At this time, the powerful demon clan experts from all directions stopped, and the Black Lotus Demon Ancestor made the shot himself, and there was no need for them to join in the fun anymore.

The powerful demon clan all retreated, watching Gu Fei and the Black Lotus Demon Ancestor.

"Gu Fei, Gu Fei from Vientiane City, he dared to break into my clan's territory."

Some powerful demon clan recognized Gu Feilai. You must know that among the demon clan in the demon cave, many demon clan powerhouses died at the hands of Gu Fei.

"If you dare to enter here, he won't want to go out alive."

Some powerful demon said with gritted teeth.

"With the black lotus demon ancestor, it will be difficult for him to live."

All the strong demon clan are not optimistic about Gu Fei, they are very aware of the power of the Black Lotus Demon Ancestor, that is one of the most powerful existence in the demon cave, has shocked nine days and ten places.

The Black Lotus Demon Ancestor is one of the masters in the Eastern Demon Cavern.

"Fight, either you killed me today, or you were killed by me."

Gu Fei said, an extremely powerful fighting intent erupted from his body, and the quasi-sovereign level aura spread out with great strength and shocked the demons.

"as you wish."

The Black Lotus Demon Ancestor didn't say much, and immediately, two **** magic lights rushed out of his eyes, turning into two blood knives and slashing towards the opposite Gu Fei.


In Gu Fei's eyes, there were also Dao patterns intertwined, and the chaotic light was flickering. In the eyes, two chaotic sword shadows rushed out and directly greeted the blood knife coming from the chopping.

The chaotic sword light and the blood demon sword light collided in an instant, and at the same time dissipated into the void.

At the same time, the two figures moved quickly in the void and fought into a battle. The violent power fluctuations rushed out in all directions, and the entire magic cave was shaking.

From the depths of the devil's cave, there was a palpable demon roar, like a group of demons dancing in a wild, and the terrifying devil's aura came out in the depths of the devil's cave.

The Black Lotus Demon Ancestor is just one of the several masters in the Eastern Demon Cavern, and the master of the Demon Race has not come out deep in the Demon Cavern.

Although the masters of the demon race did not come out, their existence was also an invisible threat to Gu Fei, because he didn't know if the guys in the depths of the demon cave would jump out or when.


The void vibrated, and a series of pitch-black spatial cracks continued to collapse in the air, just as black lightning appeared suddenly, and the aura of destruction permeated.

"This Gu Fei turned out to be..."

The powerful demons who watched the battle in the distance were shocked and inexplicable. This Gu Fei was so powerful that it could compete with the Black Lotus Demon Ancestor, which really made the demons unbelievable.

"This guy can't stay."

An older generation of demon among the Demon Race said that Gu Fei's growth is definitely a great threat to the Demon Race.


The demon unicorn under the black lotus demon ancestor's crotch was roaring. This monster was once interrupted by Fengdu Ghost Emperor with a unicorn horn, but now, its interrupted unicorn horn has grown out.

The black magic light on the unicorn horns of the magic unicorn constantly rushed out and bombarded Gu Fei. It was the mysterious mysterious thunder. If it was hit, it would be destroyed by an instant blast.

The ordinary saints are hard to be spared, but Gu Fei is not the saint, but the quasi-supreme. The chaotic light that gushes out of his body blocked the black lightning that struck him.

Although the Demon Qilin under the Black Lotus Demon Ancestor's crotch was powerful, it was no longer a threat to Gu Fei.

Gu Fei's opponent was only the Black Lotus Demon Ancestor, the supreme Demon Ancestor who had frightened nine heavens and ten places in the past and fought out the prestigious Demon Ancestor.



Gu Fei's palms constantly collided with the hands of the Black Lotus Demon Ancestor, and a dull sound continued to be heard, and the chaotic power and the power of the magic way continued to collide.

The two figures moved quickly in the void, and everything they passed was destroyed directly. The two figures rushed past, and the powerful demons who could not escape were instantly shaken into blood mist by the mighty power fluctuations. , Direct appearance and spirit will be destroyed.

All the powerful demons were terrified and panicked, and they had to hide from a distance.


Chaos light and magic light burst out suddenly, and Gu Fei and Black Lotus Demon Ancestor both flew upside down.

The magic unicorn under the black lotus demon ancestor's cough was coughing up blood, if it weren't for the black lotus demon ancestor to protect the demon unicorn under the crotch, this demon unicorn would have died long ago.

"What demon ancestor, but so."

Standing in the void, Gu Fei looked at the Black Lotus Demon Ancestor on the opposite side disdainfully and said, his palms were aching, and the Demon Ancestor of Black Lotus was also extremely powerful, not inferior to Gu Fei's Chaos Martial Body.

"is it."

The Black Lotus Demon Ancestor said coldly, the powerful Demon Dao aura exploded from his body, and a hideous demon shadow appeared on his body.

"The warm-up is over, kill."

Gu Fei didn't have too much words, it turned into a chaotic light, and rushed towards the black lotus demon ancestor on the opposite side, and the strongest chaotic power burst from his body.

On Gu Fei's body, the chaotic essence was vigorous, and the whole person seemed to be enveloped by a chaotic fire. Where he passed, the void was shattering, leaving a space crack.

The black lotus demon ancestor also broke out a wave of the strongest magic power, a black lotus emerged from his eyebrows, and then flew out.


Gu Fei directly hit the black lotus with a punch, and the quasi-senior-level fist burst out, directly shook the sky and the earth, but could not shake the black lotus.

The black lotus was only the size of a fist, but it was heavier than one hundred thousand ancient sacred mountains. A magical power erupted from the black lotus, and Gu Fei was shocked by this force and flew away.

This is the magic lotus of the great road, with unpredictable magic power.


The magic lotus caught up with Gu Fei in an instant, and then the magic lotus bloomed, a force of swallowing the sky swept away from the magic lotus, and instantly enveloped Gu Fei, pulling Gu Fei into the magic lotus.


The road magic lotus vibrated, and the lotus petals began to close, sealing Gu Feizhen in the magic lotus.


The Black Lotus Demon Ancestor burst into laughter. If his Demon Lotus can dissolve this human race, his cultivation level may almost be restored to its peak state.

"Master Mozu won."

A group of powerful demons in the distance could not help being shocked when they saw this scene. They never expected that this battle would end so soon.

That arrogant and powerful Gu Fei was actually taken in by the Dao Demon Lotus of the Black Lotus Demon Ancestor. This is really a big devil heart.

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